Random Questions
What is yr name?
you should know
Do you believe in dreams?
they're a scary relection of crazy things i imagine
Do you dream often?
err i think so
Do you believe in god?
What is yr current worry?
Dying for training on thurs cuz my left leg is freaking screwed and hurts even when i kick up at an angle of 90 degrees!!!
The last time u went to hospital?
ehhh i dun rmb
The last person u spoke to on the phone?
my mum. who went to ny from home while i was going home from ny =.= cuz they had some psg thing..
The last person u missed?
i dunno
The colour you relate to most?
i dun think i relate to any colours lah...
The last song u listened to?
hsm song when carissa was playing saw sch musical in class -.-'''
The last thing u regret?
losing so damn many marks to careless mistakes for eoys. its a damn habit.
The last person u IMed?
on msn with jia now.
The last person u messaged?
jia again =.=
What do you like about tmr?
OF COURSE the non existant malacca trip briefing!
What do you hate about tmr?
the draginesss of stuff
The last thing u ate?
err that pie thing my mum bought for dinner
The last person u screamt at?
my bro? for blasting all his history stuff into my brain (as usual) even though he has exams tmr...
A random thought?
Something stuck in yr mind?
bo le
Any words left unspoken?
a lot
Last cut u had?
cut my hair not very long ago and that was why i had to be the guai gia and pai gia for next year's cme booklet =.=
Play any sports?
duh. soccer, bball, swimming, badminton, etc lah!
Friends (Out of the girls you know)
tze! grah even though this would make her ego.... and i was trying to convince her tht she wasnt as cute as the monkey T.T
Best listening ear?
jia, jean? lol a lot of ppl dun fit in here at all
chua wen hui! havent seen u in damn long lah...
Most drama?
chua wen hui again! so duh lor!
Longest known?
jingyi? i think...
err.... dunno if got or not
Brenda? or samantha?
ahaha sharmaine wong!
Longest hair?
Shortest hair?
errr wn when she cut her hair?
lol all not funny lah.
no one? (wth jean put me for this!)
sharmaine, ppl in my class =.=
tiny? i dunno leh
Silver spoon in their mouths?
dun have. i think
ehhhh i dunno leh!
grah i dunno either...
Friends (Out of the guys you know)
errr.... calvin?
Good looking?
Best listening ear?
ttk? no one else i think
a lot of ppl! clarence woon, tan zhe yuan!
Most drama?
ehhh... dun have lah
Longest known?
can xiang i guess
few ppl like ttk, tzy? i dunno
walao they all damn tall lah!. jia rong? or clarence?
kenneth or tanyang... omg kyx has grown a lot lah! almost as tall as me liao...
this is gonna be the longest list ever. basically almost every guy in J
Song jenny! heheh xD
clarence, ttk, kenneth, ty
clarence, ttk, kenneth, ty, etc. a lot of ppl lah!
tzy!! xD xD
kyx, clarence... there's more but i suddenly brain block =.=
haha i shall not be evil
jenny? haha dunno leh
Got no strongest lah... i think..
eh i dunno again
kyx of course! he's damn bony lah!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by
9:27 PM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wanted to post yesterday but wow fell asleep at 10. lol all i can rmb is that jia's laughter is crazy, amusing and is unstoppable! yes... today was sucky, pretty much. volleyball in the morning was postponed and watched school of rock. went for ne quiz that was amazingly dumb. write a story eh? played few rounds of taiti and bridge before going for volleyball. cup is totally pointless can. cuz 213 odd one out so we auto enter second round. end up they shorten playing time from 7 to 5 mins. so yeah we lost and ended up playing for a shorter time than the teams who lost in the first round =.= went to support the bowl team. then end up me, sarah, je, jean, celine and tze ended up playing half volleyball.
went to audi for om briefing which i thought sucked like shit and, me, sarah, tze, celine and jean wanted to juz get outta the audi. AND THEN. the wonderful news came. ms yap said that the malacca trip was cancelled. WHATHE HELL lah! then hui ran went up to ask why it was cancelled, then ms yap beat around the bush, totally evading the question and then said something like im not quite sure why. NOT SURE?! and the sch claims that they went through a lot of consideration and thought before making the decision... H.A.H.A so funny. and she said i believe some of u are happy because you have already made other plans. oh but of course we are so happy. like who was the one who told us they hoped we would cancel our programmes so as to go for the malacca trip eh?
and huiran's question totally went unanswered lah. WHY WAS IT CANCELLED?! and you cant even give us a politically correct answer! oh and you replace it with such a wonderful sounding national education fieldtrip. yeah right going to a malay village in geylang serai is so fun! replacing a nice 3d2n malacca trip with a pathetic 3 hours in some dumbass place. still say what get 100% reimbursement and the sch will cover all costs required for that all so wonderful fieldtrip... how much can it cost man? traditional games and food eh? oh wow how come i always thought that roti prata was traditional indian and not malay food? how dumb of me. and who hasnt gone to kampong glam to play traditional games? im sure we cant pay for this if we can pay for the malacca trip right? they juz suddenly cancel the malacca trip when we are all anticipating it like what 3 weeks before the trip?! and the only they say that students have other plans. how bout u cancel our eoys cuz the students all have plans and so you'll make us so happy? walao and that westvik scolded huiran and the rest of the cohort who were cheering her on when she asked the question. what appaled at our behavior.. and all that crap.
training was tiring? or maybe cuz i got injured. did a lot of ce shou fans lah! then somehow i think cuz of that i pulled my left thigh muscle. bleugh when i was doing my taolu it was hurting for more than 3/4 of the time lah wtf. cuz there were very few moves that did not require me to strain my left leg. blah and i was doing quite slackly cuz was damn pain then still hurt so crappily. after wushu went down and me and sarah bought noodles from asian delight. somehow due to the atmosphere and all the stuff that happened the whole day that bowl of noodles was juz damn good. lol dunno how to describe lah but got that feeling.
Posted by
9:50 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
when u dun feel anything, it means it has become a habit eh?
there's nothing much to say. xian. but heh thank god for some ppl.
and this makes me think of that wonderful pitch for venting stuff. and the place where no it didnt matter and everyone KNEW what to do. i seriously need to vent this and not do anything but stone or sleep or watch tv cuz it works best.
Posted by
10:15 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008
HAHAHAH saw this on audrey's blog who saw it on siming's blog. lol amusing source of comfort! =P
It's not the fault of student ifhe/she fails because the year ONLY has 365 days...typical academic year for a student:
1. Sundays - 52 Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest.Days left 313.
2. Summer holidays - 50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study.
Days left 263.
3. 8 hours daily sleep - 130 days GONE.
Days left 141.
4. 1 hour for daily playing- (good for health) means 15 days.
Days left 126.
5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies (chewing properly & swallowing) - means 30 days.
Days left 96.
6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal) - means 15 days.
Days left 81.
7. Exam days - per year at least 35 days.
Days left 46.
8. Quarterly, half yearly and festival (holidays) - 40 days.
Days left 6.
9. For sickness - at least 3 days.
Days left 3.
10. Movies and functions- at least 2 days.
1 day left.
11. That 1 day is your birthday.How can you study on that day ?!?!?!?!?!Balance = 0
How can a student pass ?????'
Posted by
6:02 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
hahaha thanks for being such a blur and amusing person all the time! and for being such a nice person to msn and sms =D haha we both have bad yuan fen in banging and whacking each other, but its amusing! x) you're 16 now! so must behave like one!!! hehe even though u dun like to be called old, but yr ahem loss of memory and other stuff prove otherwise! maybe aside from yr blurness.. awww you're going to jc liao. gonna miss yr blurness and how amusing u are. lol i didnt feel like posting but still posted that okay! xD
and OMG training starts on tuesday?!!! dieee.... havent trained in 932432643484434 years. even though i missed training, but juz feels scary that it starts so fast. eh wait. that's the first day of sch after marking. damn. haha i only realised when i went to sarah's blog and she was like WHAT TRAINING STARTS ON THE 21ST! and i was like OMG WHAT TRAINING STARTS ON THE 21ST?! LOL! hahaha i wonder how the first training session after so long will be like.
Posted by
11:45 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
went to kallang yesterday! with like je, jean, lynn, celine, tessa, lauren, sarah, tze, carrisa and jing ting! all of them ice skated but cuz me and je really dun wanna ice skate so we went doing a lot of other stuff! at first we went bowling and it was quite fun. juz that my first 2 games were awesomely lousy =.= lol then the last one was okayish. went around exploring the whole of the kallang cineleisure place with je. and had a lot of fun laughing at random stuff!
went to arcade and played the bball thing that i suck at =.= anyway first time only lah. forgivable xD daytona racing! ahahaha damn nice =P then played that shooting thing with je thats quite fun. the rest of the ppl finished ice skating so we went to lunch at the food court. the hokkien mee is nice! =D hahaha... then went arcade AGAIN. played the bball thing AGAIN but i improved! haha and played daytona racing too! damn nice lor... then me, je and sarah went to play this game where u need to throw balls at the screen to whack ppl. violent tendencies are shuang. left early but spent but went though a lot of erm jaywalking in order to get back xD
went for malay today which was really pointless cept for getting back of marks! omg im dam happy with my malay marks lor! eoys were great =D got 22/30 for oral. 11/15 for compo. 21.5/25 for main paper. 28/30 for listening compre! hahahah so means that i got 82.5 overall! =P but i should be ponning 3rd lang next week cuz i dun feel like going at all since we dun do anything but watch lousy quality shows that reduce my intelligence =.= dumb cicak man. it's a failed copy cat of spiderman.
Posted by
9:35 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
What You Really Think Of Your Friends |
=P is your soulmate. You truly love Jy. You consider Bennett your true friend. You know that Tze Hui is always thinking of you. You'll remember Tiny for the rest of your life. You secretly think Eggy is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. You secretly think that ... is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. You secretly think that Tzy is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Tzy changes lovers faster than underwear. You secretly think Je is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Je has a hidden internet romance. |
Posted by
12:19 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
it all comes down to this
the compre yesterday was quite easy, but maybe the summary was hard. sort of. then compo was okay? hope i didnt write out of point. but like wth unseen poetry in rubbish. i had absolutely nothing to write and kept going on and on about the dumb cord =.= but at least better than chinese. that i already lost 4 marks for gong han for nothing. and not like i even deserved a 14 for my terrible lack of content in the gong han. so i doubt im even gonna pass that damn freaking thing. which is not a very good thing cuz my paper 2 is juz very uncertain with that cloze being so hard cuz that's where i usually score high. and my chang wen suo duan is very incoherent cuz i got 18 for the first blocks and 6 for the second, so yeah... bleugh.
history and geog today. the dumbass ppl who put these 2 papers together. history was okay... i guess i was lucky? yeah somehow managed to rmb stuff that i didnt erm really study. didnt finish my sbq which sucks cuz i KNEW the answer damn it. so juz scribbled two three lines that i hope is enough to earn me a l2 so i get at least 2 marks... geog was quite easy lah. but sheesh like i hate it when there's so damn many topics to study and they test like a few of them. but i was lucky as well, was more familiar with plate techtonis and weathering and managed to use it lah. next week math and science. history will not repeat itself. never. i wont let it.
Posted by
4:47 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
ZOMG wth happened today? man screw it. of all the stuff to crack up. it's chinese. how very so funny... it gonna get better? i hope. HOPE.
Posted by
9:50 PM
Monday, October 6, 2008
today was quite a slackish day i guess... APCG SHIRTS!!! =D AHAHAHA they're damn nice can! its like freaking awesome! thanks kenneth for going to approach them and celine for collecting them from kenneth! omg it realy damn nice xD anyway la went throught compre and swami. then art finished up my clay which looks quite weird but who cares? hmm last art lesson. had what last dance lesson, last drama lesson, last art lesson and tmr is last ict lesson! zomg juz realised that next year there's 8 more periods of like serious studying! DIE... all the slack periods are gone so fast liao.
lunch bball was amusing as it always is on monday cuz we dun play seriously and *some people* always get thrashed like xiao. so yup me, sarah, jean and je thrased eggy and tiny xD we weren't playing seriously of course. the score was like 100-4 or something x) and i was zhun today, like i always am on mondays, but only modays lah! at least it was super amusing cuz of us and the war zone thing. like when we came in the hall got attacked by a volleyball. then reaching the other end while i was bouncing the bball got volleyball come over, so i bounced it back while bouncing the bball =.= okay i juz ranted a whole lot of nonsense... nvm ignore that.
geog dint really do much. chinese lls and zheng weren't here, so we all slacked and i revised some history. mrs kuan came in and told us she had nothing for us =.= okay then was juz doing random stuff and revising history. so finished jap opp! which is damn slow... nationalism is irritating lah. i juz started on it and like... bleugh. dun even talk bout geog. so yeah that was all. such a boring day cept for bball. oh yeah our fps group! me, sarah, jean, je. jean joined us cuz lynn dint wanna go in the end. i juz realised the 4 of us went to play bball and we ate lunch after sch together.. okay random... lol anyway, doing fps juz for the fun of it lah. it's quite nice what! =P
theres not much stress on me. or rather i dun feel the pressure. i dun feel it coming at me. but i've always wondered if it will pay off. cuz i know maybe some of the sucky marks in the past i did deserve it and whatsoever shit. but some juz didnt make sense. but so what if i put in the effort? it doesnt mean that i WILL pay off. like in the past i put in so much and ended up with rubbish. so yeah if it doesnt work out as it's supposed to. then what am i gonna do? and i do want certain stuff, even though i might not be as 'qualifed' as certain ppl, but still... i mean i'll have to face all those voices time and again that i've been able to ignore them and treat them as nonsense filtering it out of my brain. yeah so maybe if you read this and u think you're one of those ppl who could improve on being such a whiner and someone totally inconsiderate and unsatified with yr marks, then take this as a reminder. u can do it if u want, juz not in front of me. not in front of me. thank you.
Posted by
6:00 PM
Friday, October 3, 2008
today seems like a nice postable day, i think? jia is becoming dumber lah! everytime see me pull my hairband down =.= some more my hair so smooth then pull a bit the whole thing diao... irritating! x) pccg was dumb too... do what presentation on our csp that was freaking hell pointless with ms chooi who was juz pmsing lor... drama didnt really do much, but roles were recasted lah. then i become model now -.- with audrey and shi ting apparently cuz we have nice legs like among the whole class!! =.= and i realised that my roles in drama before and after recast dou you hen da de guan xi.. haha lol! and i juz realised it was our last drama lesson...
la was meant for sleeping lor! mr lee was sick or something so dr carrie came in and did some super weird stuff at the start. then she did some funny thing and make us sit in 2 rows to share our compre answers with the person opp u. and i juz got damn sleepy. math was dummyfying... wth lah became like what kenneth and all the other ppl at apcg were doing and revolving around me cuz of my gravity =.= keep buzzing here, buzzing there lah!
lunch was quite fun? for my team that is... it was me, jia, eggy, ms chue and huifang against jean, je, wn, jac and yong. jean was juz damn pissed lah.... who wouldnt be lah. rmb that time me jean and je were in his team and he had the ball 90% of the time =.= he totally solo like shit lah. but for our side was quite fun lah. the yong left and ms chue joined them which was pretty unfair? then it got a lot more tiring, but still i found it a nice game, nt for jean of course. ict was juz erm amazing... cuz me and sarah juz sui bian finished up the dreamweaver assignment that sarah said i got 35 for... and she said i got 77 overall which is quite good cuz i every lesson also luan luan zuo. haha me and sarah every lesson take our own time to do the stuff x) geog didnt really do anything lah... after sch went to eat lunch and the that aw jia yu struck again! hahaha that sounds weird o.O pull down my hair band lah =.= so boliao... i have this sudden urge to pluck off all her hair xD
Posted by
5:17 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
lol havent really posted in a long while cuz i really didnt feel like it. today ms chooi came and wow finally saw her after a week =.= lol so shuang one week xD chem was first and i think i rmb a lot bout chem considering the last time i touched chem before ms goh came in this week was like in term 1! hahaha... so not bad lah everything coming back, actually i think what i absorbed in this week is like what i absorbed in term 1 lah.. haha or maybe juz that i learnt the stuff before. lol then after that was our what last dance lesson. chen laoshi made us do a lot of weird stuff that we never did before o.O so guai lah all the stuff.. then we ya-ed splits on the steps! hahaha the first step is quite okay lah. second step i can only do for right leg on the step. ahaha my right split is getting better but my left is still =.=
errr then recess stayed back in dance studio not to dance obviously but to lian wushu! =D hahaha forced sarah to attempt to do a split and zha dao at the same time! xD i splitted some more then we both did our taolus! =P lol it was fun and productive lor! la was after that and mr lee juz gave us compre to do... used remaining time to do some history stuff. math was finding out marks? sia was damn high lah. but other than that... dun wanna say. haha and after that me and je were wth-ing. bball was.... err cant describe lah.
chinese got back 2 zuo wens and a si han. lol the xiao yuan bao li one got 49 and minus 5 already... then lls went on about the zuo wen thing that i find quite pointless x) grah... then history and mr yong came in saying that he was leaving and stuff. mrs kuan digressed a lot and was talking bout what weird stuff... and my history marks!!! walao eh test marks top few in class, then assignment bottom of class. the 2 assignments 50% of ca2 and the test is the other 50%! walao pull my marks down like shit lah dumb assignment. math remedial was quite easy lah finished in half an hour? bout there lah.
bleugh its like what revealed and all that rubbish. that deja vu thing keeps happening again and again. doubt it'll ever stop. ever. blah blah blah... but i wont be bothered with all that stuff, not so dumb to listen to all that nonsense and let it affect me. go on continue with all yr rubbish and yr inconsideration... im waiting for it. wow cant u see that i cant survive without all that crap you guys are sprouting?
Posted by
8:59 PM