Wednesday, October 27, 2010
something really apt
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10:41 PM
Sunday, October 24, 2010
when i went to tze's house on friday, i seriously felt like stealing her entire collection of 武侠shows. it's like she has whatever you can name lah. okay maybe except for those serials like 少年杨家将,but apart from that, all those that she has is like... awesome. haha i borrowed 雪山飞狐,新如来神掌 and 风云2 from her after spending like damn long choosing. heh but i probably will borrow more from her once im done, although that'll take a while given that 武侠shows are relatively long in general and that i already have uh the shows currently airing on tv to watch.
神机妙算刘伯温 ended last thursday! there are actually 7 parts to the series, but somehow mediacorp stopped airing it after showing 2 parts. its slightly draggy i suppose, but the 'fights' between 刘伯温 and 胡惟庸 are damn interesting, plus there's like a lot of wit involved. and 朱元璋 in the show is really amusing, just that im not entirely sure that's how he was in real life.
oh and 古灵精探 is ending next tues. i think that this show is like on of the better tvb dramas? heh maybe it's juz cuz 郭晋安 is in it, and he's like one of the actors that i like the most. should watch 与敌同行 someday cuz he's apparently some 100% creepy and evil villain in the show. can't quite imagine it cuz he's always more 搞笑派 in shows.
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4:40 PM
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I suppose i feel quite relieved after EOYs, but there's always something weighing on my mind which makes me feel like: hey, exams are NOT over. of course it's malay O's that are like in forever. or at least seems like it. because when i last checked, there's only about 20 plus days left. and that isn't a lot considering the first 10 days will pass without feeling the need to study, and after which i won't feel like studying either cuz it's the 'holidays'. well, im sure.
went to marina barrage today to learn bout puisi seperti sapak. i suppose i did learn something, but the whole experience felt very -errrrr-. like going all the way to marina barrage to learn about poems. and somehow although we just sat there almost the entire time, it was damn draining. maybe cuz we had to wear long pants despite being outdoors and the weather was really uncooperative. at the very least it didn't rain.
i wonder what's going to happen to my malay after this. im like 99.99% sure that there isn't malay in jc. actually im 100% sure. that 0.01% is juz to give me a glimmer of hope that doesn't exist anyway. makes sense? duh no. but anyway, the point is that if i stop malay after O's then within a year or less I'll be reverted to maybe my sec 1 standard which is really like non-existent. then all the effort put in in these four years is gonna be wasted =.=
damn it lah. why can they offer jap, french and german in jc but not malay? if they did offer malay as a third lang, i would definitely take it, simply cuz it's a continuation from secondary school. that's why it feels so pointless to study for O's when i know that a year later, having that cert won't make much of a difference cuz i can't speak the language anymore.
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5:35 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2010
kinda surprised to be blogging now. its probably gonna be short though.
next tuesday's gonna be math paper 2, the last EOY paper, the last exam in nanyang. after which there won't be any signs of studying for a whole 3 months. of course, we'll be getting back papers. and its either that you're gonna be disappointed/complaining. In general, people are never pleased with their marks, isn't it? whether you're failing or getting 99%, its the same. like any other person, i want EOYs to come to an end.
but then what? like what is there to do after EOYs? there's no need to study, so it's just slacking off in our last days in nanyang. it just feels very weird... as though our last days in nanyang aren't spent fruitfully.
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6:27 PM