Saturday, July 31, 2010
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7:15 PM
Friday, July 30, 2010
had ih and la blocks yesterday. ih was seriously O.O like wth 3 questions in 50 minutes! feel damn cheated for history =.= and frankly speaking, the questions were relatively easy, maybe with the first one being slightly harder. lol did the paper at like some leisurely pace and ended up not having enough time to write the last level stuff cuz i was like doing it damn slowly thanks to the awesome amount of time given.
and i think i kind of screwed la. took damn long deciding which question to write and it seemed to me that I wrote it really badly. but hopefully doesn't turn out that bad.
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10:27 PM
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
after talking to ching yee yesterday, i felt that i had to like say this. nothing important lah, just that it seems damn stupid. the whole four tier differentiated learning in chinese is really just crap =.= like sure differentiated in terms of no of movies you watch and maybe the amount you get to copy. content wise, only slightly. and all that hype about bsp, about the importance of grooming billingual individuals to blah blah blah just seems really stupid. i mean like, bsp in nanyang really doesnt cover much. one hour a week. im quite sure if you go around asking bsp students in nanyang what they learnt, they would probably take a while to respond. and most of us probably can only say the topic, nothing much content wise. like all those whatever 运动 that we learnt about. i practically dont know anything about it. bsp in nanyang is totally not an accurate reflection of china studies in hwa chong. not even one of a millionth.
oh look! I feel so prepared for that! =.=
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11:20 PM
Sunday, July 25, 2010
the thing about GEP
figured i'll put this here as well... since our time in nanyang is drawing to a close soon. and so is our time in GEP, as GEPers.
If we're supposed to be in a special program then at the very least there must be something different about us. Else, there's no point keeping us as one GEPer class anyway. its's juz like how the math and science class has a different math syllabus is sec 3 and how the hp classes have to take one more subject that the rest of us in sec 3. Not that i really wanted to be treated differently as a GEper, just that if they want to brand us in that way, they have to do something about it. And not just leave us with a name and let things be.
Of course like the rest of the GEPers, im quite sure we all enjoyed the supposed treatment we get and of course are proud to be called GEpers. But the flaw in this system is that they have put all of us into this mold since primary 4, since we were 10. Other GEPers not in nanyang have probably crawled out of that mold and gone on. But here in nanyang, this mold has just become more distinct and its like a hole that's got deeper and deeper. Having spent 7 years in a system whereby you have the privilege of a small class and being surrounded by practically the same people each year, we're going to find it very hard to adapt to life in JC where we all get thrown back into the 'normal way of school life'. Im sure we get along quite well with many people in the mainstream, but the thing is that we often dont interact with them on a academic basis. Granted that you study with them for eoys or anything, it doesnt change the fact that you have not been in the classroom environment with them for a whole 7 years, and that is something really different.
When the time comes in less than half a year for us to climb out of this deep hole, I believe most of us will struggle to get out of it. For it has already become our way of life, the circle that we are so used to and so comfortable with. But that is not the way society works and we'll be forced to get used to that fact. And here is the whole crux of the problem of GEP.
Whatever it is, I have to say that I really enjoyed all these and am really very glad to have been given a chance to experience all these. Ultimately, even though we might not have been given what we wished, we still have to thank the MOE for coming up with this, for giving us such an awesome chance to feel special, to experience these 7 years as a GEPer.
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3:13 PM
It's been ages since i last posted and actually a whole lot of things happened. so i shall start from napfa?
it was quite interesting to have to do napfa during a retest. and i seriously suspect they are like a lot more lax cuz of that. ESPECIALLY in IPU. lol or maybe its just that ms sabrina wasn't the one assessing us, cuz she's damn strict bout that. anyway, the results.
IPU: 19
Sit ups: 40 something
Shuttle run: 11.2 or something (all thanks to some crazy netball girl who dashed out of nowhere!)
SBJ: 198! (really awesome cuz when i practiced my range was from 170 to 190 o.o)
Sit and reach: 58 (although i would have thought 60 was a much nicer number... xD)
2.4: too terrible to be disclosed
i suppose this year's napfa was quite good, with my sbj and sit and reach being the bst. shuttle run and 2.4 was just dreadful. cant believe how badly i did for 2.4. it's like about the same or worse than my result in sec 1, which was wow.
and then we had the flags performance for the flag presntation for YOG. amazingly, the audience included DPM teo chee hean and had ppl like teo ser luck as well. the entire performance was really fast. its like one moment we were waiting for the DPM to arrive and the next, we just zoomed on stage. although i suppose we were regarded as calefares, that doesnt really matter much. i hope. at the very leat we had to the chance to perform there and then regardless of how important it really was for the occasion.
then there was the block tests on thursday. i wrote the yao qing han and the zuo wen about zhong xue sheng li cai. i suppose it was okay? just that im not sure if i missed out any details about the yao qing han when i wrote it. and i originally intended to present my glog to cikgu during thursday recess, but thanks to the school only giving us 45 mins in between chinese papers and australian chem thing, and another 15 mins between that and la right after that, i ended up not having enough time... seriously, the school is damn stingy with recesses. like they didnt even bother to give us a slightly longer recess after block tests and instead decided to split up the one hour into 45 min and 15 min breaks. oh btw the australian chem thing was really easy. like there were questions which required absolutely no chemical knowledge and just common sense. lol and to quote herah after we took it: i wonder what they learn in school.
oh and there was the debate thing between 401 and 414 during assembly. btw, those were the only 2 sec 4 classes that participated and it ended up that all the sec 3 classes lost to them =.= anyway, i suppose the debate was quite close and i have to say that it got really confusing to the end. plus having en ting as a chair was really amusing.not gonna comment much about the debate, but i just had to say something about an example raised by i dunno who on soccer. someone said that the reason why we have to pay so much to watch epl now is cuz of the demand of the people in singapore or something. well, i would think the real reason is that singtel and starhub were bloody stupid in bidding for the world cup. in order to outbid each other, they ended up offering some astronomical sum to bid for the world cup. epl saw that and realised that these singapore companies have a damn lot of money and yet they're paying only this much for the rights to telecast the epl. obviously if you show off your riches, you attract thieves. that is exactly what happened to singtel and starhub. the epl would be stupid not to extort money from them. and that's why we end up having to pay so much lah. so all i can say about that is that it had absolutely nothing to do with the debate and should not have been used by anyone at all =.=
then on friday came the craziest thing. 3 presentations in a row. in three different languages. chinese sia presentation, then ih topical presentation, followed by glog presentation. and the thing about chinese sia was that zhi qi and i officially started on the sia we were presenting (we changed our title and the focus) last sunday. lol damn zai lah. we were rushng everything like crap, even till the last minute during pccg that i paid no attention to. luckily, we managed to pull it off and li wen juan seemed relatively pleased with us. hopefully, it wasn't that obvious that we were not the least bit prepared.
then came ih which was equally screwed cuz shi ting fell asleep before finishing her part on like thursday (friday morning actually). and audrey wasn't there. so we tried to go up to kuan and ask her if we could present on monday instead, but she said we would get zero if we didnt present on friday, so we just went up and ad libbed. despite us thinking that we were screwed, it turns out that we weren't according to kuan who said that we did quite well and were able to answer her questions. we couldnt really believe it, but well good for us i suppose.
and then it was the glog presentation during recess. surprisingly it was the presentation i was the most prepared for, even though it was in malay. i suppose its cuz i was already prepared to present it last monday and due to all sorts of things that happened it ended up being pushed back. but yeah it was good and so i survived friday.
malay blocks on monday. should be able to cope, i hope...
Posted by
3:10 PM
Saturday, July 10, 2010
the taiwan ppl left today! it was quite sad on thursday cuz they left so fast, although the waving to them incessantly plus the threatening to get on the bus and leave with them was damn funny. they only come for like a few days and they're gone so fast it feels so... its juz like when we go to china for so long and only go to the school for like less than a week. that seriously needs to be changed.
anyway, on to wushu! i finally learnt almost the entire jiu changquan tao on tuesday! and of course we did qi... the school should seriously stop treating us as though we are wushu exponents and think that we wont face ANY problems if you juz pop in and tell us that 'oh, we need you to perform in like 2, 3 weeks. AND its the tao that you're the MOST familiar tao you know! like QI!'. and after we ALMOST finalised the tao, we were greeted with the awesome news that we would be performing in the audi, and so rejoice! =.= gosh. i guess that juz explained everything.
but still, i hope we can get everything right in time. its kind of hard cuz of napfa stuck in between and other stuff, but well it's not the first time we've had to do things like this. im sure practice makes perfect.
Posted by
12:27 AM