Saturday, July 12, 2008

audrey tagged me to do this

1)Do you have a wide group of friends ? not really

2)If you're in trouble , will your friends 'fly' to help you ? that question shouldnt be for me

3)Will you sacrifice your most precious thing for your friends ? depends on what and who

4)Do you believe in BFF ? no

5)Do you think a straight man and a woman can just be platonic friends ?why not?

6)Do you have a male friend whom you can trust with almost everything ?well, i dunno

7)Do you think friends should tell each other everything ? of course not everything lah

8)If your friends are in trouble , what will you do ? help lor

9)In future , if your friends get married and ask you to be their bridesmaid, will you agree ? haha why not!

10)What if your enemy calls you one day to make peace? lol which enemy

11)What will you do to a friend whom you trust deeply, betrayed you? was what you did considered so? i dunno. but yeah disappointed me lots

12)If your friend snatches your bf away , will you hate him or her completely ? not much point in hating them

13)What if there is a guy who has liked your friend for quite some time, tells you that he needs your help to win the heart of your friend, will you help him? haha duh

14)Do your parents think your friends are a bad influence ? haha nope. actually they only know like how many of my firends =.=

15)What will you tell your parents if they asked you to transfer school, which means losing all your closest friends? not that i never did transfer sch, cept that my parents never intiated it. most likely not?

16)If your friend organizes a once in a life time party, but your family doesn’t allow you to go , will you sulk/throw a temper/sneak out/don’t go? throw a temper

17)How will you describe your friendship relationship with your friends?obviously dependent on who. close to some of them. and like audrey said, the rest are juz friends

18)Define friendship . i cant define it. juz based on what you feel and trust

19)Name 20 people whom you can think right now . don’t read the questions until you named the 20 people . at the end , choose 5 people to do this. (eh did it that time right... so i shall juz be cheapskate, copy and paste. even though some stuff has changed)

01. wh

02. sarah

03. jean

04. jia

05. ttk

06. tzy

07. eggy

08. yi ting

09. kyx

10. liting

11. ching yee

12. tze hui

13. audrey

14. tiny

15. wn

16. shi ting

17. sim hwee

18. bao xian

19. shantelle

20. keegan0

1.How did you meet #14?[tiny] cuz of bball! hahahah.... and jia and eggy and wn too =D

02. What would you do if you didnt meet #1?[wh] whoa... if i didnt meet her, then i might juz have been damn antisocial in hpps! cuz like the only other girl would be sw... man wh had quite a big influence

03. What if #9 and #20 dated?[kyx and keegan] lol my list got so few guys then happen to be 2 of them in this question

04. Describe #3.[jean] she's erm... nice to talk to! haha and suicidal X) lol tan de lai and has lots of cuo zi like me!

05. Is #8 attractive?[yiting] hmmm...

06. Describe #7.[eggy] childish! lol erm what, innocent? and haha i dunno what to say leh X)

07. Know of any of #12's family members?[tze hui] she has 2 older brothers and parents lor..

08. What will you do if #18 confesses that he/she likes you?[baoxian] point is, she wont

09. What language does #15 speak?[wn] english, chinese and i think she knows hokkien

10. Who is #9 going out with?[kyx] hahahhaha what a question man! lol WHO ELSE.... but ...... mwahahaha

11. How old is #16?[shi ting] haha 13 but must grow! XD

12. When is the last time you spoke to #13?[audrey] erm... on msn i think... or was it on the last day of sch

13. Who is #2's favourite band/singer?[sarah] i dun think she has one

14. You ever date #4?[jia] hahahaha... what do you think?

15. Would you ever date #1?[wh] like real

16. Is #19 single?[shantelle] yeah... lol niece-in-law17. What's #10 last name?[liting] liting lor

18. Would you ever be in a relationship with #11?[ching yee] friends lor, wushu mates, both doing jian! and xin jingsaijian some more

19. School of #3?[jean] Haha same school as me

20. Where does #6 live?[tzy] anchorage. rich guy!!

21. Whats your favourite thing about #5?[ttk] he's so damn amusing!! like humourous and all.... and erm he's nice

Next 5 ppl to do the survey.(Lol audrey tagged most of the ppl i wanted to tag!)
1. jia
2. lynn
3. eggy
4. tiny
5. yi ting

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