hmmm lots of stuff happened this nat day hols leh... fri went toh yi and shooting was good and nice. then sat went to trixy's(niece) bdae party. lol as usual everytime go there xian around... blah then somehow we went so early and i was stoning around downstairs. supposed to have bbq but cuz of rain and blah. yeah then shantelle (niece) finally came! lol then ate and stoned. like really stoning and xianing. and cuz we were downstairs there was no tv o watch ndp parade -.- then my mum said wanna go sa bei's new house, then damn happy cuz finally can unstone. juz when we were leaving keegan and kevin (nephews) decided to come -.- so erm me and shantelle and my fam left for sa bei's house...
ZOMG it is so damn crazy lah. like its such a freaking nice condo!!! its called riverside. like its at the east side and u can see all the nice sights! esplanade, sin flyer, sin river, etc... lol all the high class places. and we were watching the ndp fireworks from there, the view was awesome =D me and shantelle wew being awed the whole time at the wow-ness of the place and the fact that their houses are...crazily ex and nice. there's this skyu garden on the 13th floor that juz for viewing the scenery and stuff. unbelievable lah! then the whole time me and shatelle were juz talking bout lots of stuff, random crap xD hahaha! oh and we were playing mahjong! hahaha =D me and shantelle were trying to take pics together and finally got a decent one. event though it looks weird

sunday went sa bei's house again to celebrate sa mm's birthday! =P went swimming with my bro's and the pool is crazy... dunno how to describe but it's dangerous! lol me and shantelle bad timing! both of us wanted to swim. but then me and my bros swim liao then come up and bathe... then shantelle come -.- hahaha! then stoned round and ate the superb buffet dinner! eh it was damn good lah!!!! played rummy o and yeah thats all. oh yesterday's bbq at east coast with all the apcg sls was great lah! but so many ppl last minute pangseh then nv jiao dai. haha blog bout it later lah. i think
oh yes good luck to those ppl going for national comps starting from tmr!!! LI TING, JANICE, HUAI MIN, ANGELINA, QIAN YI, WAN QING, HUI FANG, EMILY, CAROL!!! hehe hope i didnt miss anyone out lah. lol going tmr to support! sat most likely cant go. but i'll try to go on sun okay! jiayou jiayou ppl! esp thsoe competing tmr namely huai min and qian yi! hahaha good luck! =P
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