meeting yang liu later on for lunwen. hopefully whatever we sent to her yesterday is of an okay standard. spent like the entire day yesterday getting people to do survey/discussing how to write nei rong zhai yao/editing the lunwen/digressing and forcing myself to go back to lunwen. it's kinda worrying that im not really worried about the fact the lunwen is due on thurs considering the miserable amount of effort zhiqi and i put into it compared to the other scholars. and according to yang liu, this year's judges are gonna focus more on 语文和文法, which spells doom. not that our content is up to standard anyway. obviously we aren't expecting to 得奖 or present at the 论文研讨会. actually, im hoping we don't get to since we'll probably falter at the Q & A part so much so that the judges will wonder if we actually did the lunwen. lol but at the very least they probably won't revoke the scholarship (i hope) once they see the standard of our lunwen.
omg hopeless ranting again. but whatever it is, we'll churn out something by thursday, and after that it's goodbye to lunwen! for a while at least. before csc steps in and offers me another lunwen. this offer is pretty much the same, compulsory and all. only difference being the fact that we're on our own and it's gonna be a major part of our final grades. the deal just gets better, doesn't it?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Posted by
1:45 PM
Sunday, January 23, 2011
ah craps what's with the rush to decide on a cca? and like tuesday? there's no way i could decide by then. actually this could juz go on forever and i'll never be able to choose. indecisive much? from what i heard, the time when we officially choose a cca is on the last day of orientation which is like aeons away, and gives me a reason to choose later on. went for the soccer training and well quite liked it. plus i was talking quite a bit with weining =D
i've been thinking about cca choices all the time and the process kinda goes like this. soccer or wushu? wushu, cuz i've been doing it for 4 years, plus there are batchmates who are joining. but there's like ...................................... and ..................................... which are compelling reasons not to join. so soccer. the training's not bad, i like the sport but i haven't played it in damn long. and then it all evens out. could i join both? well sure =.= only if i was zai in both sports or something. what bout hacas? im interested and could join it as a second cca since commitment isn't that high. but like, soccer or wushu?
okay that was draggy and pointless and i hope you didn't force yourself to read through all that. but the point is, no matter how much i think about it, i'll never be able to decide. how bout not joining a cca then? yeah sure =.= and hey, we're back at square one. so the point is? it's pointless to think about it since i'll never decide. lol okay this whole post is a drag and pretty much crap.
and. im not supposed to be here. lunwen! haven't been doing much the past few days, which is not a good sign at all since we're supposed to hand in on the 27th. and if you're reading this, go do our survey!
Posted by
1:30 PM
Friday, January 21, 2011
it seems like no matter how much we say, the whole eye candy thing is still there. wow, this is really confusing, isn't it? have we not made it clear? i mean like, all i said in my post was hc wushu. it seems that you know me really well since you figured i was only concerned about the eye candy after reading my post where no one was pointed out. for your information, eye candy does not last, especially if you view it on a constant basis, no? and after that we get sick of it and move on to find the next target.
so why waste 2 years on that?
Posted by
11:39 PM
Thursday, January 20, 2011
wow it seems like i took the friendly gestures that was non detectable for granted eh? well, im sorry if we simply have too high an expectation of what good hospitality is. since im regarded as a loser/retard, i suppose i juz don't deserve any gestures of goodwill.
one more thing, please get your facts right. for someone who wasn't even there, im sure you're in a position to judge what i wrote.
Posted by
10:28 PM
Monday, January 17, 2011
first day at hc was average. cept that we were all walking round like idiots as though we weren't yet students of hwa chong. it seems as though they aren't responsible for telling us all the stuff that we're supposed to know. so long as we're in hc and we know the program, hey we're fine! i mean, we're juz like the hc guys who have been wearing their uniform for a year, should know how the heck to tuck the shirt in, and know how to get around the school campus.
is that indifference constant throughout or something? or rather the 'leave you there to rot and die on your own' mindset. it was like that when we went for the open house, and somehow despite knowing quite some people there, no one seemed to bother to talk to us, or even acknowledge our presence. and somehow we put our names down on that paper.
and then it was the same again today. like hello, we aren't in hc wushu but it doesn't mean that we should be left to one side. realised this is kinda obvious, but like seriously. well, im not quite sure this is the kind of cca i would join. but it's not like i'll be of any importance anyway, since we're like down here and you're like up there, and we probably wont even be needed to make the numbers or anything. plus the exploding amount of awkwardness and weirdness when we were there is really more than enough to put people off. and with our 见不得光 wushu (skills? - if it's considered), i wonder how i will ever survive if i do decide that way.
Posted by
11:27 PM
Saturday, January 8, 2011
the 27th?! WTF.
spent the entire day on 论文. damn crap lah, but the deadline suddenly drops out of nowhere and your originally 100% free holidays juz went poof.
Posted by
7:08 PM
Saturday, January 1, 2011
and now we come to the new decade
finally posting! and all because it's the awesome 01-01-2011. so what have i done in the past 2 months since graduation? first half of november was spent slacking and attempting to get myself to study for malay, before FINALLY completing the msp o level on the 16th. had a month of internship after that which was originally part of the 2 week wep. measly pay, but awesome experience. the 2 weeks after that have juz been spent slacking, sleeping, watching tv, and catching all those dramas that i never had time to watch.
went to some kranji farm o spend the christmas weekend and the highlight was probably that 'mini getai' they had there. and the best part is that i found out i knew most of those lao ge that they sang, but all those songs were buried somewhere in my head unknown to me.
oh yeah watched the channel 8 countdown yesterday night. most of the singing was quite good, but i have to say something bout the 只对你有感觉 that dai yang tian and co sang. it was terrible =.= sorry to all their ardent fans out there but i really felt that there were times when they 冷场 and didn't seem sure about what they were supposed to sing, which is rather telling about their singing.
haven't posted in so long that i really don't know how to continue this. so there.
Posted by
11:38 PM