had chinese first peroid, but ended up doing unsw for science. we're gonna miss chinese lessons for a long time. like we didnt have it on fri, yesterday dun have, today dun have, tmr dun have, thurs also dun have! hahaha.. one week chinese free.. so weird. haha science after that and mr guo got a haircut.
recess urgh. all that ms chooi's fault. dumbo. blah. wasted my time. math was sooo stupid. like the indices stuff was so duh. oh shi ting and tze hui never return my class discussion IN2. erm.. la after that was crappy. keep bringing us here and ther and whatsover. another great time waster.
lunch was uber funny! at first was tiny, jean, sarah and me vs ms chue, mr lim and that mr tang(lol is that how u spell his name) then of course we die lah! haha.. then after that a lot of ppl joined in. ended up bein jia, jean, eggy, tiny, sarah, jia en, carissa, tessa, jac and me vs mr guo, ms chue, mr lim, and mr tang. mr guo is damn amusing! hahaha.. and me and jia en were laughing like xiao over getting 'scolded'. LOL
drama was lame. freeze frame crap. and then chinese debate briefing! oh man. i dun wanna go leh! they make it sound so complex and whatsover. bleugh. and some more___________________________________________. hahaha lazy to type. reacherd trainign at like 4 something ucz of the briefing. started learning jingsai already!!! OMG why so fast lah. but i think jingsai is cool! haha liting was teaching me and yuxin. bleugh. she still you lian lai lor.... liting was being amusing and amused by my blurness and cuz i kept hitting myself accidentally. only learnt a bit leh. haha xin jingsaijian! ching yee also doing. yiting doing jiu jingsaijian. then grace and alyssa doing jiu jingsaidao. sarah doing xin jingsaidao! haha.. got ce shou fan and ce kong fan! jiayou ppl!
and you the idiot who stole my jacket and class tee. return it. i've not forgotten about it, yeah. so u better rmb that... you better.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Posted by
9:31 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Urgh... whos the idiot who took my wushu jacket then my class tee?! damn u. seriously. if u hate me so much then u should juz come up and confront me, stop being so bei bi xia liu and doing this kind of stuff. it juz goes to show that u have no guts. juz do it guang ming zheng da, set up some hate blog or something. dun go around taking my stuff. and im telling you now. better return before its too late.
are u thinking of taking this year's class tee as well? huh. idiot. like u should juz be direct and come up to me and tell me in my face that i suck and that you hate me. why not? oh wow like STEALING someone's stuff is such a good way of showing how lousy and sucky that person is. and it shows how much u hate the person. as if.
thanks people for trying to help me find the stuff. im sure i'll get it back. and that person WILL be found. im sure. so there.
there's not much point in posting anything. well nothing happened today. yeah. cept for csp that was dumb as usual.
Posted by
5:37 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
sheesh. damn shitty. u so damn suck. and tmr is prize presentation. in absolutely no mood to post bout today. i'll juz say that it was an average day. bball was dumb with all the overcrowding and stuff. super not fun. and wushu was slack cuz we played soccer with the ball i got for my bdae.
yeah thats all. it BETTER NOT rain tmr i tell u. so pissifying.
Posted by
7:45 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Everytime i hear some songs on the radio, i start thinking bout pri sch, or gep life in pri sch to be exact. i juz keep thinking bout like soccer and the lessons, the teachers. i seriously miss all the stuff. hahaha.. lets list the main ppl one by one.
wen hui: hahaha we're always eating icy-grape and walking round the pitch. we're always talking bout tons of stuff and analysing ppl! must play more actively!
tzy: lol u got lots of tricks up yr sleeve. and you're quite pro lah. juz that u keep whacking the ball over the fence and keep whacking the ball into ppl. yr dribbling's nice. and yr roles are damn flex. can be keeper and yet run to the other end of field to score
ttk: hahaha.. u damn amusing lah. and u dun appear to look pro but u are okay. like yr shots are quite good and stuff so dun say u aren't pro kay. and like u run damn fast.
clarence: obviously the pro-est lah. dribbles like super pro, shots damn power. and like you sort of lead the 'fights' or matches against the mainstream, seriously thanks a lot for that.
nol: quite a pro person too! like how great yr sports and studies are are juz amazing. and u run fast too haha work well with tzy and clarence.
bennett: hmmm... hahaha u dun really run a lot and stuff but like you're bit amusing. lol sometimes defend quite okayly.
kyx: you're damn small and skinny but u super fierce lah, like when fighting for the ball and stuff. hahaha and you're always asomewhere along the wings.
jenny: seriously, you dun exactly run for the ball and u complain too much, but u add amusement to the game. lol
errr did i miss anyone out? XD
i really miss soccer. like how many times do i actually get to play real soccer and stuff. only during those kind of days like cny celebration when sch releases us early and stuff. how many times is that! AND ny releases us so late, like alost one hour later than u guys and that dumb 156 takes so freakishly long to come. by the time i reach there, u guys would have been almost done playing. i really wanna enjoy the time on the pitch. seriously, i miss lots of stuff. tzy whacking the ball over the fence so many times, going against the mainstream, getting injured while fighting for the ball, kena hit for no good reason, juz playing the whole game, going up late for lessons, going late for hls' chinese supp, chionging up to the 7th floor.
and its not juz soccer that i miss. like i never thought i'd say this but i miss ms heng's RICE... oh man. mdm rosaidah's fierce looks, mrs chong's strictness, gao lao shi's niceness, hls lessons cuz they were damn amusing, ms lee who was super nice, tzy and clarence chasing joshua chee around, me making fun of joshua chee, tk's weirdish and sick jokes, wh's crazyness, bennett who never got angry, lexus' lameness and jenny's dumbness and childishness.
man.. it'll never be the same again.
Posted by
10:00 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Oh posting some pics now!!
hahahaha... this pic super luan. like everyone squishing together and then suddenly ching yee and sarah turn back. hahaha... if not would look super cool!!
this pic quite nice and our byfs are damn cool. hahahaha... =D and ching yee says i look pissed off in this pic and almost all the other pics that were taken at the same time. no lor!
mwahahahaha.. the nicest pic of all! it juz so nice! the jackets, the medals... =P oh there's still quite a few more. try to get from ching yee and sarah on mon or something
Posted by
10:39 PM
today's a friday! but a sadly boring friday... usually fridays are damn slack and nice. no that today wasn't slack, it was damn freaking boring. pccg was discussing that proposal thingy and home ec was the most boring lesson. sheesh... me and carissa were talking bout stupid stuff. and that dumb tch was damn irritating.
ran 10 rounds round the hall for pe. somehow i was damn tired. sheesh.. my stamina sucks. well it deproved lots since i came to ny. hopefully i can do napfa in like 13 or 14 mins. did volleyball and this underhand serve thingy. oh yeah we were playing halfway then we saw mr guo watching from up there. then we were like wth?! recess was talking but juniors and random stuff.
hmmm.. science we watched save the last dance. hahaha =D mr guo is so nice. then lunch was totally wasted lah! had some stupid dialogue session and the food was pathetic. not that the dialogue session was constructive at all lor. mainly complained bout csp and the dumbness of it all how we spent all our time shelving books. mrs lim was like "that was what i was worrying about. i dun want my gep girls going to library just to shelve books" wth! like the library doesnt want our help lor. all they need us to do is shelve. and she was expecting us to go there and be pro-active and do stuff other than shelving. when we told her that the sch didnt contact nlb so we took quite a while to start, she said that csp was meant for us to learn to be independent and organise things, contact organisations by ourselves. dumbo lah. still say what dun want us to juz go to some home for 3 hours and help out then thats it, want us to do something more meaningful that will benefit the public. as if shelving books is of any help lah... sheesh. so wasted the whole lunch there talking bout crap and didnt get to play bball.
chinese was doing lijie. somehow i was damn fast today compared to usual speed. finished it like 5 mins after bell rang. then went to get ball with tze and realised that eggy's sick. we shot until like 3 plus then tze went for choir and sarah went to class. then jia en came and shot with me. and then carissa came to get the ball cuz her senior told her to get or something. think its the same person who borrowed jiayu's ball that day. oh and saw jia in her gg uniform. hmm... somehow she looked quite cute and her hair looked long o.O
oh yeah yesterday bball at hci was awesome. hahahaha.. everyone was damn zhun and it was really fun. hahaha but too lazy to blog bout it. lol can read eggy's blog. and on mon missing almost whole of school! hahahaha.. cuz we're gonna support badminton team at toa payoh sports hall and we're leaving like at 7.40. and no one came to support the wushu team. or at least no one made it compulsory to go. oh wow. like these few day announcements all bout softball, bball, gym and other stuff. but wushu dun have. they better have prize presentation next fri. rmb last year they had it ONE MONTH after comps. hom nice lah. should be reaching school at like 12 to 1, so maybe can play bball. not sure. but i got e-learning so no third lang! hahaha so maybe can play after sch or something
Posted by
5:53 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
how could i not blog bout this yesterday?! WE GOT OUR LONG AWAITED WUSHU JACKETS!! hahahaha.. thanks liting and joanna =D hmmm samantha said that they go their jackets on jiti comps day last time also.. how interesting.
came to sch wearing wushu jacket and then at the bball court ppl looked so dead and stone. like caroline was juz sitting there and when i waved to her she juz continue staying there, eyes never move at all. then eggy was sleeping. jia and wn looked okay lah compared to the deadness of eggy and caroline. then after that tiny was patting my head then she was very stone also!! like all of them looked so dead. haha maybe cuz of 2.4
cme... oh shit juz realised i didnt collect the cme booklets. die liao. history watched part of pearl harbour and after that got damn bored. geog was way worse.... totally died. lol so me and jia en went to get coffee. then went popular with jean, sarah and tweety. then we saw simhwee and amanda there. sim hwee gave me and sarah tobleron cuz we got 3rd for jiti! so nice!! =D then amanda was like "venus is the toblerone queen!" hahahaha... oooh amanda's giving me and sarah ice cream =P hahaha super nice ppl =D
kept bumping into jia. then like we went to track to see eggy and tiny do 2.4 and saw her again! hahaha. they took so long to start lah. and jia was running with eggy. lol so nice. me and tze hui went up late then on the way i was saying go late nvm cuz mr lee walk very slow. then tze hui said later he bring us to some room then we dunno where they go. end up we went geog room! hahaha. watched like last 5 mins of hero. then me and joyan were being super productive! thought of soooo many stuff =D
hmmm chinese. lls seemed quite fed up with the amount of work not handed in. so she gave us the whole lesson to finish stuff. she's been quite nice lah. like i thought she would juz start scolding us. lunch! took damn long to decide teams. in the end was jia en, jean, wn, wn's friend and me vs jia, eggy, sarah and tiny. somehow i intercepted lots today. cept that couldnt really use right hand so was quite sad. and i hit the finger again but luckily didnt swell again. hahaha quite fun today
assembly was dumb. had the math and science interclass quiz. 202, 203 and 213! hahaha... first round we led 0, 0, 3. then second round 5, 5, 11
but then third round lost 16, 6, 13. erm actually could have won!! a lot of questions very ke xi. like the discount percentage question... wasted! the discount was 28% then the price was 72% but we said 72% when they wanted discount. then lose 2 marks. got another question also lose 2 marks. then the planet one if we answered would have gotten more than 202. there were few questions where they got the answer but didnt dare to answer, cuz scared kou fen. if not should have gotten it correct.
but throughout the whole quiz was damn pissed with the mainstream ppl. like wth is their problem lah. 202 answer correctly everyone clap. 213 answer correctly only our class and 212 clap. then 202 answer wrongly nothing happen. 213 answer wrongly ppl start laughing. ha ha ha. so funny lor. like wth lah all because why? because we're in gep. asshole. like its so damn obvious. laugh until so loud. then they were saying like our questions so easy then not fair and then whatsoever lah. like i knew it lah. me and jean were saying that the other classes surely bu fu one. all say our questions very easy and make it seem like the other class the question so much harder. they totally no sportsmanship lah. not the contestants, the audience. not like we jeer them or anything when they answer wrongly. sheesh. juz because we're in gep. all because we're in gep. nothing wrong with being in gep what. it doesnt make us much different from the mainstream what. not like we not learning the same stuff like that. idiots lah. totally sao xing.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
whoooo!!!! today was totally cool =D
1) 2nd in jiti quan - B div
2) 3rd in jiti dao - C div
3) 2nd overall - C div
yes! hahaha... kay shall start from leaving class. kept walking past wn when going to change, leaving class and stuff. me and sarah went up to wu guan and then grace, susi, yi ting, alyssa all started coming. then i was distributing socks and we were finding extra daos and stuff. then we realised that recess started!!! went down and found that the canteen was full. sheesh. so grace, sarah, susi and me went to buy nasi lemak. then ethel came along and told us to buy for her, kai qi and bih yee. hahaha somehow susi ordered 8. lol she shocked the autie when she ordered. chionged up to the bus.
reached toa payoh and then there were already ppl who were shi-ing di tan. went to practice for while. we wanted to shi di tan then went to sit cuz we thought needed to queue. then end up there were numbers. we were 69, 70, 71 then it was only 30 shi-ing. after like dunno when someone told me bear bear spilt my pants. so alyssa, susi and sarah were trying to mend it. then kai qi they all came and told us that now no number, must go queue. so we went there and the sec 4s wanted to shi di tan, but then got told that its by number again! wth! shitty organisation xia. so we waited and waited.. then this stupid guy came and told us no more time liao cannot shi chang di one by one, so a whole crowd of ppl went to shi. but it was totally useless. the di tan was so full then didnt get to do anything. how nice man.
lianed stuff then sec 4s went up. they got 7.98! whoo.. same as what i got for si duan jian =D hahaha... anyway not sure if they lost to chung cheng or dunman. but damn sad lah cuz the team that won got same as the seniors at first then zong cai pan added 0.2 for them!! eeee... haha forgot what happened after that so skip to when we shang chang. rarh... did quite well, juz that end of di er duan and start of di san duan. all cuz of thje new moves that were added in! ahh... then everyone got luaned about the cue...
oh nooo getting tired. post tmr =)
Posted by
10:29 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
urgh... how can u ppl do this lah. like its totally no sense of piority or urgency or whatsoever... you should know who you are okay like who this is directed as. like i reminded everyone about it. some replied okay and ended up coming at i dunno what time. only how many ppl were on time and whatsoever. some ppl got valid reason lah. and if you know that you're not good all the more you should be coming on thime. u wait and slack and act as if nothing has happened and nothin big is gonna happen. then u make it sound like everything is all so funny and that joking around is gonna make everything better.
pls lah. look at the effort ppl around u are putting in. how can u not feel anything, or not feel obliged to do anything. seriously you're becoming no dif from her. some of u dun even have the neccessary stuff and then now u tell me, ask me if there is any more. how would i know? here someone is desperetly trying to recover and there u are not putting in any effort into anything. if u know that u have stuff to learn or need to improve drastically, then try! like how much effort does it take to come.. even someone like me who comes late so often can come at 7.15.
so what does tmr mean to you? nothing much. juz something thats to be laughed about and done and over with. hello! u know what its called? i suppose u should know the meaning. and u should stop making excuses for yrself. juz do the stuff properly and put in effort. thats it. how hard is that... be consididerate okay. if you know u dun have the ability to learn fast enough then think and practice. seriously i dunno what i'll be thinking bout tmr. can u juz stop it already. like wth stop pissing ppl off and wasting others efforts. stop being such idiots.
Posted by
10:18 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
before i forget to say this even though it happened few days ago. LIVERPOOL BEAT ARSENAL 4-2!!! WOOHOOO! CONVINCING SCORELINE okay back to today that was like super slack. pccg then home ec and we made apple crumble. luckily i never bring mine down during recess. wn ate a whole lot from jean and jia en. was supposed to have pe but then cuz ms sabrina didnt come so we had free period! in short we had 1 hr 30 mins of recess =D played for 5 mins but i cant rmb the team, somehow. maybe cuz all i can think of now is my finger.
la was supposed to be doing poetry stuff bout sia. did some. then was lunch and it was wn, jia,caroline vs sarah, eggy, tweety, tiny and me. played for barely a while before something happened. sarah as usual was passing to me then jia was behind me. think we both jumped for the ball, then pah the ball whacked my finger. didnt think it was that serious. u know like those kind of hits after like 5 mins then not pain liao. but after a while it got swollen lke shit. then the whole knuckle became like double the size or something. sheesh..... D= went to get ice and ms knoo was going through that ws and cuz one third of the class wasnt there then she decided not to teach. jt was looking at my hand looking damn amused when i was sticking my hand into the bag of ice o.O
ahh.. im too lazy to continue. so i'll juz talk bout my finger. its got bandaged but im not sure if it can recover in time for jiti!!!! D= sheesh. i wanna kill myself. i knew that comps are 4 days away. then i went to play bball and wasnt freaking hell careful bout what i was doing or how i was whacking the ball. and now there's this super disgustingly swollen finger that might not let me go for jiti. DAMN!!! and then after training so much u might not get a shot a jiti the only thing u might win anything in. then u affect yr batchmates who have to adapt to the changes and all that freaking crap.... AHHHHHHHHHHH. RECOVER. NOW
Posted by
10:27 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Yesterday's comps rocked! =D super nice and pro!!! kay i think i short term memory liao dun rmb much. oh yeah i kept correcting sarah's qi shi! hahahah... and according to alyssa its the jian ppl who look a lot fiercer than the dao ppl and thats supposed to refer to me and yiting! hahaha.. fierce eh?
i'll jump to results now! susi got 7.73. congrats!! oh wan qing got 8.23 and got 3rd!! hahaha... then it was qiang. sarah got 7.96 or was it 7.91 XD anyway it was 10th. pro lah!! =P qian yi was damn pro again lah!!!! 8.45!! got first =D pro pro. i think hui fang got 3rd. oh and bear bear got fourth. YAY! hahaha... nice results! wonder how duilian did today. and jiayou for jiti!!! =D yep.
today came to sch late. okay i always come very late, but today came later than very late. hahha.. kay. anyway chinese was this ke wen thingy and i forgot to hand it sui bi!! shit.. drama was damn dumb lah. went up there stoned for like 15 mins then no one come so decided to go back to class. then suddenly dunno who called audrey say mr ng release us for early recess!! 30 mins leh!! xiao. so we all chionged down. tessa, jia en and carissa went down first then ended up coming back up cuz this dumbass mrs teo was scolding them about staying in class even if you are released for early recess. cuz we were all stoning on the stairs then she came walking towards us and we all chionged back to class. she was like asking questions and stuff but we juz all ignored her and went off! hahaha.. too bad for her.
played bball during recess. wanted go find eggy with tweety then we saw her. hahaha.. then talked for while on the stairs and eggy said jia an wn stook the balls and her lunch. then walked up wanting to find them and saw them! sooo weird. physics was weird cuz mr guo was asking us if we found physics boring and he was going slooooowlllyy. hahaha la was analysing his filial piety poem. as expected we spent 1 whole lesson on that! hahahah =D
lunch! bball was quite fun today. at first was me, jean and eggy vs jia, sarah and wn. cant really rmb who was winning leh. then mr lim came and became me, jia, sarah, wn vs jean, eggy, mr lim. ooh my knee has more colours now. hahaha.. was trying to catch jia's pass then ended up falling and hit my knee. its too colourful XD
math was dumb.. didnt finish lg 3 then asked ms chooi if can hand in tmr. then she gave me lots of crap still ask me stay back do finish. of course i heck care her lah! hahaha.. finished during lesson in 15 mins. damn easy leh.
stayed back to stone and see eggy's napfa. her standing broad jump damn freaky leh! she just fling her arms then can jump more than 200!! eeyur. went back with eggy and wn and talked bout lots of erm interesting stuff on the bus...
results so far!
c div: emily (nan quan) 1st
wan qing (nan quan) 3rd
qian yi (chang quan) 2nd
qian yi (si duan jian) 1st
wan qing (si duan gun) 3rd
qian yi (si duan qiang) 1st
qian yi and emily (dui lian) 2nd
b div: carol (nan quan) 4th
hui fang (jiu jing sai dao? not sure) 3rd
bear bear (jing sai dao) 4th
hope i didnt miss anyone out. jiayou for remaining dan xiang and jiti!!
Posted by
5:43 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
the only thing i rmb bout yesterday was comps! left class at like 11 plus then sarah realise that my jian sui broke! =( went back to class but couldnt find it!! eeee... so freaked out!! went up to wu guan then came down to audi to put stuff at ran up again! ahhh.. then i kop the jian sui from someone else's jian and told chai to help me tie again. had to reuse the tape cuz there wasnt any. talking bout that, who was the idiot who stole the masking tape! eeee... i juz put it there for while only! back to comps. chionged down when sarah came to find me.
when we were there me and grace took a super long time to find the toilet. its like soooo far away from the hall. was walking round and stoning after we shi chang di. then i ate hokkien mee. very cheap leh! 1 dollar only! hahaha.. and influenced ching yee to eat it too. went down to pratice and stuff. grace was super pro! 8.23!! you rock man! haha... stop saying that you're very lan. oooh and wan qing got 8.26! yay. then wen down practice again.
came up and there was still lots of time so we (sarah, ching yee, grace and me) went over to bear bear and wan qing where they were recording the scores. and i somehow decided to bring my jian along. if i didnt i would have died. cuz then i realised that one of my jian sui broke again! D= ahhhh... SO DAMN FREAKING SUAY!! i think that affected me quite a bit lah. then chionged over to the other side to ask qian yi for her spare jian. she had one, but it didnt have a jian sui then i was like OMG! qian yi, wan qing, ethel and kai qi were helping me find jian sui. thanks! =D then dunno who called xue then he came and went off to get a jian sui. he was walking soooo slowly! my gosh!! he came back and then we stuck the new jian sui on. totally scary lah.
and i pretty much screwed up my taolu man! it was seriously quite bad. like i dunno what happened to me. can u believe it?! i felt sleepy when i was doing and i dun think i even knew what i was doing!! then i seriously had no idea what i did in 3rd and 4th duan. i think my peformance worsened with each duan! sheesh. ahhh... and i cant believe i sat down right after i finished!! i was supposed to stand there and wait for the cai pan to give marks then jing li before leaving. ahhhh... for alll u know i lost marks cuz of that. WTH i totally screwed it. shi wu like xiao. think i went crazy. 7.98 is supposed to be a lot better than what most seniors got when they went for they're first comps. but thins time the judges were so much more lenient than last year! so many ppl got 8 and above. eeee. i think the best i did was like on sat training. die! but still congrats qian yi! u got first!!!! 8.51! =D yay! you're so pro!
oh and carol got forth in nanquan! =P and she injured her knee juz before comps. hahaha.. proness man! ethel got 5th. so sad... like one more position then get 4th! oh yah yiting, liting, alyssa and angelina came by themselves and appeared juz before i was competing. and liting was telling me not to have the 'garfield eyes' but i totally had that during almost my whole taolu lah! XD
went back and there was this super loooong jam. sheesh raining some more and we were taking this laopok bus. hahahah... and all the ppl so selfish lor take a seat for themselves esp ethel who took the whole back row! XD hahaha.. see me and sarah are nice ppl and we had so much stuff some more. lols. lots of funny things happened on the bus. we were talking bout stuff like lls and plenty of other weird stuff. then wu suddenly asked me " 我可以摸摸你的头发吗?" WTH! o.O sooo weird. then she started touching and commenting bout how nice and long my hair was. "你这头发释然的吗?" of course not lah! i know its nice and brown cuz of the chlorine in the pool. then she was like "很好看阿!" and then everyone was laughing like xiao. i was totally freaked out. she was saying that angelina's hair if u comment bout it nicely its very mature then angelina was like "我喜欢成熟." hahaha... wu was like if u put it in a not nice way then the hairstyle is old. angelina soo amusing replied "我知道。很多人都说我看起来好像长不大所以我的头发要很成熟." mwhahahha.. damn funny. and she was talking bout her hairstyle and some tchs! soooo damn funny. oh and lls taught ethel when she was in sec 1. haha.
reached home damn late. at like 8.30 then i ate and juz fell asleep. gosh, dun think i ever slept so early before. and tessa, shi ting tze hui SORRY! i didnt see yr sms cuz i was sooo dead tired. u know i actually did some stuff some days back but didnt send to u guys. sorry!
now on to today. my god this is gonna be a damn long post! pccg bored me to tears, and so did home ec. pe was fun and amusing! ran 5 rounds and somehow wasnt as tired as expected. played volleyball and we were juz laughing almost all the way... =D physics was quite fun today. mr guo was damn high! eeee.... we've had mr guo for quite long which means that tan boon hian should be coming back soon! yuck! but they shouldnt change tch halfway. we wont get used to it.
lunch went to get byf back and then met jiayu and was trying to force her to tie her hair! eeee... never tie! then she said she play 1 on 1 bball with me and if she won then dun need to tie. of course she win right!! not fair! i dun care u still have to tie!!! wont say the teams cuz it was quite complicated cuz ppl were leaving and entering. today was bit stone lah.
chinese was doing that ws thingy and lls thought sarah was me! and she said she only rmb my huang se de which is my byf. and i realised i didnt get my byf. was telling sarah that i might forget then she was saying i wouldnt cuz its so big and bright and yellow. but i did! hahahaa.. if i lost it janice sure kill me.
played bball after sch and i finished abc quite fast compared to my usual speed. and jean kept cheating. saw quite a few seniors in the canteen. oh yah. there's this patch of red on my knee now cuz i slided on the floor damn hard in the hall and i fell on the floor. its like red and shiny o.O sooo weird! and there's this long and thick line thats a blueblack on my palm. damn weird. bet u this is like the longest post i ever had.
ohh yeah so far
c div: emily (nan quan) 3rd
wan qing (nan quan) 3rd
qian yi (chang quan) 2nd
qian yi (si duan jian) 1st
b div: carol (nan quan) 4th
woohoo! haha.. not bad i guess. the jingsai havent shang yet. jiayou NYWS! =P
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5:46 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
today there were like 4 taiwan students who came to our class. ehh sheesh. i cant rmb the lessons we had. erm. ahhhh.. chinese! got back chinese paper! hahaha.. i got 78!! =D its like my best paper other than geog. thought i would do worse. then watched that movie.
chem after that! ms goh returning papers to us... sheesh. i like totally screwed up chem. lost 4 marks in the graphite diamond thing and 3 marks for nothing in ionic bonding! didnt even know diamond and graphite was tested and a lot of ppl didnt know either. so couldnt rmb a single thing bout it. think the charge was supposed to be + then i put -, drew one extra electron for potassium and some other stupid mistake. and and the litmus paper. how could i have gotten it wrong?! 2 marks! so in total, 4+3+2=9 lost 9 marks for nothing... sheesh. got 21. would have gotten 30!! how crappy. didnt expect to do so bad.
physics didnt really get anything done. recess! played badminton. then maths i think. ms chooi wanted give us quiz then decided not to. and she finally returned us our written task after like how many months! lol. then she was saying that someone's written task was very interesting. then she was like "you can look at venus' problem, its very interesting." wth. had la after that. erm it was like usual lah.
lunch was bball. then cuz during la we were pasting island creamery stickers all around so brought one down to stick on ppl. hahaha... stuck it on jiayu and she totally didnt realise! =D but then eggy went to ask her bout it! eeeee not fun. hahaha.. then jiayu stuck it on tiny after that. sarah, tiny, jia en, me vs jia, jean, eggy. sheesh. these like totally owned lah. everyone was like half stone. drama was quite funny cuz mr ng was teaching in chinese cuz of the taiwan ppl. and we saw a pic of this singaporean model who looks like yiting! totally okay. even sarah and amanda say so! we cant be wrong!
watched the movie for chinese supp. then went for training that ended so fast. shang changed only once then ended. at 5! but we wanted to practice jiti. spent damn long shooing ppl off di tan and stopping ppl from digressing. so we only left at 6 XD
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10:04 PM