went out with sharmaine and wen hui! =D haha went to jurong point, but me and wen hui were late so sharmaine was waiting for us at macs xD eh but it was damn qiao cuz i met wen hui on the train, like she was in the same carraige x) then we went to find sharmaine but someone thought she was at macs when she was at kfc =.= and she never noticed the difference!
walked to the cinema wondering if we should watch a show but the queues were crazy lah! i think it was worse than the usual queue in the canteen when it's crowded. so of course didnt watch in the end and we juz walked around jurong point and ended up at macs again. then we started talking bout all sorts of stuff. haha wen hui's card that gave her access to a pub or something and sheesh the spelling errors were so obvious!
decided to eat at subway and we talked a lot more... about weird people who wear newspaper pants, are seemingly anorexic and lol rubbish in general. talked a lot about stuff in school and i realised nus high has only 100 plus ppl per level o.o sharmaine got a shock when she knew ny has like 400 something. and apparently wen hui has a fan club of 10 ppl O.O damn weird!
walked around after that and sharmaine bought ear studs i think. lol yes i didnt pierce my ears. too bad! xD and that wen hui didnt buy anything after taking so long to decide what to buy -.-''' went to the wallet shop. haha sharmaine got this new wallet cuz her old one is... quite rotten. and again wen hui was looking at the wallets for a loooooooong time and didnt buy in the end! =.= haha went to starbucks and cuz the three of us were so broke, we were quite pathetic and shared a cup of iced mocha or something. i never knew they had vanilla powder there... lol i think we got like 2 cups in all and juz mixed it into our drinks. took a lot of pictures, of how disgusting looking the drink was when we were pouring it and we talked and talked AGAIN. oh yeah we cleared sharm's wallet of all her receipts and stuff and we found out she keeps library receipts to keep track of the books she has read! xDD
somehow went into this fashion after that. and that was a terrible move! SHEESH. i shouldnt have agreed to go in!! they made me do something i think i probably wont do in a long time, not even for graces i suppose. arghh. if wen hui wasnt going to france the next day, i would never have agreed... i bet the two of them were gloating! and argh pictures! lol i think its quite obvious what they made me do, but the ny ppl probably wont ever see it anyway, so nvm! x)
heh that was about all we did that day. but somehow we talked on and on about anything and everything.. i think the bulk of the time that day was spent on talking XP was damn fun! cept for the this fashion part x) cant believe the next time we probably will go out like that is in i dunno how long.... heh never felt that shuang in a long time.
totally didnt feel like national day cuz wen hui was gonna go to france later that night. my dad sent me to the airport at night and fetched sharm along the way =) lol talked to sharmaine all the way to the airport. reached at bout 9 and wen hui was stuck in a jam, so we went to eat at ya kun! haha sharm doest eat the egg yolk, but she was forced to eat part of it anyway, cuz she shared the egg with me x) went up to find wen hui after that and lol she was in the other set of clothing that she had! xDD
i passed her the letter then sharm realised that she didnt write anything even though she wanted to. haha so borrowed post it from wen hui and she started writing. wen hui's dad got us to go to swensen's to get a drink and lol their service is pathetically slow. didnt even serve ice water even though we asked for it and i think they took bout 10 mins to serve root beer =.=
finally we had to send wen hui off. it felt very nostalgic and there was this very sinking feeling. 6 years after all, out of 15 years of my life. didnt cry but felt like something was missing i suppose. then when she finally left i had a very weird feeling that i cant really describe. kind of uneasy i guess and partially disbelief. have fun in france wen hui! and dun you dare forget about coming back!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
wen hui you better come back soon!
Posted by
11:23 PM
Monday, August 10, 2009
block tests are overrrrrrrr.... whats done is done so yeah hope for the best i guess. a lot of stuff have happened these days after blocks ended. okay shall attempt to blog bout everyday since like thursday.
after blocks had to discuss ydf funfair stuff. and there's founders day celebration on fri plus the long delayed ydf. apparantly we're supposed to do nanzhong quan.. better not get the wushu ppl to do it. anyway after that went out for batch lunch, cept the grace wasnt there. and lol guess who we saw on the overhead bridge! hahaha the seniors decided to go kap as well, cept they were behaving unlike what seniors should behave like so we pretended we didnt know them.
talked bout a lot of stuff at kap, and after that the focus juz became on fairy tales and how the orignial version was mutated from some sadistic scandalous horror story into some idealistic bedtime story for kids. hahaha it was quite amusing with all the scandals and weird storylines plus the violent happenings in the original story.
had training after that and taught yiting the jiti tao. or at least up to the liu shui part and xue was being quite erm extra trying to correct her moves because the main point was to juz rmb how to do it. anyway, we went up and the rest finished learning the whole jiti tao so janice had to teach us. somehow halfway li ting took over and yeah we continued learning the tao. almost finished learning then my eyes started hurting like crap cuz of the light and yeah so stopped. but im only left with a bit more i suppose.
national days celebrations were a lot shorter than usual. the main thing we did was the mascot thing. and i have to say that the winners were rather pathetic. like i think they were the worst out of the lot lah =.= bet the judges were blind. btw, chooi was one of the judges.
met sarah and celine after that and were thinking of how to spend the 2, 3 hours we had while waiting for the hc guys to be done. started talking bout elections! and about how much pressure the captain would have if it wasnt emily. then we realised how wushu has the worst electing system ever =.= probably cuz no one ever bothered much. went to find carissa and we all decided to stone at the new starbucks. ahaha then me and sarah stared talking bout elections again... the sec 3s came but didnt even stay for apcg outing -.-''' so we went to poolside cafe to wait for the sec 4s to come back from their visit of patriotic places. haha and so we juz passed time by talking bout random stuff and how time passses so quickly.
finally they came and we went to west mall. had subway then went to bowl. haha the games were rather amusing. lol the first 2 games i bowled were okayish but i like the third game! and haha someone was having evil thoughts... lol not that the context provided wouldnt leave some people thinking like that xD after that we had this crrazy camwhoring session with various cameras and it was damn amusing. i think we spent super long taking pictures lah! the we decided to walk down the stairs and somehow found a place to take pictures again x) i think it was quite successful in the sense that we had a lot of amusement, even though the number of people who went was =.= juz like always
Posted by
4:31 PM
Monday, August 3, 2009
ih la and bio overrrr! lol ih was okayish, but i really cant tell how well or how badly i did. lets hope i get the mark i did for my assignments. la was okay i suppose considering how long unseen prose has been left untouched esp with kong as the teacher =.= and sheesh bio.... lol im very unsure of my answers and im not gonna talk anymore about it. just wanted to say once again that its very irritating to keep saying how low marks you're gonna get and how you screwed up the damn paper when you probably will get back yr papers with at least 80% or something and still be unhappy about it. at least in 313 you hear a lot less of this kind of crap.
wen hui is going to france on national day!!! and she's gonna be gone for like 2 years O.O so damn long! lol and i realise i've known you for about 6 years! =D a lot of stuff happened previously and wow you're like suddenly going to france... haha have fun there! definitely will go and see you off on sunday =P
Posted by
6:29 PM
Saturday, August 1, 2009
sometimes i wonder whether its worth it. like im putting in so much but somehow its not appreciated. maybe its just cuz im so stupid to be doing so much for something that doesnt really have much importance to some of you. its very frustrating.
anyway, training these few days have been quite shuang, and amazingly i felt better after having training. lol learning taos are the best! oh did i mention that chai wanted us to finish learning jiti on thursday and xue said previously that we should finish learning by september. o.O whoa... haha chai was juz being lame as usual.
i dunno what im doing... was doing math the whole day =.= when its ih and bio i should be studying for. whoa damn smart.
pe on friday was damn amusing! hahaha both matches were damn funny and shi ting's expression when she was trying to prevent me from intercepting was amusing. it looked cramped up or something xD and i suppose im getting used to 313 and maybe starting to appreciate some people for who they are.
(blogger is screwed! i want to change the font damn it)
Posted by
5:58 PM