Wednesday, July 28, 2010


after talking to ching yee yesterday, i felt that i had to like say this. nothing important lah, just that it seems damn stupid. the whole four tier differentiated learning in chinese is really just crap =.= like sure differentiated in terms of no of movies you watch and maybe the amount you get to copy. content wise, only slightly. and all that hype about bsp, about the importance of grooming billingual individuals to blah blah blah just seems really stupid. i mean like, bsp in nanyang really doesnt cover much. one hour a week. im quite sure if you go around asking bsp students in nanyang what they learnt, they would probably take a while to respond. and most of us probably can only say the topic, nothing much content wise. like all those whatever 运动 that we learnt about. i practically dont know anything about it. bsp in nanyang is totally not an accurate reflection of china studies in hwa chong. not even one of a millionth.

oh look! I feel so prepared for that! =.=

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