went for the ldp thing yesterday. and was damn xian lah. the first speech was still okay then that guy went to speak and wth he took up like half an hour. he's speech was supposed to be what, 15 mins? and before he started his speech still said that the emcee shouldnt introduce the speaker longer than his speech. make ppl think that he's speech going to be damn short =.= xian.
went island creamery to discuss ih proposal! man...space junk. lol i bet we wont finish it by mon xD hahaha and like half of us have exams on mon... history blocks! whooo... i dun want it to be as screwed as ih leh... cuz the format and timing is almost exactly the same. october revolution! hahaha lenin, bolsheviks, what not.
and i juz got reminded of how much recognition wushu gets. we get wonderful teachers in charge who only come like once or twice and thats juz before our comps. they come to suan us and whatnot, plus they didnt even bring our number tags. and then when we wanna lian, they act like wow im so concerned out yr welfare, when in reality you're juz afraid cuz it becomes your responsibility. then there's the wu guan that i highly believe is only called wu guan by the wushu ppl. everyone else calls it rooftop hall. the dance studio is called the dance studio, bball courts are called bball courts, badminton courts are called badminton courts, so why is the wu guan called rooftop hall? i think if u go general office and ask for wu guan key, no one will know what you're talking bout. and there's allt he crap bout us not being authorised to draw the key. like hello? we're from wushu and we cant draw the key when teachers in charge of ccas like nick ng can juz get the key and us the rooftop hall for theatre.
and all that stuff bout SYFs, sport ccas getting blah blah blah. its always about something else other than wushu. and it isnt juz cuz we didnt really do that well this year. even on the day of comps, there's no oh good luck wushu! but there's all the good luck for modern dance and netball when they were competing on the same day as us. wtv man we shall own at our jiti! =D
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Posted by
1:48 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
NYWS is performing for this wen yi jie thing, some arts festival. hahaha and like our batch is all like alive again cuz we get to do jiti again and we're performing! cuz our comps were like... lol but not only the sec 3s are doing it. hilary, moony, yee win and wan qing are joining us. haha so got like 11 ppl! O.O quite scary...
ih paper today.... man didnt finish the paper. if i can pass i'll be happy =.= and got chem paper back! oh my sheesh... quite badly done. but wtv lah had comps the day before and barely studied so okay lah...
oh and we got in for YFC! ahahah =D
Posted by
10:16 PM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Batch outing! =D
wushu batch outing! haha we went to plaza sing on sat but lol the time that we came was all quite screwed. there was this dumb jam on the highway lah and 190 took super long to reach. so we ended up watching 17 again. lol carissa i know u wanna watch it! hahaha! but not bad lah, better than i expected it to be. and why does zac effron always = bball...
then lousy adverts took up like half an hour! so when we came out quite a lot of time wasted liao. then we went to cineleisure to take neoprints. hahaha it was damn high lah! like we were all over the place scrambling like xiao. and the neoprints machine we went to was quite slow liao. hahaha but a lot of weird poses and guai backgrounds. then the editing part was damn high as well lah! hahaha i think all the neoprints are nice! lol i want all of them... after that sarah and susi left but we didnt really erm fo much. ahaha spent like 20 plus mins walking round finding a pizza hut =.= and by then i had to go liao!
yfc interview tmr! lol so not going for training tmr and im leaving sch early! =) haha shuang. I.WANT.TO.MISS.HISTORY.cuz i have so much history stuff undone and lily chua is juz....
today was a sucky day. and i dun have much to say bout it but you are pissing me off like shit right now. seriously i have no idea if u actually know what you have done, or actually what you have not done for that matter. and i dunno if u know who you are. but seriously you suck and stop thinking so highly of yrself and implicate others juz cuz of wtv stuff you have. its not as though we dun have our own commitments.
Posted by
10:49 PM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Well... things didnt turn out as they should have. and yah like a lot of sec 3 myws ppl, i dunno what to say cuz i dun think we deserved it at all. 不甘愿。after we did our tao and got our scores we were juz like 'what?!' , cuz everything juz ended like that. all the effort and time that we put in was only worth so much in the end. of course, there's all these stuff bout the process being more important than the outcome, but its obviously not as easy to face it than to juz say it. because we really did put in everything.
there were like so many things that happened before the comps which juz sucked. we had excellent teachers in charge who didnt bring our number tag and we only realised when we were nearing chung cheng. there was barely an hour more to sec 2s jiti when that happened. then we had some nice tour around paya lebar and kallang before finally reaching chung cheng. and yee win lost her byf on the bus. that bus driver said it wasnt on the bus but when we went back at the end of the day, it was there. she didnt compete in the end.
people keep asking how we did but i cant face the fact that you know we got.... and up till now i never directly answered that question as to what position we got. biasedness, lousy judging, whatever it is. but 7.83 is an insult. cuz we didnt deserve it. if they could get like 7.96, why couldnt we get above 8? we were obviously a lot better than them. nothing to say. but we all did our best and frankly speaking, we dun have ourselves to blame. from the time that they announced our score till this point in time i still have this sinking feeling that i dun think i experienced before. it juz felt so heavy. great that the sec 4s and emily got 3rd for jitidao! cuz if they didnt i think we would have felt a lot worse. go NYWS!
and this whole thing bout the boyfriend is damn stupid. it's really xiao ti da zuo lah. so what? you're with yr friends and u see this guy you know, so u wave to him and somehow he becomes yr bf? oh wow. seriously lah its not funny. there's absolutely no reasoning. so every guy that i know somehow can become my bf? yeah right. and pls lah going and spamming the tagboard of someone you dun even know with such crap...
Posted by
11:34 PM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
15th APRIL! Jiti comps tmr! went to chung cheng to shi di tan today and we had like quite a lot of time cuz we were the first sch to go there =D chung cheng's di tan is damn slippery lah, damn easy to fall. esp the running to circle part. must be some conspiracy to make all competitors fall or something.
training felt weird esp since we came back from chung cheng. haha we were sprouting lots of nonsense, esp with the what we look like and the zookeeper thing. what shark in the hwa chong pool =.= hahaha but damn amusing lah.
leaving sch super early tmr for comps! JITI at chung cheng. JIAYOU b div quan shu! GO NYWS! lets do our best and own them!
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10:56 PM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
School sucks like shit nowadays, its become some never ending torture. 313 eh? comps today gave a damn sad feeling lah.. seriously feel damn bu zhi for some ppl... congrats to angelina for getting 3rd, qian yi for getting 4th and wai leng for getting 4th! =D JIAYOU NYWS!!! oh and shun xiang yr xin jian is pro lah. walao i think it's juz that there's too many pro ppl.
and our jiti! ahhh the sense of urgency isnt there for some ppl. and yeah like sarah said in her blog, everyone thinks our jiti you xi wang can win something. but everytime we do something will go wrong. SOMEHOW. there's this fear that this same thing will happen during comps lah. which is why we NEED to lian with EVERYONE... 15th april!
Posted by
12:10 AM