Limelight yesterday! Oh and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TZE HUI! HAHAHA hope you like the tic tac. Lol maybe you;ll get sick of it because its such a big pack. And I realize I always jaywalk across the 8 roads when im at esplanade, cuz like there’s no human traffic light. Haha and I influence various ppl to do it with me xD
Training today was a lot better than expected. Played captains ball then went straight to tao and Emily was teaching us today! Ahaha li ting and carol were ‘helping’ her but I think they kinda got a bit mixed up with their tao. I think the tao is damn cool! Plus like the emo walk in! we learnt the liu shui part today and omg the jumping up into a gong bu and doing qian gun with a dao after you land is quite luan x) I think we need to lian quite a bit on that. But anyway, I think this is like the nicest jiti tao we’ve had and we’re gonna own next year! No more cchms. Or some freaking random orchid park =.=
These few days have been quite hectic and yeah tiring. Block test next week. The prospect is scary. Its probably as important as eoys would be, but im not feeling the urge to study or something which sucks. Cuz I think a lot depends on the block test and like wow I’ll juz go like I usually do – unprepared. Its not a good thing to be partially numb from all the disappointment I suppose.
Oh yeah elections are like next next week after block test. And this time there’s gonna be a sec 4 and sec 3 vice pres which means like this year’s sec 3 and 2. nothing against the sec 2s, but I feel it isn’t fair to the sec 3s or the sec 2s with this next system thing. I mean, the sec 3s should deserve 2 vice pres places. And the sec 2s shouldn’t be taking on vice pres in juz what, 2 weeks? There’s a lot of pressure and expectations on the person who becomes vice pres when she’s only sec 2. ever wondered what if that person didn’t get elected as pres or vice pres when she’s in sec 3? It sucks like shit. Like, what kind of arrangement is this. And now with only 1 sec 3 as vice pres I really have no idea who I’ll vote for. And the president. I dun want to vote for the president, and I dun think anyone in my batch would want either, because we have absolutely no idea who we should vote for. Everyone is rather equal unlike previous years, where it was obviously one person or maybe 2 at most. But now its seriously… I dun actually think any of us wanna be the president cuz it comes with all that responsibility and that expectation of being pro, like how you’ll keep being compared to the rest and stuff. Plus the president has to deal with wu, chai and xue. That would suck a lot esp if you’re supposed to talk to them about something but they juz scolded you unreasonably when you were doing your tao. I want to void my vote! Lol I bet on that day, the sec 3s will be the last to pass the paper to the sec 4s. and chances are we’ll juz end up writing a random name.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Posted by
11:53 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009
i feel like an idiot. seriously whats the point in all this? wouldnt it make things a lot better if you stopped pretending? be decisive. you either show me that this is worth me trying or you can juz totally ignore me. stop appearing so nonchalent at times and yet so concerned or something. im sick and tired of all this. yeah so choose and decide what you want to do about this, cuz i dun intend to bother anymore.
Posted by
11:30 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
its irritating how things can change so quickly, and more often than not, its because we dun really try. like 5j, 213, apcg, everything in fact is slowly drifting away. there's always only that same few people perhaps making that effort to keep the friendship and all, but in the end its always the same. Somehow everything juz changes so quickly. and it all becomes so awakward just as quickly. soon people will feel out of place with each other, not knowing what to talk to each other about, and somehow its seems as though nothing is enough. when you look back at all the stuff that happened and we did together you'll think, of course we'll keep in touch. after all these stuff that we have done, there's a certain bond forged.
this all doesnt make sense, does it? i suppose the same thing will happen to qin bing, seniors, batchmates, and everyone else. because we're all just moving on, and we never look back to see what we have left behind. then as time passes, it all becomes to late because we cant care anymore. i suppose thats how adults have so few friends in comparison to us. because thats what happens and we all just cant be bothered. actually we might mind all this thats happening and want to change it, but a lot of people probably wont take action.
this sucks and its absolutely irritating to be going through this process again and again. you meet and you develop a friendship that somehow seems it'll last for a certain amount of time, but it turns out that its barely worth anything. not enough for others to make an effort to try and keep the bond that we shared. its the same for 5j, 213, apcg, etc. and when we leave nanyang, everything changes again.
yeah we probably feel the same way, but it takes a consistent effort to maintain a relationship. it will only fade if no one bothers bout it, and soon enough it wont matter enough to mend it. its crazy how things are going now because i think i have this really superficial relationship, friendship with a lot of people around me.
when we try to organise outings, of course people always can come at the start. but somehow they will always have something on and cancel on us one by one. like the apcg outings and the best lah class chalet. its not as though the date wasnt set a long time ago. and even though we didnt end up having chalet, thats no excuse. attendence is always pathetic. and its by no coincidence that everytime we have outings for various stuff its always the same people. others juz cant be bothered, eh?
anyway, APCG anniversary tmr! wow. cant believe it. but things are very different now. still... i had a great time at apcg and we shall attempt to organise a successful outing.
Posted by
12:27 AM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
lol this place is so dead. i didnt blog about a lot of stuff, esp qin bing outing! ahaha it was so damn fun =D
i dun really know what to say, but like school these days have juz been... its really becoming some routine whereby almost the same thing happens everyday or something and its getting quite sickening the way things are right now. life is seriously boring.
got lots of stuff that im supposed to do, but i never get down to it. anyway i miss watching 突围行动, now there's like no decent show to watch.
为着 力追心中那意思
活着 为志愿尽力尝试
活别 若有幸定能重遇
日后 让故事从头来说
为求事实力探 那管你是谁
为着 力追心中那意思
活着 为志愿尽力尝试
活别 若有幸定能重遇
日后 让故事从头来说
为求事实力探 那管你是谁
Posted by
6:59 PM