About you
Name: =.=
Nicknames: v, ah bean, beany, bee bee, madum beanus, veeny, flytrap, etc (and the list goes on)
Age: u should know
Schools attended: PHPPS, HPPS, NYGH
Earliest memory: errr....
Hair colour: brown! =D
Eye colour: Black lah
Height: 163?
Greatest fear: i dunno
Words you go by: i dun go by any words lah =.=
Food: Almost every type of food is nice lah!
Fruits: mango, grapes, mangosteen, durian, etc lah!
Drink: wintermelon!!! hahaha chrysanthenum, soya bean, water chestnut
Music: a lot of lao ge lah.... dialect songs! probably a lot of ppl dunno.
Quote: hehe secret xD
Person to IM: eh maybe a few ppl
Book: how long was it since i last read?
Cartoon character: no comment
Friends: a lot obviously!!
Sport: SOCCER, bball, swimming, badminton, billard, bowling, etc lah! (anything but skating)
Brand: adidas? =.=
Swear word: everyone is a favourite! x)
Planet: LIKE DUH... VENUS LAH! it's like the best planet ever xD jean u got the right answer!
Hottest: omg whathe hell jean put me for this =.=
Chattiest: omg CHUA WEN HUI!!!!
Tallest: clarence? eh i dunno how tall the guys have grown liao lah!
Shortest: sharmaine! xD
Scandalous: sharmaine wong! lol in pri sch flooded with scandals lah! actually me and wh also considering the ratio of guys to girls =.= but yrs way exceeds ours! x)
Sporty: ttk or clarence? eh i dunno lah a lot of the guys all so...
Dirtiest: o.o what kind of question is this?! lets answer based on dirty minded. the whole bunch of j guys. no doubt. sec sch is nothing compared to them..
Best dressed: Celine?
Most missed: eh i dunno leh.. actually all of them cha bu duo
Best Listening Ear: no one
Best Actress: ehh i dunno leh
Attractive: not juz one lah obviously
Whom you trust most: im surprised but i guess tk and bennett
Kindest: haha no i dun have kind ppl round me x)
On your phone (Ignore all these cuz my phone is dead. grah.)
First person on J contacts:
The third person down C contacts:
Last miss call:
Last call from:
Last text message from:
First song on your playlist:
What does the last message in your phone says
Describe the first picture in your gallery:
Listening: this qian nu you hun song
Eating: haha hotdog bun
Drinking: nothing
Talking to: eggy and tk
Engaging in: why does every quiz ask this question!
Wearing: berms and random shirt
Thinking about: how i always meet pri sch friends
Wishing: ...
Worrying: that what im wishing is not gonna happen
Happy about: finally such a nice long convo after so long
Sad about: not saying
Craving: time to stop
This or that
Stars or moon: Stars. venus has no moons, rmb?
Black or white: Black
English or Chinese: Chinese! xD
Pearl or diamond: diamond
Bread or rice: Bread
Fizzy drinks or herbal tea: -.-'''
Math or Science: math
Cab or car: Car i guess
Friends or family: both
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Posted by
4:38 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
lol havent posted in a long while... yesterday's oral was... i dunno how to describe =.= nvm juz dun talk about it. today was damn slack lah. la was first and we didnt really do anything in the library. then juz when mr lee gave us stuff to do sandy tan came and called me, amanda and audrey (ppl who didnt have la yesterday cuz we had to leave for oral) out. turns out we had to go get the bio paper to return to her. haha so end up by the time we went to get the paper and returned there was nothing to do liao =.= then what was it after that.. oh yeah. geog. was doing like nothing. we got our pe marks! it was okayish lah. lol overall 80.
pe didnt have lessons so went down to play bball. walao the game i run like shit lah... practically no one ran at all WTH. not juz run lor. practically no one attempting to block. like carissa and me were running? lol then after that tiny and eggy came. tiny joined us and it was supposed to be a lot easier for us cuz it's what 4 v 6 =.= but was trashed like shit. walao was running like how much of the time... yesterday bball yong was solo-ing like shit and had like what 90% possesion of the ball in our team and didnt do anything. then today run like xiao and got tired like crap. blah blah...
bio today was slack. ms lye looked damn sick lah. so we had free period. all i did was transfer tons of music and play flying finger. lunch me and jean shot around and jeans 3 pointers were damn zun today lah! mine was okayish. in the end only wn came before 1. then she was missing like xiao! xD haha jkjk... assembly was watching the sun wu kong thing and omg they are all imbazai lah! amazed like shit. the sun wukong guy came out did dunno how many ce shou fan and backflips. then there was this super zai part where he did 4 housaos consecutively and then followed immediately with a xuan zi!!!! OMG! i wanted to kill him for being so pro lah! my hou sao is like getting worser. could still do it in sec 1 lor. now its like totally gone... and he can juz spin like that for 4 rounds! they all damn zai lah! amazed like xiao xD
after that saw wn on the way back to class. jean and wn were trying do that seductive thing with that voice to me after they got je all traumatised. i felt 2 disgustin hands on my shoulder then i piaked and whacked wn damn hard on the back x) hahaha wanted to whack jean then she hide behind wn =.= anyway went to coffee bean with sarah, carissa, shi ting, charlotte and celine.
the coffee bean membership card application was amusing.... and of course i was like totally linked to coffee bean when i went there cuz im supposed to be.. bean -.-''' hahaha but i am like broke! nvm i still have my wonderful profitable family business >D sarah left quite fast... after that we were talking bout a whole lot of wonderfully amusing stuff! complaining and mocking stuff *aherm* and all of u havent bowed down to me yet hor! dun forget x) haha and no jia its not good to live in a dream u know...
Posted by
10:53 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
actually today is a pretty nice day. bloggable and stuff... but not really in the mood to say much. and i cant be bothered already. so juz briefly talk bout it. lol today walking to quadrangle walked passed jia and decided to whack her head. somehow she decided to trip me. so i stumbled and almost fell, but luckily cuz i decided to whack her head so i supported on it and didnt fall. stupid jia! haha went to whack her after that. la was okay lah. was doing summary and helping tessa with her chinese worksheet. chinese was nothing much either and i was paying a lot of attention? err yeah.
pe had some pointless game that i scored home run and blah. did theory test and got 14? yeah think so. malay was doing malay =.= yes i was revising malay stuff and catergorising whatsoever during malay. and i bought the stuff for cikgu hanim. walao the sec 3 book is damn think lah. die liao. lunch tried on costumes and lynn and sim hwee were there. then i brought it back and put it on the table. with the tank top right on top.
went down to play nice game of bball. would elaborate but seriously dun feel like it. it was juz full of words like hot and cold plus tons of laughter practically all the time that we couldnt play properly. but had tons of fun. then i went up and fucking hell couldnt find the tank top. sucker lah wth. damn you whoever it is lah. im positive i left it there. 30 mins of bball and i come up it's gone. how wonderful eh? and supposedly there was always someone in class during lunch so i dun get it. obviously someone took it. yeah i know that. i dun need reminders. it's not even my tank top. it's audrey's for goodness sake. how funny. lightning doesnt strike twice. it has struck trice already. you fucking idiot. i cant even be bothered to censor that word or anything. cuz im juz totally sick of all this okay. SUCKER.
Posted by
5:53 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
►Perfect: duh not at all
►Tall: bout average
►In your pajamas: hello it's like 7 plus now. and i sleep like what 5 hours later?!
►Left handed: right handed
►Friend you saw: baoxian
►Talked to on the phone: hahaha it's baoxian again!
►Person to text you: errr tzy. lol his reply was =.=
►Is today better than yesterday: same lah. maybe sleepier?
►Numbers: 13, 28, 99
►Colors: BLUE! and green!!
►Foods: EVERYTHING LAH! i damn glutton u dunno ah
►Place: Anywhere with people I know xD (lol same as jean)
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
► go back to sleep! like duh =P
Q: Do you have anything bothering you
► DUH!
Q: What's the last movie you watchedin theaters?
► Wall.E
Q: Where is the last place you went?
► lot 1! went to macs to eat ice cream >D
Q. Do you smile a lot?
► errr u think leh?
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
► i never see stars =.=
Q: Are you a friendly person?
► if i answer yes, there will surely be an uproar! hahaha so i shall say erm no.
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
► of course i didnt sleep on my bed eh -.-'''
Q: Why did you sleep there?
► cuz i had common sense
Q: When was the last time you cried?
► i rmb that very clearly...
Q: What was your last thought before going to bed?
► oh man shao nian yang jia jiang is over!
Q: Rate life as of right now, onebeing bad, ten being great?
► 6? or maybe less...
Q: What do you hear right now?
► the tv!
Q: Does anything hurt you right now?
► grah my fingers!!!
Q: What's your favorite month?
► feb(haha u know why) and dec!
Are you missing someone right now?
► Yeah, more than one
Are you single?
► what do u think?
Are you tired?
► duh. physically and mentally
Are your parents still married?
► yeah.
►Real name? i've got so many nicknames like ah bean, beany, bee bee, madum beanus, veeny, etc that i've forgotten my real name x)
►Age? Fourteen
►Eye color? black lor
►Male or female? female. unlike jean, i've got no qualms bout answering this
►Single? didnt u juz ask it?
►Crushing? guess what i crush on myself >D
►Smart? at times i guess
►Hair color? brown and black! AHAHAHA i like my hair =D
►Sweats or Jeans? jeans
►Phone or Camera? phone! lol cuz most come with cameras
►Health freak? susi yes. me no.
►Righty or lefty? right is nice!
►SMOKE or Drink? DRINK! smoking sucks. IT SUCKS LIKE SHIT
►First best friend? yun ru
►First award? does sports day in k2 count?! x) >D HAHAHA
►First enemy? how i rmb!
►First pet? 2 rabbits
►First vacation? indoenesia
►Eating? how would i know lah!
►Drinking? milk?
►Listening to? my bro rant on and on bout qian qin and hou qin
►Plans for tommorow? i have no plans at all. since when did venus have plans?
►Lips or eyes? Eyes
►shorter or taller? Taller lah!
►Romantic or spontaneous? Romantic
►Sensitive or loud? Sensitive
►Hook-up or in a relationship? relationship duh!
►Drank hard drinks? HAHAHAHA YES
►Lost glasses/contacts? No either spoil or break
►Ran away from home? duh no =.=
►Broken someone's heart? haha did i break yr heart? LOL
►Been arrested? No way
►Do you like someone? No -.-
►Are you seriously happy withwhere you are in life? NO WAY i tell you
I tag!
1) jia!
2) audrey
3) eggy
4) sarah
5) tk
Posted by
6:49 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
cant turn back
okay jean my blog's not gonna be stagnant liao.. on thurs after math remedial that chooi gave super easy worksheets to do, me and tze went to eat lunch. then ended up talking and talking bout stuff from both perspectives! trying to be erm fair and just ppl xD haha but its nice talking to tze cuz she's not prejudiced bout this kinda stuff, maybe expect for her ego moments lah! then we met wn who was trying to finish her aep coursework and had a yellow aura aroud her, together with her bright yellow pants.
tze started builing sandcastles and making erm crab holes =.= how childish. lol so i was juz sitting there watching the 2 of them. then i was talking to tze bout sub combos cuz i hadn't decided by then. and she scared me by saying that i might have to join a mainstream class if almost everyone in 212 takes trip sci or hp and i was totally O.O O.O not that im biased or wtv, but if it actually happens like one gep person in a mainstream class, it juz doesnt work out. and i was freaking out bout only me and je in 213 taking double sci and that if most of the ppl in 212 take double sci as well then the trip sci ppl one class, double sci ppl one class... so the whole time i was worrying bout this and that. and i kept whacking tze cuz she said stuff that i kept responding to by saying: "WHATHE HELL!!! TZE HUI YOU DUN SCARE ME?!" so she was basically helping me a moment and freaking me out the next... which is juz weird lah. but it was a nice erm talk?
friday's choral and drama rehearsal didnt really cover a lot of stuff, but was pretty good. like we spent quite some time getting ppl's attention and stuff and were going over the scenes again and again. but the stuff was quite good for a first time! and audrey's my trainer!! hahaha throughout the whole thing she was trying to be fierce to me but it wasnt exactly very successful. cuz stuff are supposed to be the other way round! like im supposed to be the one who's fierce in real life and audrey gets scared of erm me.. LOL! but at least we sorta devised a way to make her fierce look more convincing.
speaking of that i've found something woderful for sarah to wear and it suits her role! hahaha sarah i bet you'll like it! and guess what i never wore it before =.= how interesting. was flipping through my irs stuff done in p6 yesterday and im amazed at how wonderful it was. plus how much effort i actually put in leh! i lost all those hardworking elements in me since i came to ny which is juz o.O but cant believe it lah! like i was only p5 then... and actually bothered to put in so much effort. compared to like now.. its juz so diff. i thought i had some other stuff to say... but oh well cant rmb it
i think everyone's been reflecting on drama... some ppl are blaming others... some ppl are getting blasted at... etc. well, i suppose it's inevitable since we all expected at some point in time there'll be something like this. some ppl are too dominant and want to get involved in everthing. some ppl dun wanna get involved in anything at all. some ppl try to contribute but dun really help much. some ppl dun get what the whole thing is about up till now. some ppl are getting scolded for whatever they have done. EVERYONE is getting frustrated or irritated or disappointed or sad that this is happening.
right now everyone is blaming everyone... no one is perfect. we've always had conflicts and problems in the past when it was a 213 thing. and this time of course, it's no different. but it's the last time we'll actually even have the chance to quarrel. no matter how ridiculous this may sound. there's nothing wrong with quarelling. there's nothing wrong with voicing out what you feel towards all that's happening. there's nothing wrong with complaining and blaming esp since the current situation is like this. but note that it has to be solved and will be solved. after all this bout of voivcing out yr views, we need to resolve it. thats the whole point of even pointing out the problems anyway.
i believe there has been enough of blaming, complaining, scolding, getting accused, being to dominant, not caring bout ppl's feelings, not accepting ideas, etc and all the problems that exist. i know its not easy to resolve this kind of stuff. but something has to be done about it. there will definitely be more complaining and disagreements. but i juz hope that its right now it's at its peak and will dip down slowly... it has to be done together.
Posted by
4:01 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
hmmm today was way better than expected. la and i forgot to bring compre, again =.= so dumb lah. but from what i rmb of my answers it was terribly done. 0 here 0 there.. geog ms khoo didnt come so revised for bio lah. pe was good!!! hahaha or rather my softball assesment was good! lol mr chia assesed us on batting and i threw for a few ppl heh. i got 20 for assessment! =D hahaha full marks! jean also got full marks (of course lah jean! xD) and sarah got 19. but my theory test is juz dumb lah. it was online and i forgot to do it. so did sarah. so we juz both got a nice zero for it! how fun -.-
bio test was not that hard but grah some parts of it were really screwed like blah. like i discover that got more and more mistakes in the paper. bleugh wonder when we'll get it back. lunch bball was quite okay? anyway better than yesterday lah. but my 3rd and 4th finger kena hit lah. walao 4th finger is forever... lol then assembly was normal. 13th nov! thats when we know sub combo and classes!
malay oral is coming and wth it's 30% of marks for eoys! crazy lah! and next year if we stay at moelc will get taught by the stupid hod who doesnt teach and tells you to go find out the meanings of words yrself. crap leh. dun care. wanna have 3rd lang in sch lah. if not my malay already so lan next year sure die like xiao
Posted by
7:27 PM
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
today was such a monotonous day. cant really be bothered to blog bout it. although at the start it seemed as though it was gonna be a nice day. chinese ting xie was =.= but yeah cuo zi improvement.. then. then. then i forgot. oh yah ict. and i finally finished flash. oh wow great achievement eh? lol was laughing like xiao with and at sarah bout her flash assignment that she finally finished today also.
math was good? i dunno felt nice. and wow 2 x 1.5 = 3.5! how dumb =.= lunch bball was horrible lah.. blah blah blah. dunno what was going through my mind and blah. nowadays im always either in a daze, or my mind is a blank or im juz stone. like zombie lah wth i dun even realise whats happening around me or care to realise it. thats what happened during bball and start of la when mr lee came in. everyone stood up to greet and i didnt notice. then he was like looking at me and i thought aiya nothing lah. then je realised too and i was the only one still stoning. lol je shook me and i sorta got out of my daze.
class contact time was discussing sub combo. or rather trying to help jean decide. heh jean dun be too stressed out lah. dun think about it at least for today. think about bio man! lol. studied bio after sch and managed to rmb quite a lot of stuff. mainly stds and contraceptive methods. im damn worried lah. its not very strong right now but i know i'll be damn scared before, during and esp after it. i went and calculated. even if i get full marks for my bio blocks, added on to my physics blocks the percentage is 61% how fun. full marks and it evens out so much eh. well yeah it does compared to my physics but WTF lah. cuz the max i'll probably get is 30 lah, which means.... and im scared li shi chong yan. that same thing will happen for bio like what happened for physics. oh and got sia marks for la. i got 16 for that talk thing. 82%! lol everyone in class got damn high lah. a2 and above. lauren got 89% or something. only comforting thing today. wth still got to decide on subjects. i. have. no . idea. stupid lah. blah blah blah blah blah....
Posted by
6:50 PM
Monday, September 8, 2008
the meme quiz =.=
1. Next to each number, write only the name of the person who fits.
2. Answer one question with one name.
3. Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme.
4. Ask me to send you the email if you wanna do/if you really really wanna see the qns x)
1) sharmaine
2) audrey =.=
3) no one. i think its good like that
4) tze hui
5) CHUA WEN HUI! no doubt man xD
6) me? hehe maybe grace also
7) tzy
8) yun ru, wh, sharmaine, etc. got a lot lah
9) sharmaine
10) susi
11) carissa
12) no one
13) amanda
14) tk =.= lol his muscles...
15) yx, tk, tzy, clarence, jia, eggy, sim hwee, amanda, yi ting, etc. practically everyone lah!
16) clarence
17) sarah and eggy
18) song zheng yi aka jenny
19) nol
20) no one i know of
21) yx
22) tk? lol
23) lauren
24) clarence
26) why would i wanna do that -.-
27) sharmaine? hehe
28) err like?
29) oh wow =.= what do u think?
30) hahaha this thing is amusing cuz its so mysterious and some of u guys dunno the questions!
Posted by
9:07 PM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
aiyo jean i did that quiz last month only! lol nvm i shall be nice and do it, but answers probably cha bu duo lor...
1. The person who tagged/passed you is? Jean and shun xiang
2. Your relationship with him/her?
jean: classmate, friends
shunxiang: fellow apcg sl, friends
3. Your five impressions of him/her?
Jean: 1) when she starts laughing she goes mad
2) err... what suicidal? hehe
3) haha likes to talk bout stuff
4) hardworking
5) mood swings
shun xiang: 1) wushu is like his life
2) pro in wushu lah =.=
3) thinks everyone is scary
4) smart
5) talks bout weird stuff
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Jean: errr talk?
shun xiang: nothing?
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
jean: dunno how to say
shun xiang: lol jy for exam
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
jean: im not les =.=
shun xiang: no lah
7. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on?
both wont be liao what...
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
jean: hmmm i wonder...
shun xiang: jean i agree with u lah! deprive him wushu
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
jean: cuz i get irritated with her bout stuff she says
shun xiang: err i dunno.
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
jean: lol i guess helping her to decide if she should take hp (or have u already decided jean)
shun xiang: erm nothing?
11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
jean: lol quite amusing at times and erm hardworking?
shun xiang: loves wushu, is smart and weird
Posted by
6:16 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
i never got to know you
recently went out a lot with my family and watched movies and stuff. rare man... nv went to watch movies in eons. and yesterday after going to see the chi doc went to raffles city to walk with my fam and i met amanda! ahahaha so qiao! and my bro went for his p5 camp today! hahaha i bet when i go fetch him his stuff will be in a big mess xD
anyway, most or i think all of you who are reading this dont get the next part and will not get the next part. so erm dun need to try.
i dun know what to say. like i didnt know what happened when it happened to you. i dunno when i knew about it, that you actually existed once before. but was gone so fast. its scary that i dun feel anything towards you. maybe cuz i've only seen you once. maybe cuz i didnt know at that time. but i still feel guilty for not knowing that. for not feeling how i should be feeling. its a loss. its damn sad that i never got to know u. i cant believe it lah. it nv really occured to me how true it actually is. and somehow i dun feel sad or a sense of loss. thats what scares me. and saddens me as well.
Posted by
9:21 PM