today was... quite... i dunno how to describe lah. got chinese paper back and it was a screwily screwed up thing. like wtf i didnt even pass 60% lah... what shit was that. hmmm yeah how to get in u tell me? i dun get how i could have got so low lah. and no not passing 60% isnt okay, esp not when you're trying to go for bsp. bleugh... deproved by 19 marks? so damn contradictory that i found this time's paper easier than the previous one. maybe i should pray for hard papers..
la was lit circle and grah juz dumb. pe was damn stone too and i totally didnt feel like running. then blah and blah happened and blah and blah did blah. seems as though today is so insignificant. malay was weirdish and i went brain dead somehow and mixed up stuff and got stuff wrong. blah... lunch made me erm.. feel alive? wn, jia en, jac and me vs eggy, tiny, jean and mr lim. lol it was damn high lah! kept laughing and laughing until stomach pain liao.
then got back geog that erased a bit of the chinese sadness. lol but still sad lah half more mark get a2 liao! then had to leave for that malay oral thing and blah. grah they made me wait until 2.45 i think... stupid right! still say what leave class early =.= like i left at 1.35! and then cikgu hanim still say i late -.- dumb leh. but yeah i think the ppl asking us questions were amused by my inability to answer them. made her repeat at least 15 times leh. lol but the last part was the worst. i practically had no idea what they were asking.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
the point of today?
Posted by
8:52 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
wish u a happy 14th birthday! lol even though u dun look or act like a 14 year old, but still! xD thanks for always being so cheerful and nice all the time! it really makes a difference okay =D thanks for being so optimistic and being able to take things that come yr way! hahahaha u and yr cheena way of speaking chinese. or rather how cheena u sound when speaking chinese xD and i know u have that whole collection of 武侠小说 written by jin yong that we like to read! AHAHA thanks so much for lending me even though i havent really got time to read much of it. but yeah thanks for being so nice ah! hahaha enjoy yrself! =P
hmmm todays quite a pissifying day, maybe cept for us getting back history. i got 15 over 18. hahaha not bad not bad! xD eh but then mrs kwan said something bout equal weightage for assignment and test in the final result which is unfair and what i strongly object to! cuz... i got 4/10 for assignment. when i was dumb and included every single point and ended up having briefly explained points! ahaha sarah that pro got 18. hmmm i might have gotten 18 too xD lol at least i hope this erases my physics blackmark...
oh and yesterday's x country was... amazing? lol i actually ran 3 quarters of it, i think. or at least tried to run. at first wanted to walk half of it with tze and sarah. but then somehow i decided to run and erm.. pangsehed them xD hehe feel accomplished that i actually felt like running. je got 8th! and tessa got 19th! hahaha pro pro. oh and jia got 15th! lol congrats =P hahaha then after x country went coro with jia, eggy and wn. haha and played sqash with eggy at her house.
ohoh tmr no third lang! mwahahaha!! lol have to take this test then from there they decide whether their test is too hard or not, and not graded for us! hahaha they're deciding the standard of the oral based on our standard! ZOMG then the test will become damn easy lor.
Posted by
9:33 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
saw on shantelle's blog
01. What food did you just ate(EAT!)?
ehhh instant noodles
02. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
when i sleep
03. What happened at 10.00am today?
was still sleeping
04. When did you last cry?
when i got back physics...
05. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
bread lah
06. What do you want in your life right now?
to do nothing at all and not having to bother bout grades which is.. impossible
07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
umbrella if i rmb to bring
08. What’s your favourite thing to have on your bed?
err everything on my bed?
09. What bottom are you wearing now?
liverpool shorts! =D
10. What’s the nicest text in your inbox say?
cuz its the nicest, its a secret. haha but its frm jia
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
doesnt matter
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
not borrowed. given.
13. What was the last movie you caught?
i rarely or should i say nv go to the movies. made of honor. and the only reason why i got to watch that was cuz i went tiong bahru plaza with tzy they all which was ages ago
14. What are you proud of?
lots of stuff like playing soccer, being part of gep and J ppl! plus 213 and apcg and tmsa and lots of other stuff
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
thats... another secret.
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
the sch song during assembly -.-
17. What does your last received text message say?
haha this one got no secret stuff " Hey bee what are we supposed to wear for cross country tomorrow?" - sarah
18. What time did you go to bed last night? 11.30 and that is damn early i tell u!
19. Are you currently happy?
what a dumb question
20. Who gives you best advice?
21. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
dun even buy whipped cream
22. Who did you talk on phone last night?
no one
23. Is anything bugging you right now?
another great question
24. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
25. Do you wear toe socks?
26. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
tiny's house
27. Have you ever had your heart broken?
im starting to hate this quiz
28. What annoys you most in a person?
mentioned 2 posts ago
29. Do you have a crush on anyone?
what do u think
30. Have you ever done cocaine?
duh no -.-
31. What is your religion?
free thinker
32. What is the colour of your room?
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
if i do that i'll start to hate myself
34. Do you believe in the saying ‘talk is cheap’?
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
should be sim hwee since she's always doing that xD
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
38. Do you have a life?
do i?
39. Have you ever thought that someone died, when they really didn’t?
how is that even possible?
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
dun even have one
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
i didnt see a person. i saw my physics paper that i had gotten horrible results and that was one day before i got it back...
42. Last time you smiled?
dun rmb
43. Have you changed this year?
think so
44. What are you listening right now?
tian shi
45. Are you talking to someone when you are doing this?
eggy on msn
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
how do ppl walk?
47. Is there a quote you live by?
no way
48. Do you want someone you can’t have?
doesnt matter
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
50. What was the worst idea you’ve had in the week?
not doing anything bout my results at all and juz slack off
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
somehow i was learning chi cheng yu believe it or not.
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
dumb question
53. What song best describe your love life?
another one
54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
and yet another one
55. Who always make you laugh?
Most of the people i know.
56. Do you speak other language other than English?
Chinese, singlish and bit of malay and hokkien.
57. Favourite website?
58. What your middle name?
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
x country and what after that, i dunno
60. What do you think you are like?
tell me what im like
61. Who will you choose to die with?
62. Where have you been today?
home, downstairs and home
63. What game do you play often?
is sport considered?
64. Who are you missing right now?
somehow lots of j ppl
65. If you’ve to choose between friends n love, who will you choose?
66. What are you doing right now?
why does every quiz like to ask this question?
67. Which primary school are you from?
pei hwa and henry park! =D
68. Name 3 colours that you like?
blue, green and black
69. What emotion you like to show?
no emotion at all
70. What is your life to you?
i dunno
71. Who did you last chat in msn today?
talking to eggy now
73. Who do you admire most?
seriously, tk and bennett
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
76. What is the time now?
5.47 pm
77. Where are you now?
living room
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
i dun need to dye hair
79. Why are you doing this test?
cuz im trying to make myself feel better
80. What do you do when you’re moody?
81. At which age you wish to get married?
none of yr business
82. Who is more important to you?
friends and family
83. Do you think you have enough confidence?
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
not telling
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
err yeah
86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
to let my remaining results be great
87. What is your goal for this year?
get into what i want and improve fitness plus flexness plus do taolu nicely
88. Do you believe in eternal love?
89. What feeling do you love most?
90. Do you really think it's Global Warming now?
91. What feeling you hate the most?
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
pretty much
93. Do you believe in god?
94. Who cares for you most?
i dun know
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
i dunno
96. What will you bring when you fight?
nothing, bare hands
97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
actually i dun think there's many. like choosing to join gep, choosing to go henry park, deciding to come ny and joining wushu were pretty major and yet good decisions
98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
it cant be
99. If you have a choice, do you want to turn back time?
i wanna turn back to p5 and let it replay over and over again, not going on to sec 3
100. How long did you take to bathe?
what kind of question is this -.- err 15 mins? i know some ppl take damn long to bathe and still bathe a few times per day
okay done. 100 questions. that was fast, considering it looked damn long. and yeah it did take my mind off stuff even though it was quite a dumb quiz. and yeah i should be doing debate stuff but im currently damn freaking stuck... okay feeling way better now. and apparently 213 is gonna stay as a class even next year, for the common subjects. hmmm wonder if its true
Posted by
4:20 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
let it go? but it'll still bug me
rarh feeling way better after that... ranting? but i still havent said it. got no courage but yeah the point is i dun dare to. not at all.
no idea what to choose for subject combo, but seriously i dun have much of a choice, do i? after my freaking hell screwed physics paper, i dun dare to think of taking triple science at all. like last time i thought only my bio was crappy and would kill me. right now, im starting to think that yes physics is gonna kill me more than bio. or at least for now, when we havent taken bio blocks.
but then again 2 sci and 1 humans is like bu san bu si and juz seems like incomplete? but its way safer for my grades. maybe the only thing im certain? or maybe juz know what i want is for chinese. bsp! yup should be so. even though it seems damn tough and stuff. surely wont take clep cuz it seems boring and clc maybe. juz maybe. seems as though quite a few ppl in sec 2 wushu wanna take bsp. yiting and susi too. actually even if i want bsp wont surely get in.. else i'll take clc.
but if i dun take bsp and i take 2 sci plus 1 humans, seems too useless compared to what everyone else is taking. everyone like wanna take triple science. maybe a few hp. i wanted to take triple science, but thats entirely dependent on my bio blocks results, cuz if i know i cant make it then no point taking. lol cuz compared to all the ppl in class my results are damn shitty.
i want my results back and decent. so that it makes up for my total loss in marks... even though it wasnt as bad as last yr when my math eoy was so damn screwed. but its even more heartbreaking cuz... actually i dun think anyone knows. or at least i dun recall telling anyone. hope this blows over, not blow after blow. and hey thanks a lot, cuz i somehow always feel comforted by what u say although i dunno if u know if im talking bout u
Posted by
12:14 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
how could
and i thought that i had seen the worse of it all
and i thought that that was the end of it
i thought it would never happen again
i never expected all this, not at all
i was trying to see it part by part
turned out there was no need to at all
i cant believe myself
or rather i cant believe the truth
that it actually happened
how am i supposed to tell them
what am i supposed to say
how on earth do i answer them
when i dun even know the answer
i dun dare to say it
like how could i even get that
maybe it wouldnt be so bad
if some people knew their limits
knew the word sensitive
and knew the word contented
since you're supposed to be so smart
how come u dun seem to know these 2 words
such simple words
that knowing them make others feel better
when u start complaining
look at the ppl around you
look at yr surroundings
think about how they feel
everyone is selfish
everybody is inconsiderate
but there is a limit
to how selfish you can be
and how inconsiderate you should be
stop acting
i cant stand it anymore
esp not after today
if u go too far i'll juz rebutt u
cant care for much anymore
have no idea what to do
so pls go learn these two words
and stop tormenting others
yeah thats all i have to say. whether or not it helps me somehow. or helps u to understand, i cant do anything about it.
Posted by
6:21 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
lol dunno why i feel like posting in green! but yes im supposed to be in block test mode and not APCG depression mode! and the whole point is i feel damn relaxed now xD haha never felt so calm before test lor. like i never really studied anything and all i think bout is APCG
anyway, i wanna do dedication post too! want to post pics but like dun have enough time, so juz try finish dedication first...
jia han! : thanks! for being.... mars xD your lame jokes!!! and all those juz weirdish but damn funny jokes =D even though it's lame but like still it makes stuff juz more fun. and yeah i saw yr sorta serious side too? well... wasnt exactly expecting it, so sorry cuz i juz kena shocked then said some stuff that was i dunno... incoherent? or not what i wanted to say. but still thanks for that! i seriously learnt a lot from it. and thanks for the card too! hahaha event though u guys were supposed to give it xD and what u wrote on the front was damn amusing! =D
group 4! : hmmm you guys are really quiet lah! but hey like really thanks to some of u! like samantha for being cute, so nice to talk to and knowing stuff bout soccer! as well as not straying from the group xD nathanael for always being so cute! the one to finish all yr food and yup talking to me bout soccer stuff =P katherine for being so strong, like you were sick and all, stung by a bee and yet didnt complain. really, you're amazing esp for someone yr age =D delia for being so chirpy, even though sometimes bit irritatin =X lin yen for being so responsible and like pulling strayers back! and also for talking bout interesting stuff =D se hwan for being so crazily on task and efficient during creative problem solving, even though at other times yr craziness was..... and u kept straying! aljughaiman for straying all the time and giving me the chance to go find him again! but considering how he almost totally coulnt speak english, it wasnt that bad
ny student leaders! : hey you guys were great! thanks a lot! to sarah for being there and helping me with stuff xD teaching me more than half of si duan dao! =D and for dropping me at the bus stop of course! lynn for screaming "VENUS!!!! THERE"S A COCKROACH IN ME ROOM!!" in such a gay voice xD and being a nice floor mate and a nice person to talk to on the bus. carissa for being so amusing and crapping about stuff with me! celine for laughing at all sorts or weird stuff xP sim hwee for giving us chocs at the end of it all =P alicia for being on the same floor! and thanks to the 203 ppl for juz letting us know u better =D
hci student leaders! : even though juz got to know u guys like a week ago, but yup thanks a lot for making APCG so fun! shun xiang for crapping so much about random stuff and wushu! lol for being so crazy and training in the rosyth hall, and thanks for the card too! didnt expect it! xD song sim for being called ping pong cuz that's a really catchy name haha and thats cuz of lynn. yup and for being so amusing! kenneth for erm niao-ing me? about practically everything under the sun... some parts were amusing though. yu see for speaking chinese in a weirdish way xD dun really know the rest! but nvm... haha still thanks for the choc that you guys gave us! =P
teachers! : haha thanks for the stuff! like pizza on the last night! =D hahaha! thanks mummy shu ying! for being so nice when needed and stern when needed! and for qing-ing me and carissa to coffee bean, being part of our conversations =P mr tan for haha going to foot the bill for our bbq when we meet up nad for being funny at times. ms sara for giving us that small card each and a lollipop! hehe!
haha yay all done! ahhh still feel sad. nvm post the pics next time! and the saddest thing is that we never did really take a group photo! cuz everytime there would be like a few ppl missing here and there!! man next time we meet up must take lor!!! and yes we must meet up soon! like really really soon! haha should be going to sleep now right considering there's blocks tmr.
Posted by
12:12 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
MAN IT WAS DAMN NICE!!!! =P not really much time to post now, but still juz wanna say something.
THANKS to all the sls, ppl who were in grp 4 and tchs!
post more bout it later!! whoa saddening that it ended so fast! xD
Posted by
12:19 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Going APCG tmr morning! hahaha only back on like fri. missing a whole week of sch leh! which means wushu and lunch bball as well!! hahaha wonder what they're gonna do with their liu ren shi jie with lls! so fun right? xD
hope blocks wont be screwed cuz of APCG. at least started on geog already! and studied even more on geog with tiny at kap yesterday. hahaha we both productive leh! lol wont play bball for a week! i think its really a weird timing cuz like there's fps singapore right after APCG on sat. oh shit.... where is it ah? oh yeah RGS! hahaha xD and lynn says we have to register at 7... thats so damn early! neway for apcg my partner is jia han. haha i think i rmb who he is.
lol im anticipating APCG! sounds quite nice... cept for what we have to wear on opening and closing ceremonies! =.= dumb dumb. lol and yesterday bought that kit kat from jia! haha no wonder i feel broke. eh wait the opening ceremony is held in ri! that mean we have to walk around looking like ...... GRAH! kay thats bout all. and my blog will probably die when i come back.
Posted by
11:37 AM
audrey tagged me to do this
1)Do you have a wide group of friends ? not really
2)If you're in trouble , will your friends 'fly' to help you ? that question shouldnt be for me
3)Will you sacrifice your most precious thing for your friends ? depends on what and who
4)Do you believe in BFF ? no
5)Do you think a straight man and a woman can just be platonic friends ?why not?
6)Do you have a male friend whom you can trust with almost everything ?well, i dunno
7)Do you think friends should tell each other everything ? of course not everything lah
8)If your friends are in trouble , what will you do ? help lor
9)In future , if your friends get married and ask you to be their bridesmaid, will you agree ? haha why not!
10)What if your enemy calls you one day to make peace? lol which enemy
11)What will you do to a friend whom you trust deeply, betrayed you? was what you did considered so? i dunno. but yeah disappointed me lots
12)If your friend snatches your bf away , will you hate him or her completely ? not much point in hating them
13)What if there is a guy who has liked your friend for quite some time, tells you that he needs your help to win the heart of your friend, will you help him? haha duh
14)Do your parents think your friends are a bad influence ? haha nope. actually they only know like how many of my firends =.=
15)What will you tell your parents if they asked you to transfer school, which means losing all your closest friends? not that i never did transfer sch, cept that my parents never intiated it. most likely not?
16)If your friend organizes a once in a life time party, but your family doesn’t allow you to go , will you sulk/throw a temper/sneak out/don’t go? throw a temper
17)How will you describe your friendship relationship with your friends?obviously dependent on who. close to some of them. and like audrey said, the rest are juz friends
18)Define friendship . i cant define it. juz based on what you feel and trust
19)Name 20 people whom you can think right now . don’t read the questions until you named the 20 people . at the end , choose 5 people to do this. (eh did it that time right... so i shall juz be cheapskate, copy and paste. even though some stuff has changed)
01. wh
02. sarah
03. jean
04. jia
05. ttk
06. tzy
07. eggy
08. yi ting
09. kyx
10. liting
11. ching yee
12. tze hui
13. audrey
14. tiny
15. wn
16. shi ting
17. sim hwee
18. bao xian
19. shantelle
20. keegan0
1.How did you meet #14?[tiny] cuz of bball! hahahah.... and jia and eggy and wn too =D
02. What would you do if you didnt meet #1?[wh] whoa... if i didnt meet her, then i might juz have been damn antisocial in hpps! cuz like the only other girl would be sw... man wh had quite a big influence
03. What if #9 and #20 dated?[kyx and keegan] lol my list got so few guys then happen to be 2 of them in this question
04. Describe #3.[jean] she's erm... nice to talk to! haha and suicidal X) lol tan de lai and has lots of cuo zi like me!
05. Is #8 attractive?[yiting] hmmm...
06. Describe #7.[eggy] childish! lol erm what, innocent? and haha i dunno what to say leh X)
07. Know of any of #12's family members?[tze hui] she has 2 older brothers and parents lor..
08. What will you do if #18 confesses that he/she likes you?[baoxian] point is, she wont
09. What language does #15 speak?[wn] english, chinese and i think she knows hokkien
10. Who is #9 going out with?[kyx] hahahhaha what a question man! lol WHO ELSE.... but ...... mwahahaha
11. How old is #16?[shi ting] haha 13 but must grow! XD
12. When is the last time you spoke to #13?[audrey] erm... on msn i think... or was it on the last day of sch
13. Who is #2's favourite band/singer?[sarah] i dun think she has one
14. You ever date #4?[jia] hahahaha... what do you think?
15. Would you ever date #1?[wh] like real
16. Is #19 single?[shantelle] yeah... lol niece-in-law17. What's #10 last name?[liting] liting lor
18. Would you ever be in a relationship with #11?[ching yee] friends lor, wushu mates, both doing jian! and xin jingsaijian some more
19. School of #3?[jean] Haha same school as me
20. Where does #6 live?[tzy] anchorage. rich guy!!
21. Whats your favourite thing about #5?[ttk] he's so damn amusing!! like humourous and all.... and erm he's nice
1. jia
2. lynn
3. eggy
4. tiny
5. yi ting
Posted by
11:06 AM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
today sucked. totally. dun really rmb much bout start of the day. sci was err interesting? unlike usual. then math was juz so damn pissifying. she was being qian bian as usual and was making the day worse than ever after what she said to me in the morning.
lunch bball made me feel way better. me and jean were ranting on and on about her qian bianess. somehow she become crazily high and i was juz laughing at her all the while! hahahah xD neway the teaming was eggy, tiny, me and someone vs wn, jean, jac and mr lim. tiny was so zhun today lah! i wasnt very good lah but haha didnt really matter. then after that jia and suzie joined us and anning joined the others. and yup bball was crazy. or maybe it was juz me and jean xD
la was boring but felt damn relaxed. cct was nonsense as usual. had to stay back for chinese supp. lol was going down with sarah to buy drinks and we met jia and wn. we didnt even walk past the corridoor and were talking to them when lls came and got us back to class to do our li jie wen da. some questions totally dunno how to answer. actually almost whole class not sure =.= and so we were late for wushu
did like teng kong fei jiao then went to get qi xie. shang chang once only!and then start opp direction then i totally luan diao... neway ended and election results! lol ethel purposely tell me after blocks!! haha evil xia. make me anticipate so much. kay so the 4 sec 1 weapon cos are boon hui, yee win, wan qing and erm i forgot. haha yi ting is sec 2 weapon co. sec 3 secretary is janice, sec 2 one ching yee. sec 3 welfare angelina and sec 2 welfare sarah! hahaha then huai min is treasurer and im treasurer too!! =P and erm vice captain! liting and grace. captain is carol!! hahaha lol congrats ppl =D
well maybe you ruined the day. grah... like i might juz get into deep shit cuz of you.
Posted by
10:06 PM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
today was quite okay. had erm... what ah. bio for first period. man... boring like shit. seriously lah ms lye's lessons are damn boring. then after that had dance! yes dance and it was juz crazily dumb... like she made us do those uber weird and nan du dong zuo, then like it was juz crazy. the space seemed to get smaller and smaller. then there jean was VIDEOING! man! was gonna kill her, but at least she deleted it (all i hope) nvm jean next time u do you'll die more! xD
recess was supposed to meet lls and that sec 4 debator who didnt turn up. then lls told us to go off first after we waited for 5 mins and that she was gonna tell us bout it during chinese. in the end didnt -.- la had lit circle that was surprisingly okay! lol we had interesting discussions and mr leehad to come at the most boring part and the part where we seemed to have nothing to say =.= math was fast. somehow it seemed to juz pass so fast. and that ms chooi is giving so much work... damn
lunch played bball after going with je to give the stuff. jia, wn and me vs eggy, je, tiny and mr lim. lol i was quite horrid. like kept missing. only got like one shot in, at the end some more. passing was horrid. maybe intercepting was bit better. lol jia and wn were like the ones running round and stuff...
chinese did li jie wen da... grah time limit again. left one question that was chionged out rubishly but almost complete. aiya better than got blanks. in the end lls didnt tell us bout debate stuff, cept that its not on tues anymore. on thurs liao. after sch went round putting posters. then was eating lunch with sarah, jia and wn. hahaha jia and wn were asking INTERESTING questions...
wushu was doing lame stuff... cuz xue was focusing on janice, liting, angelina and huaimin. their comps in august or something. didnt even do taolu or jibengong! did LOTS of jumps. and then xue made us piggyback each other around the wu guan!!! i carried yiting for one round, then she carried me. after that carried ching yee for 2 rounds! lol then huifang suddenly very random "if jiayu can do it, so can you!" o.O i was like really ah. then she said she was joking -.- LOL! and sarah didnt carry anyone. ethel was like laughing at us at the side! But actually quite fun carrying ppl round. grace was being high. hahaha both graces actually! lol we were laughing like xiao on the swing talking bout dumb stuff. entertainment xia =D
Posted by
9:20 PM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
today was was better than yesterday. chi was the first period. gah... neway had like what la after that and it was slackish again for like the 843847832785392579823th time AGAIN. lit circle tmr though. pe was after that and we took height and weight! hahaha i tell u im so damn heavy lah.... then everyone else in class complaining bout either being short/heavy! -.- and we tuo like xiao so i think we had like 30 mins for pe! hahaha... chia made us run 6 rounds, then next week 8 rounds, etc. ran with tze and jing ting. like within a round we ran one third, walked two thirds.. damn lazy lah. of course when he wasnt looking. then we agreed last 2 rounds run. but the 2 of them dun want run, so i juz chiong lor! hahaha tze say i pang seh them.. did bit of softball, some super short thing then dismissed liao...
played bit of bball with je, sarah, eggy, tiny and tessa. lol but tiny and eggy in my team. then tiny totally like zombie lah. eggy was half zombie. then at the end tiny whacked my eye. whoa now cock eye liao... malay after that was amusing and slack. then fps stuff bout neurotech. grah... its not getting in my head and i dun want do research! man... fps singapore is so gonna die xD
played bball for 15 mins... hmmm was quite nice. then had geog and started falling asleep at the end. oh yeah jean didnt come today cuz she got fever. hahaha but now okay right? xD and je is sitting next to me now! jean and audrey are behind! hahaha then like lynn on my left. i seriously think i forgot to say something i wanted to.... lol forget it then. stm
ohhhh yes! yesterday we were voting for wushu! hahaha like pres and vice pres, etc. then like the sec one batch tong yi everything lor! i was voted... WELFARE! hmmm crazy right? emily say she also vote me.. lol but dunno results yet. ethel say after blocks then know! wth!!! purposely one lor! i bet they like ALREADY know and then dun want tell us. i wonder who the captain will be though...
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7:11 PM