lol havent really posted in a long while cuz i really didnt feel like it. today ms chooi came and wow finally saw her after a week =.= lol so shuang one week xD chem was first and i think i rmb a lot bout chem considering the last time i touched chem before ms goh came in this week was like in term 1! hahaha... so not bad lah everything coming back, actually i think what i absorbed in this week is like what i absorbed in term 1 lah.. haha or maybe juz that i learnt the stuff before. lol then after that was our what last dance lesson. chen laoshi made us do a lot of weird stuff that we never did before o.O so guai lah all the stuff.. then we ya-ed splits on the steps! hahaha the first step is quite okay lah. second step i can only do for right leg on the step. ahaha my right split is getting better but my left is still =.=
errr then recess stayed back in dance studio not to dance obviously but to lian wushu! =D hahaha forced sarah to attempt to do a split and zha dao at the same time! xD i splitted some more then we both did our taolus! =P lol it was fun and productive lor! la was after that and mr lee juz gave us compre to do... used remaining time to do some history stuff. math was finding out marks? sia was damn high lah. but other than that... dun wanna say. haha and after that me and je were wth-ing. bball was.... err cant describe lah.
chinese got back 2 zuo wens and a si han. lol the xiao yuan bao li one got 49 and minus 5 already... then lls went on about the zuo wen thing that i find quite pointless x) grah... then history and mr yong came in saying that he was leaving and stuff. mrs kuan digressed a lot and was talking bout what weird stuff... and my history marks!!! walao eh test marks top few in class, then assignment bottom of class. the 2 assignments 50% of ca2 and the test is the other 50%! walao pull my marks down like shit lah dumb assignment. math remedial was quite easy lah finished in half an hour? bout there lah.
bleugh its like what revealed and all that rubbish. that deja vu thing keeps happening again and again. doubt it'll ever stop. ever. blah blah blah... but i wont be bothered with all that stuff, not so dumb to listen to all that nonsense and let it affect me. go on continue with all yr rubbish and yr inconsideration... im waiting for it. wow cant u see that i cant survive without all that crap you guys are sprouting?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Posted by
8:59 PM
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