Saturday, February 26, 2011

但我的愛多強悍 出乎妳預料

简直欺人太甚。你总是吧你认为正确的,应该做的选择强加在别人身上。真是难以相信我曾经以为你这个人还蛮开通的。照你说名立场的态度看来,我是非顺你的意不可了。如果你打从一开始就不打算给我任何选择的余地,又何必装出一幅给我自主权的样子? 你竟然让犹豫不决的我三番四次的为此而困惑,让我在两者之间做一个选择。而当我好不容易下定决心以后,你竟然好意思告诉我你心中早有定夺,根本轮不得我。我最终当然会随你的意,不过我能很肯定地说,我绝对会后悔,而且这决定会留下不可磨灭的遗憾。一个你所赐给我的遗憾。

Thursday, February 17, 2011

i can't believe im saying this again, but seriously? what's the point of being so upfront about your choices, appearing to be so enthu and yet try time and again to miss as much as you can? it's quite amazing, whatever you're doing now. valid reasons don't even matter since you never bother to even make up one, and when you do, it's obviously something you came up with on the spot. this is like direct to the max but it's kinda expected, no? surely you didn't think we would be all nice and forgiving and forget about all this when you're constantly giving us fresh things to gripe about.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011


逞強終究 只是逃避

放棄止痛劑 跟記憶 迎面交集
我依然堅持 回到家才哭泣

我的極限 就到這裡
就算永遠 不能痊癒
所以習慣 自言自語

你的極限 也在這裡
別跨越 我失序的心

副作用不明 但意志 還算清醒
我真的慶幸 不曾自我否定

yesterday was a disappointment. or rather one that i should have expected. wasn't surprised, juz pissed that it has become the norm, no? it's been like that for as long as i remember and it doesn't seem like it's gonna stop anytime soon. in fact i was so pissed yesterday that i almost decided for sure that i was not gonna wushu since you guys aren't making an effort. even when you already confirmed with shunxiang. what's with the reluctance?! dude, enough said. i could do this all day.

on to better things. my class has 18 ppl! juz like in henry park and 213. the story goes like this. on the first day we go into our CTs, there are 20 plus ppl in there, with the guys practically non existent. somehow by the second day we are down to 18 cuz ppl transferred out. on wed, this guy came in during seniors meet juniors, said he was joining our class, and promptly transferred the same day (we only saw him for 2 hours =.=) come today another guy joins our class. and before we know it, deja vu =.= guess what, he transferred out today! and so the current head count stands at 18 (to be confirmed though  -.-''')