hmmmm kay i'll kop some pics from baoxian first! since im lazy to transfer the pics XD pics are in bit random order..
baoxian and me on the way to malaysia... when erm some other bus accidentally banged the bus we were on, then had to wait for super long before they resolved it
the house we stayed at!
erm random ironing board
one of the many chickens! somehow baoxian only took a pic of one chicken.. but i tell u they're damn noisy okay! like they dont just crow at 6am or something. they keep doing it all the time, disturb ppl sleep
the tv =P hahaha i cant live without it X)
the old violin in the gallery thingy
the violin case from the gallery too
WATERFALL!!!!! ahhhh i love the waterfall!!! =D =D =D
yes its like really nice and big! hahaha we went to play in it lor! then everyone was splashing cikgu... the water is like so nice and cool and refreshing!! =P but damn cold, still very shiok! oh yeah bought ramly burger at a stall there... guess how much... RM 1.60!!! and tastes good
random road signs that baoxian has this obsession of taking
sunrise! on the last day
this is erm... the toilet at the place we always gather. lol the nicest looking toilet there, most decent one

BULLSHIT! yes... this is cow dung! its damn big i tell you and its like EVERYWHERE.. the cows and lambs shit like all over the place and they shit as they walk!!! hahaha very common sight

hmmmm when we were reaching the end of our 2 hour walk, we saw this bull. apparently cher yee this bull was gonna attack us of something. then we didnt believe her, so she said i show you! and like walked towards the bull. at first the bull retreated, but then started chionging forward! then like almost EVERYONE ran away.. left me, baoxian and the guys. lol then the bull stopped. but we needed to cross, so erm me and baoxian tried! hahaha the bull did the same thing lor!! but like i juz stood there staring at the bull when it started charging, then it stopped. wonder what would have happened if it didnt, cuz i didnt budge at all!!