So class chalet is gonna be after eoys. whatever. didnt manage to go either last year, so i suppose it doesnt really matter that i wont be going this year either?
been slacking pretty much the whole day. shall go do work now. lol i realised that recently my posts are getting shorter and shorter. suppose that there isnt really much to say about what's happening now. or rather there isnt even anything going on so whats there to write about?
oh yeah wanted to say that songs sang in melayu and chinese are unexpectedly nice.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Posted by
11:05 PM
Thursday, September 24, 2009
oral yesterday was quite good! haha luckily she asked about sukan kegemaran, not sukan lasak. got the studio televisyen test back =D haha better than i expected. actually got full marks for the cloze o.o kind of guessed a few.
uh got nothing much to say bout today. the URA visit was quite a waste of time. lol me and amanda were busy reading out what was on the stickers stuck in the history room after history for like 15 mins. somehow it was very amusing even though it was stuff like khmer rogue and mao. i suppose we were amusing ourselves.
eoys next week! i'll make something out of it this time.
Posted by
9:23 PM
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
wow this place is dead. and argh blogger juz deleted everything i typed. lol was talking bout batch outing and the crazy stuff we did. haha and the quiz was damn ridiculous.
had malay test yesterday. di studio televisyen. haha didnt expect her to let us write a bicarawara. should have juz looked at the script for the interview she made us film before the test.. lol but at least i memorised it quite well so still could rmb some stuff. oral next week! tentang sukan kegemaran! lol i think we did this last year at moelc. but sukan is the easiest topic to do, so good for us.
training today was damn slack lah. went up late cuz the shanghai briefing lasted practically 2 hours and had to go find yang to decide on lun wen topic. apparantly the started playing a while after training started and we ended at about 5 something o.o lol the game was irritating at times. cuz as usual the lower sec had like double the number of ppl =.= and yet there were 10 ppl crowding around the pathetic goal =.= haha but anyway there were ppl passing very *aherm* comments xDDD
oh yeah and i wanted to say that eat 4 a cause was a success! thanks a lot to those who came =D yfc is just about ending and it does feel kind of weird not having to do anymore yfc stuff.
Posted by
7:52 PM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
wen hui you better come back soon!
went out with sharmaine and wen hui! =D haha went to jurong point, but me and wen hui were late so sharmaine was waiting for us at macs xD eh but it was damn qiao cuz i met wen hui on the train, like she was in the same carraige x) then we went to find sharmaine but someone thought she was at macs when she was at kfc =.= and she never noticed the difference!
walked to the cinema wondering if we should watch a show but the queues were crazy lah! i think it was worse than the usual queue in the canteen when it's crowded. so of course didnt watch in the end and we juz walked around jurong point and ended up at macs again. then we started talking bout all sorts of stuff. haha wen hui's card that gave her access to a pub or something and sheesh the spelling errors were so obvious!
decided to eat at subway and we talked a lot more... about weird people who wear newspaper pants, are seemingly anorexic and lol rubbish in general. talked a lot about stuff in school and i realised nus high has only 100 plus ppl per level o.o sharmaine got a shock when she knew ny has like 400 something. and apparently wen hui has a fan club of 10 ppl O.O damn weird!
walked around after that and sharmaine bought ear studs i think. lol yes i didnt pierce my ears. too bad! xD and that wen hui didnt buy anything after taking so long to decide what to buy -.-''' went to the wallet shop. haha sharmaine got this new wallet cuz her old one is... quite rotten. and again wen hui was looking at the wallets for a loooooooong time and didnt buy in the end! =.= haha went to starbucks and cuz the three of us were so broke, we were quite pathetic and shared a cup of iced mocha or something. i never knew they had vanilla powder there... lol i think we got like 2 cups in all and juz mixed it into our drinks. took a lot of pictures, of how disgusting looking the drink was when we were pouring it and we talked and talked AGAIN. oh yeah we cleared sharm's wallet of all her receipts and stuff and we found out she keeps library receipts to keep track of the books she has read! xDD
somehow went into this fashion after that. and that was a terrible move! SHEESH. i shouldnt have agreed to go in!! they made me do something i think i probably wont do in a long time, not even for graces i suppose. arghh. if wen hui wasnt going to france the next day, i would never have agreed... i bet the two of them were gloating! and argh pictures! lol i think its quite obvious what they made me do, but the ny ppl probably wont ever see it anyway, so nvm! x)
heh that was about all we did that day. but somehow we talked on and on about anything and everything.. i think the bulk of the time that day was spent on talking XP was damn fun! cept for the this fashion part x) cant believe the next time we probably will go out like that is in i dunno how long.... heh never felt that shuang in a long time.
totally didnt feel like national day cuz wen hui was gonna go to france later that night. my dad sent me to the airport at night and fetched sharm along the way =) lol talked to sharmaine all the way to the airport. reached at bout 9 and wen hui was stuck in a jam, so we went to eat at ya kun! haha sharm doest eat the egg yolk, but she was forced to eat part of it anyway, cuz she shared the egg with me x) went up to find wen hui after that and lol she was in the other set of clothing that she had! xDD
i passed her the letter then sharm realised that she didnt write anything even though she wanted to. haha so borrowed post it from wen hui and she started writing. wen hui's dad got us to go to swensen's to get a drink and lol their service is pathetically slow. didnt even serve ice water even though we asked for it and i think they took bout 10 mins to serve root beer =.=
finally we had to send wen hui off. it felt very nostalgic and there was this very sinking feeling. 6 years after all, out of 15 years of my life. didnt cry but felt like something was missing i suppose. then when she finally left i had a very weird feeling that i cant really describe. kind of uneasy i guess and partially disbelief. have fun in france wen hui! and dun you dare forget about coming back!
Posted by
11:23 PM
Monday, August 10, 2009
block tests are overrrrrrrr.... whats done is done so yeah hope for the best i guess. a lot of stuff have happened these days after blocks ended. okay shall attempt to blog bout everyday since like thursday.
after blocks had to discuss ydf funfair stuff. and there's founders day celebration on fri plus the long delayed ydf. apparantly we're supposed to do nanzhong quan.. better not get the wushu ppl to do it. anyway after that went out for batch lunch, cept the grace wasnt there. and lol guess who we saw on the overhead bridge! hahaha the seniors decided to go kap as well, cept they were behaving unlike what seniors should behave like so we pretended we didnt know them.
talked bout a lot of stuff at kap, and after that the focus juz became on fairy tales and how the orignial version was mutated from some sadistic scandalous horror story into some idealistic bedtime story for kids. hahaha it was quite amusing with all the scandals and weird storylines plus the violent happenings in the original story.
had training after that and taught yiting the jiti tao. or at least up to the liu shui part and xue was being quite erm extra trying to correct her moves because the main point was to juz rmb how to do it. anyway, we went up and the rest finished learning the whole jiti tao so janice had to teach us. somehow halfway li ting took over and yeah we continued learning the tao. almost finished learning then my eyes started hurting like crap cuz of the light and yeah so stopped. but im only left with a bit more i suppose.
national days celebrations were a lot shorter than usual. the main thing we did was the mascot thing. and i have to say that the winners were rather pathetic. like i think they were the worst out of the lot lah =.= bet the judges were blind. btw, chooi was one of the judges.
met sarah and celine after that and were thinking of how to spend the 2, 3 hours we had while waiting for the hc guys to be done. started talking bout elections! and about how much pressure the captain would have if it wasnt emily. then we realised how wushu has the worst electing system ever =.= probably cuz no one ever bothered much. went to find carissa and we all decided to stone at the new starbucks. ahaha then me and sarah stared talking bout elections again... the sec 3s came but didnt even stay for apcg outing -.-''' so we went to poolside cafe to wait for the sec 4s to come back from their visit of patriotic places. haha and so we juz passed time by talking bout random stuff and how time passses so quickly.
finally they came and we went to west mall. had subway then went to bowl. haha the games were rather amusing. lol the first 2 games i bowled were okayish but i like the third game! and haha someone was having evil thoughts... lol not that the context provided wouldnt leave some people thinking like that xD after that we had this crrazy camwhoring session with various cameras and it was damn amusing. i think we spent super long taking pictures lah! the we decided to walk down the stairs and somehow found a place to take pictures again x) i think it was quite successful in the sense that we had a lot of amusement, even though the number of people who went was =.= juz like always
Posted by
4:31 PM
Monday, August 3, 2009
ih la and bio overrrr! lol ih was okayish, but i really cant tell how well or how badly i did. lets hope i get the mark i did for my assignments. la was okay i suppose considering how long unseen prose has been left untouched esp with kong as the teacher =.= and sheesh bio.... lol im very unsure of my answers and im not gonna talk anymore about it. just wanted to say once again that its very irritating to keep saying how low marks you're gonna get and how you screwed up the damn paper when you probably will get back yr papers with at least 80% or something and still be unhappy about it. at least in 313 you hear a lot less of this kind of crap.
wen hui is going to france on national day!!! and she's gonna be gone for like 2 years O.O so damn long! lol and i realise i've known you for about 6 years! =D a lot of stuff happened previously and wow you're like suddenly going to france... haha have fun there! definitely will go and see you off on sunday =P
Posted by
6:29 PM
Saturday, August 1, 2009
sometimes i wonder whether its worth it. like im putting in so much but somehow its not appreciated. maybe its just cuz im so stupid to be doing so much for something that doesnt really have much importance to some of you. its very frustrating.
anyway, training these few days have been quite shuang, and amazingly i felt better after having training. lol learning taos are the best! oh did i mention that chai wanted us to finish learning jiti on thursday and xue said previously that we should finish learning by september. o.O whoa... haha chai was juz being lame as usual.
i dunno what im doing... was doing math the whole day =.= when its ih and bio i should be studying for. whoa damn smart.
pe on friday was damn amusing! hahaha both matches were damn funny and shi ting's expression when she was trying to prevent me from intercepting was amusing. it looked cramped up or something xD and i suppose im getting used to 313 and maybe starting to appreciate some people for who they are.
(blogger is screwed! i want to change the font damn it)
Posted by
5:58 PM
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Limelight yesterday! Oh and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TZE HUI! HAHAHA hope you like the tic tac. Lol maybe you;ll get sick of it because its such a big pack. And I realize I always jaywalk across the 8 roads when im at esplanade, cuz like there’s no human traffic light. Haha and I influence various ppl to do it with me xD
Training today was a lot better than expected. Played captains ball then went straight to tao and Emily was teaching us today! Ahaha li ting and carol were ‘helping’ her but I think they kinda got a bit mixed up with their tao. I think the tao is damn cool! Plus like the emo walk in! we learnt the liu shui part today and omg the jumping up into a gong bu and doing qian gun with a dao after you land is quite luan x) I think we need to lian quite a bit on that. But anyway, I think this is like the nicest jiti tao we’ve had and we’re gonna own next year! No more cchms. Or some freaking random orchid park =.=
These few days have been quite hectic and yeah tiring. Block test next week. The prospect is scary. Its probably as important as eoys would be, but im not feeling the urge to study or something which sucks. Cuz I think a lot depends on the block test and like wow I’ll juz go like I usually do – unprepared. Its not a good thing to be partially numb from all the disappointment I suppose.
Oh yeah elections are like next next week after block test. And this time there’s gonna be a sec 4 and sec 3 vice pres which means like this year’s sec 3 and 2. nothing against the sec 2s, but I feel it isn’t fair to the sec 3s or the sec 2s with this next system thing. I mean, the sec 3s should deserve 2 vice pres places. And the sec 2s shouldn’t be taking on vice pres in juz what, 2 weeks? There’s a lot of pressure and expectations on the person who becomes vice pres when she’s only sec 2. ever wondered what if that person didn’t get elected as pres or vice pres when she’s in sec 3? It sucks like shit. Like, what kind of arrangement is this. And now with only 1 sec 3 as vice pres I really have no idea who I’ll vote for. And the president. I dun want to vote for the president, and I dun think anyone in my batch would want either, because we have absolutely no idea who we should vote for. Everyone is rather equal unlike previous years, where it was obviously one person or maybe 2 at most. But now its seriously… I dun actually think any of us wanna be the president cuz it comes with all that responsibility and that expectation of being pro, like how you’ll keep being compared to the rest and stuff. Plus the president has to deal with wu, chai and xue. That would suck a lot esp if you’re supposed to talk to them about something but they juz scolded you unreasonably when you were doing your tao. I want to void my vote! Lol I bet on that day, the sec 3s will be the last to pass the paper to the sec 4s. and chances are we’ll juz end up writing a random name.
Posted by
11:53 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009
i feel like an idiot. seriously whats the point in all this? wouldnt it make things a lot better if you stopped pretending? be decisive. you either show me that this is worth me trying or you can juz totally ignore me. stop appearing so nonchalent at times and yet so concerned or something. im sick and tired of all this. yeah so choose and decide what you want to do about this, cuz i dun intend to bother anymore.
Posted by
11:30 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
its irritating how things can change so quickly, and more often than not, its because we dun really try. like 5j, 213, apcg, everything in fact is slowly drifting away. there's always only that same few people perhaps making that effort to keep the friendship and all, but in the end its always the same. Somehow everything juz changes so quickly. and it all becomes so awakward just as quickly. soon people will feel out of place with each other, not knowing what to talk to each other about, and somehow its seems as though nothing is enough. when you look back at all the stuff that happened and we did together you'll think, of course we'll keep in touch. after all these stuff that we have done, there's a certain bond forged.
this all doesnt make sense, does it? i suppose the same thing will happen to qin bing, seniors, batchmates, and everyone else. because we're all just moving on, and we never look back to see what we have left behind. then as time passes, it all becomes to late because we cant care anymore. i suppose thats how adults have so few friends in comparison to us. because thats what happens and we all just cant be bothered. actually we might mind all this thats happening and want to change it, but a lot of people probably wont take action.
this sucks and its absolutely irritating to be going through this process again and again. you meet and you develop a friendship that somehow seems it'll last for a certain amount of time, but it turns out that its barely worth anything. not enough for others to make an effort to try and keep the bond that we shared. its the same for 5j, 213, apcg, etc. and when we leave nanyang, everything changes again.
yeah we probably feel the same way, but it takes a consistent effort to maintain a relationship. it will only fade if no one bothers bout it, and soon enough it wont matter enough to mend it. its crazy how things are going now because i think i have this really superficial relationship, friendship with a lot of people around me.
when we try to organise outings, of course people always can come at the start. but somehow they will always have something on and cancel on us one by one. like the apcg outings and the best lah class chalet. its not as though the date wasnt set a long time ago. and even though we didnt end up having chalet, thats no excuse. attendence is always pathetic. and its by no coincidence that everytime we have outings for various stuff its always the same people. others juz cant be bothered, eh?
anyway, APCG anniversary tmr! wow. cant believe it. but things are very different now. still... i had a great time at apcg and we shall attempt to organise a successful outing.
Posted by
12:27 AM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
lol this place is so dead. i didnt blog about a lot of stuff, esp qin bing outing! ahaha it was so damn fun =D
i dun really know what to say, but like school these days have juz been... its really becoming some routine whereby almost the same thing happens everyday or something and its getting quite sickening the way things are right now. life is seriously boring.
got lots of stuff that im supposed to do, but i never get down to it. anyway i miss watching 突围行动, now there's like no decent show to watch.
为着 力追心中那意思
活着 为志愿尽力尝试
活别 若有幸定能重遇
日后 让故事从头来说
为求事实力探 那管你是谁
为着 力追心中那意思
活着 为志愿尽力尝试
活别 若有幸定能重遇
日后 让故事从头来说
为求事实力探 那管你是谁
Posted by
6:59 PM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
so much stuff has happened recently but i havent had the time or mood to blog about it. surprisingly even though i've already gone for 8 street sales (WHICH IS LIKE ALL?!) so far, i havent talked about it in detail at all. and i dont think i intend to because there are only 2 words that can describe the 2 main feelings i have when doing street sales. frustrated and encouraged.
frustrated because a lot of ppl dao you as though you're invisible and there are idiots along the street that you wanna bash up. and also because i went for more than double anyone else in my yfc group went for street sales, so it was damn sickening. encouraging because there are some ppl who donated generously and you could tell they werent that well off. also, almost all of our volunteers cept for ... (even though we didnt have a lot) were really putting in a lot of effort to help us sell stuff. oh thanks wen hui, tk and charmaine! =D haha wen hui even though when you came we didnt do street sales, but you made me feel a lot better and it was nice to see you after so long! tk, even though you didnt sell a lot, but you did try a lot lah. haha and a lot of amusement xD and charmaine thanks for coming to help out and getting so many ppl to come along as well! =P
class outing! shall juz talk briefly bout it cuz i should be sleeping right now. on the 16th went to audrey's house after street sales and we attempted to do ih sia for the night. lol but was quite fail lah. the next day was class outing! or supposed to be...
shall list the ppl that came:
and me =.=
i dun understand why we only had seven people coming when like sarah said, 16th of june was reserved a long time ago. we booked 3 months in advance? and its not that you told us you couldnt come one month in advance or something. so many people cancelled on the last minute. if we really had been able to stay in the chalet, i suppose we would have to pay more, cuz the ppl who cancelled last minute probably wouldnt wanna pay for something they didnt go. class outing? we didnt even have half the class there =.= and considering our class size thats pathetic.
okay anyway, the next day carissa had to go to ccab for some briefing thing. so me, sarah and audrey were in audrey's mum's room eating, watching tv and playing cards. haha but it was relatively amusing. and there was attempted brainwashing of csi miami xD the night before as well actually. finally lauren reached and carissa came back, so we set off for west mall quite late. we left at 1 plus? but cuz audrey told charlotte to meet at 12, we were worried that she was there waiting for us like an hour ago or something.
crap. its like 2 liao. i'll probably continue later.
Posted by
12:39 AM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
okay i know this is really really late, but whatever im still gonna post bout bsp camp! =D

Posted by
4:03 PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
gonna blog in detail bout the past week! heh monday had street sales that rachel was supposed to come for but she didnt come cuz she was sick. brought brandon along, so in the morning it was brandon, joyan and me. did quite well for our first street sales, i think. haha and its quite interesting to see all the different reactions you get from various people, like how they desperately try to avoid you. audrey came in the afternoon, after practising for the dance part of the performance for bsp camp. we were like counting our money and merchandise in public, whoops xD haha but there was no other place so i was feeling kind of worried that someone would juz come over and snatch our stuff. oh the bookmarks sell super well =D
bsp camp! ahaha went to sch on tues to assemble and go to sports sch for bsp camp. lol yang was damn luan about who was in mo and who wasnt, so she kept calling out names of ppl she thought were supposed to be assembly then, but they actually had mo. lol was stoning around with chloe.
ahh lol gtg liao. i'll like continue bout bsp camp tmr or something.
Posted by
12:05 AM
Friday, June 5, 2009
so what?
been super busy since the hols started. got a lot to post about but like no time now. haha monday street sales, tuesday to thurs bsp camp, fri street sales. no break lah. and i juz wanted to say that im very irritated by certain yfc groups. cuz we're not supposed to have ny volunteers and these ppl dun care about it. they continue recruiting volunteers from ny and getting them to help out in their street sales when idiots like us have no ny ppl for volunteers at all. its not that we didnt recruit as well right? but in the end we told them not to come. its not fair lah. if we had ny volunteers, we would be making like so much more during our street sales. its no big deal to brag about how much you made if u didnt do it how you were supposed to. and sry but we dun have rich parents to back us up or anything. so shut up and go away.
Posted by
11:11 PM
Thursday, May 28, 2009
sabbats week! ahaha i like my sabbats. organic cooking is like quite fun and we get A LOT of food. haha really a lot lah. the portions are quite huge. and she makes a lot of nice stuff. haha plus we have entertainment from random people infiltrating the kitchen during our sabbats. haha the humour ppl tze, erica and jinyin always stand outside and laugh. lol but tze always comes in and she got 'caught' by mrs kuan today. xD
then stained glass was finishing up the cutting and grinding of the glass pieces. lol copper foiling now.
training. i think i've juz become the most hated person on chai's hate list or something. i keep opposing him and not doing what he wants for obvious reasons. why the hell do me and wan qing need to wear wigs juz because we are acting as old people in his stupid xiao pin? and what happens when i tell him the wigs will fall off? all he can do is ask us to think of a way to prevent it from dropping, cuz if we dun think of a way there's no way that it wont drop. and he turns back and asks me why other ppl can wear wigs while fighting and yet they wont drop off.
chai: 如果你不要假发掉出来,你就想阿,想个办法让他不要掉下来吗,真是的。怎么那些人戴假发都可以打来打去,你们却不行呢?想阿,你不想怎么会知道。真是的,现在的孩子怎么这样的?
that was something along the lines of what chai said. like whathe hell? in the first place, why must me and wan qing be the ones thinking about how to attach the freaking wigs without letting it fall when we fight and fall and wtv crap. and you think it's that easy to get a wig ah? in case you dun know, you need MONEY. that stupid chai lah. not that he will even pay or anything right. then he still wants me and wan qing to change to lao ren clothes for the xiao pin then change back. so what? change to byf, kai chang, jiti, change clothes, xiao pin, change back, bi mu. wow. very fun eh? that is like so realistic and i'll probably collapse halfway in the middle of the performance. not that i dun have to walk from one end to another and wtv crap.
chai is an ass. he thinks so highly of himself juz cuz he's in charge of this foa performance. walao eh he didnt care half as much about our comps. and no wu, we dun appreciate you trying to talk to us about yr wonderful 'xiao chai' as you call him, cuz the 2 of you are in the same league and there's no point saying anything. and if you call him 小伙子, then everyone in wushu would be 幼儿. pls lah he's not that young. and somehow what the 2 of u say dun actually match. chai keeps saying that ta jian guo hen duo xue sheng, shen me yang de xue sheng mei jian guo. then wu goes on about how young chai is and we should give him a chance because he's not very experience. HAH. stop talking bout how young chai is in front of us when he's probably double our age =.= hello he may be young to you cuz you're so old but no we do not find him young.
training sucked, sucks and will continue to suck for i dunno how long. there's no point in doing it over and over again if we arent convince we should yong xin to do it. use your brains, idiot. no one is really doing the performance stuff properly lah. foa is gonna be a failure. hah. lucikly we're in the afternoon performance eh? cuz no one wants to watch us, we dun want ppl to see this kind of performance and we wont get ppl watching anyway. its not worth watching anyway.
Posted by
10:29 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
open house yesterday was quite pointless lah. like everything was screwed up and my whole body felt like it was breaking apart thanks to 5 items on friday. or rather the falling down from sbj part. my arms feel quite dead now... and apparantly it looked quite scary when i juz piaked down like that... anyway, for open house wushu was supposed to perform in the quadrangle, but somehow it ended up being npcc. xian lah. supposed to perform jiti with 3 ppl. wth?! so we ended up getting ching yee to come after MO and alyssa and yiting to come cuz they were staying in the boarding sch. haha but when we finally did perform it was damn screwed. the quadrangle was damn slippery that i kept slipping and almost fell. plus we hadnt lianed the tao since comps ended so sorta wang dong zuo. haha sarah yr ce shuai! xD
me, grace and susi were talking bout our wushu and our batch being underpriviledged and stuff before the rest came. and we were feeling bu zhi for ourselves =.= haha but whatever lah then we talked bout next year's captain, that can actually be anyone. cuz we all have a fairly equal chance and no one is despo to become captain or anything. and emily is pro in wushu, but like a captain has to actually come for enough trainings and stuff... lol and i dun think anyone in my batch actually wants to be a captain. haha cuz it comes with all that responsibility and crap.
had lunch as a batch with the coupons and stuff which were supposed to only be enough for 10 people?! yeah right. lol then we talked bout quite a lot of stuff.. with cun zhang and all that. haha then after that went into the bs and watch ppl go crazy of mvs =.=
the holiday training is like wow... fully packed lah. and all cuz of foa. not that we're even performing for the 7.30pm show right.
Posted by
4:57 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I'm not happy with my grades. Not satisfied. I'm sick of getting mediocre grades, but forgot the feeling of what it's like to attain mediocrity. You nod, feel a little shitty, then get over it. Maybe get a little uplifted by the fact that you didn't get zero, and who bloody cares anyway? I've failed at a lot of stuff this year. But it's not as fascinating as getting some very high mark. I missed a lot of lessons but that's not enough to feed my ego. By all means, get what you get, and good for you, but personally I'm disgusted with whatever I've achieved so far. Achieved isn't even the right word for it. All I've done is laid back and let nature take its course.
- saw all these on jia's blog and i find it extremely appicable?
not really gonna rant bout not being satisfied with my grades, but i juz feel cheated. im getting to used to getting this kind of grades and its sickening. and i HATE it when people complain in my face about how lousy they are when im probably like an ultimate failure compared to them. so shut up now before i blow up in your face. there's something i wanna say bout 213 and 313, that after we get back our marks, it is very different in these 2 classes. 213 will have like practically the whole class ranting about their wonderfully low marks and seriously lah these ppl always HAPPEN to be those who do well. things are like more toned down in 313? when i get back my marks, i dun feel the same pressure of comparison as when i was in 213. thats because most ppl know that they shouldnt kick up a big fuss over nothing. so like if you're one of those who suck like shit with yr get back exams/marks reaction, go find your own world of friends like that and rant all you want cuz im not the least bit interested.
nowadays im getting damn sick of stuff and some ppl are juz being so fake? like i have no idea wtf you want cuz you're like trying to do who knows what. and please rmb that im not invisible and that i actually exist? like hello. no its not funny if you ignore me one moment and act like you're on 100% good terms with me the next. stop faking lah.
napfa tmr! lol its 5 stations...
Posted by
11:39 PM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
whoops i havent blogged in like a loooooong time. haha this is super lag but kay hilary i'll talk bit bout 4x400m. lol i think we did like super well lah! i mean like some of us never tried runnign 400m before and we never ran together and stuff. haha lol when hui ran was running towards me to pass the baton i was still damn scared bout running 400, cuz like my long dis is =.= but eh the 400m was damn fun lah! haha overtaking ppl is damn shuang as well. we came in like 3rd in our heat which is super good lah, considering the other ppl competing.
ah going crazy nowadays. got back all the block test papers and as usual, it was disappointing. careless mistakes are like the bane of my life or something. cuz they are really damn costly. lol my history paper the best lah. 11/13 for sbq, then 4/12 for essay =.= wah piang eh end up scrape 60% xian. and on a random note, lily chua has 3 dogs and 4 cats who apparently fight for her attention and get jealous of one another when she gives one of them more attention o.O
xian lah. i cant stand getting like this kind of crappy results anymore. and no im not like those lousy ppl who have dumb ideas on what crappy means. i dun want to get used to it, but like somehow my efforts dun really pay off? its tiring to keep trying and failing like some idiot. i think like since p4 i never got results that i felt were actually up to some standard maybe cept for chinese sometimes. and the only time i do super well for everything is PSLE =.= then go to sec sch it goes back again. and now what? my chinese is screwed as well. what BSP scholar? dun come and tell me im in bsp and im a scholar so my chinese better than yours. cuz my results probably show that i have wonderfully sucky chinese. for all you know they take me off scholarship in view of my wonderful performance in chinese so far.
somehow i juz cant get what i think i deserve, esp when its not a lot to ask for. anyway training today was like waste of time lah. chai should stop bothering bout his stupid xiao pin and stop deceiving himself that he's steven spielberg in charge of some hollywood blockbuster or something. cuz he thinks too highly of himself. shouldnt we be focusing more on our jiti? the xiao pin is an additional thing, not the main focus of our performance. and he's becoming super overbearing when pai-ing the dui da parts during the xiao pin. lol so all we do is ignore chai. haha and its damn funny acting with wan qing. lol lao tai po! we'll like sit at one side and criticise him and do random stuff.
Posted by
11:11 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
went for the ldp thing yesterday. and was damn xian lah. the first speech was still okay then that guy went to speak and wth he took up like half an hour. he's speech was supposed to be what, 15 mins? and before he started his speech still said that the emcee shouldnt introduce the speaker longer than his speech. make ppl think that he's speech going to be damn short =.= xian.
went island creamery to discuss ih proposal! junk. lol i bet we wont finish it by mon xD hahaha and like half of us have exams on mon... history blocks! whooo... i dun want it to be as screwed as ih leh... cuz the format and timing is almost exactly the same. october revolution! hahaha lenin, bolsheviks, what not.
and i juz got reminded of how much recognition wushu gets. we get wonderful teachers in charge who only come like once or twice and thats juz before our comps. they come to suan us and whatnot, plus they didnt even bring our number tags. and then when we wanna lian, they act like wow im so concerned out yr welfare, when in reality you're juz afraid cuz it becomes your responsibility. then there's the wu guan that i highly believe is only called wu guan by the wushu ppl. everyone else calls it rooftop hall. the dance studio is called the dance studio, bball courts are called bball courts, badminton courts are called badminton courts, so why is the wu guan called rooftop hall? i think if u go general office and ask for wu guan key, no one will know what you're talking bout. and there's allt he crap bout us not being authorised to draw the key. like hello? we're from wushu and we cant draw the key when teachers in charge of ccas like nick ng can juz get the key and us the rooftop hall for theatre.
and all that stuff bout SYFs, sport ccas getting blah blah blah. its always about something else other than wushu. and it isnt juz cuz we didnt really do that well this year. even on the day of comps, there's no oh good luck wushu! but there's all the good luck for modern dance and netball when they were competing on the same day as us. wtv man we shall own at our jiti! =D
Posted by
1:48 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
NYWS is performing for this wen yi jie thing, some arts festival. hahaha and like our batch is all like alive again cuz we get to do jiti again and we're performing! cuz our comps were like... lol but not only the sec 3s are doing it. hilary, moony, yee win and wan qing are joining us. haha so got like 11 ppl! O.O quite scary...
ih paper today.... man didnt finish the paper. if i can pass i'll be happy =.= and got chem paper back! oh my sheesh... quite badly done. but wtv lah had comps the day before and barely studied so okay lah...
oh and we got in for YFC! ahahah =D
Posted by
10:16 PM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Batch outing! =D
wushu batch outing! haha we went to plaza sing on sat but lol the time that we came was all quite screwed. there was this dumb jam on the highway lah and 190 took super long to reach. so we ended up watching 17 again. lol carissa i know u wanna watch it! hahaha! but not bad lah, better than i expected it to be. and why does zac effron always = bball...
then lousy adverts took up like half an hour! so when we came out quite a lot of time wasted liao. then we went to cineleisure to take neoprints. hahaha it was damn high lah! like we were all over the place scrambling like xiao. and the neoprints machine we went to was quite slow liao. hahaha but a lot of weird poses and guai backgrounds. then the editing part was damn high as well lah! hahaha i think all the neoprints are nice! lol i want all of them... after that sarah and susi left but we didnt really erm fo much. ahaha spent like 20 plus mins walking round finding a pizza hut =.= and by then i had to go liao!
yfc interview tmr! lol so not going for training tmr and im leaving sch early! =) haha shuang. I.WANT.TO.MISS.HISTORY.cuz i have so much history stuff undone and lily chua is juz....
today was a sucky day. and i dun have much to say bout it but you are pissing me off like shit right now. seriously i have no idea if u actually know what you have done, or actually what you have not done for that matter. and i dunno if u know who you are. but seriously you suck and stop thinking so highly of yrself and implicate others juz cuz of wtv stuff you have. its not as though we dun have our own commitments.
Posted by
10:49 PM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Well... things didnt turn out as they should have. and yah like a lot of sec 3 myws ppl, i dunno what to say cuz i dun think we deserved it at all. 不甘愿。after we did our tao and got our scores we were juz like 'what?!' , cuz everything juz ended like that. all the effort and time that we put in was only worth so much in the end. of course, there's all these stuff bout the process being more important than the outcome, but its obviously not as easy to face it than to juz say it. because we really did put in everything.
there were like so many things that happened before the comps which juz sucked. we had excellent teachers in charge who didnt bring our number tag and we only realised when we were nearing chung cheng. there was barely an hour more to sec 2s jiti when that happened. then we had some nice tour around paya lebar and kallang before finally reaching chung cheng. and yee win lost her byf on the bus. that bus driver said it wasnt on the bus but when we went back at the end of the day, it was there. she didnt compete in the end.
people keep asking how we did but i cant face the fact that you know we got.... and up till now i never directly answered that question as to what position we got. biasedness, lousy judging, whatever it is. but 7.83 is an insult. cuz we didnt deserve it. if they could get like 7.96, why couldnt we get above 8? we were obviously a lot better than them. nothing to say. but we all did our best and frankly speaking, we dun have ourselves to blame. from the time that they announced our score till this point in time i still have this sinking feeling that i dun think i experienced before. it juz felt so heavy. great that the sec 4s and emily got 3rd for jitidao! cuz if they didnt i think we would have felt a lot worse. go NYWS!
and this whole thing bout the boyfriend is damn stupid. it's really xiao ti da zuo lah. so what? you're with yr friends and u see this guy you know, so u wave to him and somehow he becomes yr bf? oh wow. seriously lah its not funny. there's absolutely no reasoning. so every guy that i know somehow can become my bf? yeah right. and pls lah going and spamming the tagboard of someone you dun even know with such crap...
Posted by
11:34 PM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
15th APRIL! Jiti comps tmr! went to chung cheng to shi di tan today and we had like quite a lot of time cuz we were the first sch to go there =D chung cheng's di tan is damn slippery lah, damn easy to fall. esp the running to circle part. must be some conspiracy to make all competitors fall or something.
training felt weird esp since we came back from chung cheng. haha we were sprouting lots of nonsense, esp with the what we look like and the zookeeper thing. what shark in the hwa chong pool =.= hahaha but damn amusing lah.
leaving sch super early tmr for comps! JITI at chung cheng. JIAYOU b div quan shu! GO NYWS! lets do our best and own them!
Posted by
10:56 PM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
School sucks like shit nowadays, its become some never ending torture. 313 eh? comps today gave a damn sad feeling lah.. seriously feel damn bu zhi for some ppl... congrats to angelina for getting 3rd, qian yi for getting 4th and wai leng for getting 4th! =D JIAYOU NYWS!!! oh and shun xiang yr xin jian is pro lah. walao i think it's juz that there's too many pro ppl.
and our jiti! ahhh the sense of urgency isnt there for some ppl. and yeah like sarah said in her blog, everyone thinks our jiti you xi wang can win something. but everytime we do something will go wrong. SOMEHOW. there's this fear that this same thing will happen during comps lah. which is why we NEED to lian with EVERYONE... 15th april!
Posted by
12:10 AM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Take just a couple of minutes to take this test & see what happens!If you are honest this tells the truth -- it's pretty good.Write your answers on a paper, NO cheating!The answers are at the bottom...
1. Which is your favorite color: red, black, blue, green, or yellow? Green
2.. Your first initial? V
3. Your month of birth? February
4. Which color do you like more, black or white? Black
5. Name of a person of the same sex as yours. Jean
6. Your favorite number? 13
7. Do you like California or Florida more? California
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more? Ocean
9. Write down a wish (a realistic one) GOLD FOR JITI! and good results for blocks! (which would be everyone else's definition of average and lousy eh?) - heh i know it says a wish. but still...
1. If you choose:
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back
Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from theones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice tothose who are down.
2. If your initial is:
A-K - You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R - You try to enjoy your life to the maximum and your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z - You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
JAN - MAR: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
APR - JUN: You will have a strong love relationship that will lastforever.
JUL - SEP: You will have a great year and will experience amajor life-changing experience for the good.
OCT - DEC: Your love life will be great, you will find your soul mate.
4. If you chose...
Black : Your life will take on a different direction, it will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You have a friend who completely confides in you andwould do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
5. This person should be your best friend.
6. This is how many close friends you will have in your lifetime.
7. If you chose:
California : You like adventure.
Florida ! : You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are veryreserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
Posted by
11:40 PM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Posted by
7:06 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
the bsp thing today was dumb lah. and damn xian. lol the start was okay, and i actually learnt something. but then came the forum that was freaking pointless... was dozing off some time during the forum even though like i was in the second row with zhi qi. the distinguished guests or whatever who were sitting in front of me we on stage talking, which meant they had a full view of me.. sleeping and doing hw =.= and hmmm there were ppl taking pics too. oh i never knew grace lim had the sap scholarship! hahaha so cool! saw her there and was like o.O
missed training today cuz of this. next sat also cant go for training cuz of bsp. but erm i suppose next week's one is more useful and interesting cuz it's sorta more centered round bsp. apparently xue bought sweets from hk to give to the wushu ppl O.O interesting... and our byf is ready! hmmm hope it doesnt turn out oversized or something.
comps are coming!!! jiayou ppl
Posted by
10:52 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
haha dead i know. but there's no time to revive it xD OBS was great! haha and thanks to the smart ppl who brought my birthday present to OBS. i was scared it would get lost lor!
ahhh shit history SBQ test today... feb revolution!
Posted by
12:00 AM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
hahaha happy birthday! not so happy cuz of chicken pox though xD aiya yr bdae present man man deng lah! since u not coming to sch next week. then obs u also not going. haha then we can exchange bdae presents cuz my birthday would have passed by then xD we always talk bout *aherm* stuff! hahaha but it's a way to fa xie and laugh bout stuff. and u and yr ah liu lah. wo wu hua ke shuo about the x) anyway enjoy yr 2 weeks without sch! hahaha =D
zuo wen, jian bao, bsp presentation. wth so much work for chinese
Posted by
11:45 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
Rules:It's harder than it looks!
Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
omg v got so little words can
1. What is your name : Venus
2. A four Letter Word : Vote
3. A boy's Name : Victor
4. A girl's Name : Valerie
5. An occupation : Vet (I almost put vegetable seller! xD)
6. A color : Violet
7. Something you'll wear : Vest
8. A food : vulture can or not? xD vanilla ice cream i guess
9. Something found in the bathroom: ???!!! (I give up)
10. A place : hahaha venus the planet?
11. A reason for being late : Venus is usually late! =.=
12. Something you'd shout : VICTORY!
13. A movie title : ??? Vendetta (frm google)
14. Something you drink : Vitagen
15. A musical group : i have no idea!!
16. An animal : Vulture
17. A street name : Venus drive! =D
18. A type of car : ???
19. The title of a song : o.O venus (from google: there really is such a song and it sounds damn weird - eww what 'im yr venus')
tag ppl!
1) sarah
2) jean
3) tze (u do it on 213 class blog and revive it or smth)
4) je (haha u also the same)
5) audrey
6) grace (but i wanna see!)
7) jia yu
8) eggy
9) moony
10) yee win
11) hilary
12) esther
13) shun xiang
14) carissa
15) lynn (even though yr blog is dead)
16) jing ting
17) bao xian
18) yi ting
lol i lazy tag last 2 ppl. do if u wanna do
Posted by
7:30 PM
today was some major sucky day lah. why did everything suck so much. like wth the worst was lunch then la and the dumb math remedial. walao supposed to start at 2, then end up almost 3 then start. wth, went damn late for wushu lah. but ahaha the speakers are nice! lol and we were trying to make the xie xian not have a gradient of 0, which would mean it wouldnt be xie =.= we shang chang with 5 ppl, be the circle thing so cool lah. like dong, nan, xi, bei, zhong xD okay i know it's dumb. but xue is dumber lah. he wanted make us do wa tiao, but nv say anything about what we're supposed to do. still tell us stand in one row and zuo ah! nv even say zuo shen me, how we know what to do =.= A BIT dumb nia. but xi guan liao lor. and i wonder how the byf will look like.
Posted by
12:26 AM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
too busy to post! ah... bleugh life is xian. wtv. lol ths is gonna be a very very short post =.= now i now why DEADlines are called DEADlines xD oh man bsp has too much influence!
Posted by
10:10 PM
Monday, February 9, 2009
dumb thing
You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
LOL i took this cuz when eggy took it, she got this:
You are The EmpressBeauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
that's like pure dumbness lah. how can i be so related to eggy teo =.=
Posted by
7:02 PM
Friday, February 6, 2009
Vaporise everything in the way
This whole week has been damn killer and it's gonna go on for who knows how long.... WHY IS EVERYTHING HAPPENING IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE YEAR??? already im having problems arranging msp make up lesson (ysd tch cny celebration so dun have) cuz it clashes with wushu. and i dun wanna stay back on other days leh wth. freak lah malay this yr sucks. cuz cikgu is juz.... and she give damn lot of work lah wtf. why do teachers always seem to think students are very free? and i still wanted to start on nyaa =.= i should juz drop dead and die now so i dun have to do anything and can actually get some decent sleep. lol why i keep saying die die die... maybe cuz of bsp juz now xD
cip at kwong wai shu was amusing. the stage was freaking small lah. hmmm someday u should go listen to acs (i) guys sing xD
Posted by
1:18 AM
Friday, January 23, 2009
cny celebrations today! lol but didnt really feel in the cny mood. i came to sch and realised i forgot to bring any hui chun stuff. so i juz skipped the whole thing and watched jean write her chun lian! xD hahaha i wonder if its a coincidence or on purpose *cough* but the last word of the chun lian was liu. cept that it was liu shui de liu, not ah liu de liu. aiya tong yin zi no diff lah! right jean? x)
then went to jie dai lao ren for cip =.= so we brought them to the hall and there was no space for us. so we went up to the gallery! =P hahaha shuang. and our class had a new addition of sarah! lol we went to ms chooi and told her sarah couldnt find her class. and she was talking bout her lie detector -.-''' i have this feeling she was suspicious about what me and sarah were gonna do. cuz in the gallery, she was like standing behind us for really quite a long time =.= and yes i was diao-ing all the way. finally she went to sit down so it became more normal.
i have decided im lazy so i shall kope some of sarah's post and add in my own. "I've decided that I felt both angry and..well, disappointed, firstly because I think it's rather more than slightly unfair and secondly because when we do get to, it'll be our first and last one. And I've never heard of the juniors doing and the seniors not. Which is nothing against them, not really. Now, this would be where my sarcasm kicks in and says, "Okay, sure, I suppose you wanted me to fly back from NZ every Tuesday and Thursday. And I suppose you think that, despite it being the December holidays, no one is on holiday. Haha. Very funny. I don't think." But then I decided not to be sarcastic because goodness knows, that would warrant me an even bigger scolding, no? And from what I could see of the performance, it's not like it was better than what we could have done."
so many ppl have came to ask why weren't u performing? and what do we say? that oh we're a terribly lousy batch and our juniors are wayyy better than us. not that im blaming the sec 2s, cuz they really dun have anything to do with this. the first and the last performance will be sooo fun, wont it? and at the last training chai apparently said he wanted us to perform cuz the performance was too short. but wow cuz there's no byf, we cant perform. didnt we not have byf last yr when we did nzq at cca concert last year? how amazing. so the only time we actually perform and with a byf is when we're sec 4!this is a damn sad case. it's juz exhausting to have to keep bringing this up but if we are oh so constantly reminded by that fact then i figure i might as well vent it out. frankly speaking, you should be glad we're actually feeling disappointed, sad and angry and wtv. cuz i think it will at a point reach somewhere where we really cant be bothered to feel anything. the sense of attachment is fading slowly and before you know it, it will juz fade into the background. we'll juz be going through the motion and all i can say that it's a sad case, cuz we didnt want it to happen. the truth is that today's performance was really... its so damn obvious even to ppl not in wushu. and yeah its not as though they even did it better than what we could have done. enough said.
at least we have unity within our batch =D
went back to henry park after the celebrations! and i met err a lot of ppl on the bus. le en, hern hern, karen, nol, yee win and lilia. as usual 156 was damn crowded. and i only saw nol when i got off the bus. then we went to find the rest in the staff room. but the sch made some announcement in the staff room that can be summarised as: get out now. lol it wasnt that bad but the celebrations didnt end with the intended celebratory mood due to obvious reasons.
lol so many ppl lazy go back. so it was quite stone. and omg ke yuxuan grow so fast! he's like taller than nol liao wth. damn lah means next time i see him he's gonna be taller than me liao. i still rmb him being one of the shorties in class then suddenly shoot up. hahaha and apparently li ke said he finally found someone who's stare could match mrs chong's. interesting. we watched bit of the performance and omg suddenly henry park has wushu as a cca! im not sure if the coach is weng qing hai, but i know he's called vincent, so quite likely. and they were quite pro lor! but they do everything including jiti, cept for jian. and the coolest part was that they weren't doing si duan! so cool lah. and their jiti was jitiquan that was nice! they enter and exit the time in like marching in, so very amusing. some more they all so small size! somehow even though i dun know them, i felt happier watching them. the feeling when watching the performance in henry park and nanyang was very different.
me and sharmaine went up the stairs to see the indoor sports hall they built by destroying the field. well it is nice, but i dun think the field deserved that. there's like a small pathetic plot of land there that's supposed to be called a soccer pitch. li ke came after that and we decided to shoot a bit. haha yeah bball! and soccer in between too, cuz we were kicking the ball even though it wasnt a soccer ball. that hoop is short =.= lol but it's a primary sch!! xD my shots were okay-ishly zhun. and the hoop in nice and steady, unlike the hoop in sch that looks and sounds like it's gonna drop off any second. oh and li ke can do backflip! omg damn zai lah!. like we were in the court then he suddenly asked us to see something. then he juz did a backflip in the court! and apparently he can do li yu da ting too! i think the hc wushu performance was quite zai, cuz li ke was saying that it was nice. lol shun xiang still say u not pro =.=
after that went to jelita with sharmaine! we walked around the bookstore cuz she had to buy bdae present for her friend. but the shop the stuff damn ex lor. so in the end even though spent a lot of time there, nv buy anything =.= we saw kawin. he still looks so much like nol lor! and both go same schools. damn funny when kawin waved to nol in the kidz zone. lol anyway, we came out of jelita and the 165 came so we took it to clementi. cuz i juz saw sharmaine last month, i didnt think we would talk a lot. but omg we juz talked and talked. like pah, pah, pah everything juz came out! it felt so familiar and so good to talk so casually to her.
hahaha and here i must congratulate sharmaine for graduating from the course: find yr way round singapore xD LOL cuz in bout 2 years u have changed from not knowing where to tap yr ez link card *coughs and laughs violently* to erm actually knowing yr way around =) we went to eat at this jap place that sharmaine said has nice and cheap food. hahaha turned out to be quite true. there was really a lot of liao! and i was so erm busy taking food or drinks from like 9 places or something. sounds weird i know. and they gave a plate of free stuff too! lol then sharmaine kept stealing my food *aherm*. It was really nice going out and juz talking, forgetting bout today morning and other stuff as well.
then we went to the bus interchange to wait for 173. hahaha so qiao that we both were taking 173 to meet other ppl. but the stupid 173 take so damn long lah! then we got on and sharmaine was trying to read my smses from guys =.= wow who's the one in the mixed sch? lol but she didnt find what she was looking for. not that you would have sharmaine, cuz there's nothing in there that u wanna see! x) then she got off the bus and went for her friend's party. lol sharmaine did u eat the 3 pieces of pizza in the end? went to toh yi and met eggy and tiny. nicole and her sister were there too. so played for a while then stoned under the block, while some disgusting ppl decided to play with the oranges =.=
they went to vivo so i walked to the bus stop. 67 and 961 passed by but they were full to the brim, so i thought i'd sit down and eat something. shei zhi dao, the moment i sat down the long 67 came and it was freaking empty, but no time to run to the bus liao. so i ate prata and stoned for a while before going to the bus stop. but but the craziest thing i saw when i was eating was that there were 4 67s in the span of 10, 15 minutes! omg crazy lah! and i missed them all =.=
i dunno why this post is so long, but i juz typed and typed and yeah it juz became like that.
Posted by
11:56 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
its all an act
there's nothing to blog about these days at all. 313 is juz a terrible idea. it's scarily different and unfeeling. at least there are dumb teachers to make fun of. and i realised that late last year i was putting on this invisible mask and was juz going with the flow ying-chou ing ppl, not meaning what i say. maybe this year it juz remained. i dunno. but i feel zombie-ish in class. In the past i came to class anticipating to talk to ppl and do nonsense. now i go into class anticipating the most interesting lesson of the day. and no it has nothing to do with me becoming more guai or wtv. the atmosphere in class is so stale and so... fake. and of course it only feels real among like one or two ppl in class, which is plain scary. cuz it's like living in this world where everyone is all smiles and friendly, but many conversations not work related dun go beyond the word hi. whats there to say? and if chooi somehow decides to try and integrate us by changing our seating arrangements, sch is juz gonna become more zombie-fied.
and talking to 'old' people is amusing.
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11:31 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
im really not getting the point of doing that anymore. it's become somewhat pointless because it wasnt our fault. juz cuz we have ppl going for long hols and stuff. and looking at whatever they're doing is juz... i dunno what to say. bleugh.
juz realised. i have another thing to say. i have no idea why i went to so much trouble to change the day for 3rd lang. i might juz have been better off that way. cuz im juz going to be freaking tired for 3 days in a row tues, wed, thurs. and when i go home not much gets done. maybe it was better if it was on thurs. it's pathetic. and in some ways insulting. because we didnt do it on purpose or wtv. it juz happened. and some ppl were like us too in the past u know. 3 YEARS! i cant believe that okay. and it's not as though we dun try. when we do ppl dun know it. when we dont they somehow happen to know a lot bout it. how fair's that?
and sch is juz somewhat pointless too. like we have so many slack or lousy teachers it doesnt really matter whether we have lessons or not. and the whole 212, 213 thing is never gonna be changed. it's pretty obvious cuz sometimes we cant stand them and they cant stand us. history is like the best lesson. and apparantely physics is nice too. so my original combo was a correct decision. but somehow they had to give me a choice that wasnt even a choice. certain teachers suck so much u can be doing 3rd lang throughout their whole lesson even when they are talking cock. la marks are expected to drop drastically this year for obvious reasons.
and im freaking tired these days. maybe its cuz i play bball and sometimes training falls on the same day. maybe cuz the days are damn long and draggy. or maybe there's something wrong with me.
blah these days are a drag..........
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11:57 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Past few days have juz been passing really slowly i suppose. And friday was shuang-ly slack. as usual ms chooi uh i mean mrs tan took her own sweet time during pccg, so we were like 10 mins late for pe. the badminton coach is quite nice lah, but talks a bit too much =X played badminton with je after pe.
oh then after that was history which was so erm fun and high. haha cuz our table only had me, alicia and amanda we can always talk bout any random thing. we had to do this ws thingy bout revolution and it was quite fun? or maybe cuz me and amanda were amusing ourselves. and i realised my brother is juz like her sister =.= how interesting. then we started talking bout how our parents compare their childhood to our childhood which was juz amusing. and then we went on and on about what we might do in the future. somehow we managed to do the ws properly despite us talking bout erm weird stuff.
then we had sil where i sat next to manda and like chooi was in front of us. haha but before it started we talked bout weird stuff again. lol then chooi kept turning round to scold ppl. lunch went to borrow that malay book then went to the hall. haha shi ting didnt dare to play cuz wn looked too fierce. the game was err okay lah. but i kept hitting tze xD in class je was asking me who shi ting was scared of. i was like duh wn! jia yu looks blur, eggy looks innocent, tiny looks amusing and wn of course looks fierce! hahaha. then chooi came into class and started scolding us. apparently we're not supposed to talk during sil. wow dun talk for 1 hour when u have yr classmates round u? and then we're not supposed to sleep. who doesnt know that? but apparently our 2 form teachers were sleeping during sil, no? i was sitting behind them so i cant be that blind you know. how contradictory.
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1:19 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
okay wow i've left this blog dead for so wonderfully long. and like duh a lot of stuff have happened since then. so 313's ft this year is once again ms chooi! i mean MRS tan, as she wishes to be known as to us. with this co form guy called benjamin kong.the first day was juz stone and weird. cuz yeah 212 + 213 is juz weird. and wow we're divided into 2 cliques (DUH) 212 and 213. all the thirteeners were juz stoning on the first day and the twelvers the enthu ppl?
lol and also cuz sarah's in 301, jean's in 314 so its damn weird. lol sarah in 301 was juz like me when i went to henry park and when i came to ny, sorta solo-ing.
lessons today were okayish. oh during ih mrs kuan said that our class seemed very quiet. haha then shi ting was saying that all the noisy or loud ppl like: jean, lauren, celine, sim hwee, carissa are all in hp. lol it's quite true lor! we had this lucky draw thing during cct and somehow by some chance or luck, i got ms chooi, i mean mrs tan's present. there was this note inside addresed to "lucky" hmmm... well it really is some luck and coincidence.
lets hope tmr's lessons are nice
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5:44 PM