sabbats week! ahaha i like my sabbats. organic cooking is like quite fun and we get A LOT of food. haha really a lot lah. the portions are quite huge. and she makes a lot of nice stuff. haha plus we have entertainment from random people infiltrating the kitchen during our sabbats. haha the humour ppl tze, erica and jinyin always stand outside and laugh. lol but tze always comes in and she got 'caught' by mrs kuan today. xD
then stained glass was finishing up the cutting and grinding of the glass pieces. lol copper foiling now.
training. i think i've juz become the most hated person on chai's hate list or something. i keep opposing him and not doing what he wants for obvious reasons. why the hell do me and wan qing need to wear wigs juz because we are acting as old people in his stupid xiao pin? and what happens when i tell him the wigs will fall off? all he can do is ask us to think of a way to prevent it from dropping, cuz if we dun think of a way there's no way that it wont drop. and he turns back and asks me why other ppl can wear wigs while fighting and yet they wont drop off.
chai: 如果你不要假发掉出来,你就想阿,想个办法让他不要掉下来吗,真是的。怎么那些人戴假发都可以打来打去,你们却不行呢?想阿,你不想怎么会知道。真是的,现在的孩子怎么这样的?
that was something along the lines of what chai said. like whathe hell? in the first place, why must me and wan qing be the ones thinking about how to attach the freaking wigs without letting it fall when we fight and fall and wtv crap. and you think it's that easy to get a wig ah? in case you dun know, you need MONEY. that stupid chai lah. not that he will even pay or anything right. then he still wants me and wan qing to change to lao ren clothes for the xiao pin then change back. so what? change to byf, kai chang, jiti, change clothes, xiao pin, change back, bi mu. wow. very fun eh? that is like so realistic and i'll probably collapse halfway in the middle of the performance. not that i dun have to walk from one end to another and wtv crap.
chai is an ass. he thinks so highly of himself juz cuz he's in charge of this foa performance. walao eh he didnt care half as much about our comps. and no wu, we dun appreciate you trying to talk to us about yr wonderful 'xiao chai' as you call him, cuz the 2 of you are in the same league and there's no point saying anything. and if you call him 小伙子, then everyone in wushu would be 幼儿. pls lah he's not that young. and somehow what the 2 of u say dun actually match. chai keeps saying that ta jian guo hen duo xue sheng, shen me yang de xue sheng mei jian guo. then wu goes on about how young chai is and we should give him a chance because he's not very experience. HAH. stop talking bout how young chai is in front of us when he's probably double our age =.= hello he may be young to you cuz you're so old but no we do not find him young.
training sucked, sucks and will continue to suck for i dunno how long. there's no point in doing it over and over again if we arent convince we should yong xin to do it. use your brains, idiot. no one is really doing the performance stuff properly lah. foa is gonna be a failure. hah. lucikly we're in the afternoon performance eh? cuz no one wants to watch us, we dun want ppl to see this kind of performance and we wont get ppl watching anyway. its not worth watching anyway.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Posted by
10:29 PM
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