Friday, June 5, 2009

so what?

been super busy since the hols started. got a lot to post about but like no time now. haha monday street sales, tuesday to thurs bsp camp, fri street sales. no break lah. and i juz wanted to say that im very irritated by certain yfc groups. cuz we're not supposed to have ny volunteers and these ppl dun care about it. they continue recruiting volunteers from ny and getting them to help out in their street sales when idiots like us have no ny ppl for volunteers at all. its not that we didnt recruit as well right? but in the end we told them not to come. its not fair lah. if we had ny volunteers, we would be making like so much more during our street sales. its no big deal to brag about how much you made if u didnt do it how you were supposed to. and sry but we dun have rich parents to back us up or anything. so shut up and go away.

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