Okay.. this is lame. Jean kept asking me why i never post. haha. so erm here it is, yeah. mass convos are super fun! haha. i also dunno what to talk bout XD
and 29th feb is a nive day to have a post. the number is nice and least. i think. this is a seriously dumb post -.-'''
oh yeah! thanks to the ppl who wished me happy birthday (in order) : audrey, sarah, shi ting, shantelle, jean, carissa, tzehui, lynn, jing ting, baoxian, eggy, tiny, caroline, wei ning, lls, shan, jiayu.
i think i missed out a lot of ppl XD oh yeah thanks for the presents! soccer ball from sarah, jean, tzehui, shi ting, lynn, jing ting!! sweets from baoxian. octopuss from my mortal!! and a nike bottle from weining, jiayu, tiny, eggy =D
thanks a lot!
haha.. kay thats bout all.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Posted by
11:45 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
this is crazy
that day my parents finally decided to sell the newspapers that were like taking up the place in the whole study room. it like u walk in cant even move a few steps. still called what study room =.= so i was like super relieved cuz can u imagine ppl come our house open the study room door and wow! what do u discover?
1)7 or 8 stacks of newspapers
2)20 over empty cartons
3)3 shelves of books no one reads
4)5 or 6 boxes full of stuff that were there since we moved into this house which was like in 2000
5)tons of bags
such a great collection. the newspapers were the best. guess how much the karang guni said it weighed...
not 100 kg...
not 200 kg...
not even 300 kg...
408 kg!!!! =O
mad right? super stupid! and we got like $60 to $70 from that..
i was always complaining to my mum about all the din deh newspapers and that we should sell them to the karang guni. keep saying that she not free, whatever crap. like hello?! how much time does it take to tell the karang guni to come collect yr newspapers?!! and when she finally got down to it, only gave my and my brothers $2 each for helping to carry newspapers... stupid xia...
and my birthday's on thursday =D haha
Posted by
5:25 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
This is RARE! I mean it!
OMG! what are u guys seeing? Me blogging twice in just a few days... haha =D i decided to blog cuz i was really happy with the empty mrt today! =P
Anyway, the sec 2s were really hardworking today okay... In the morning at about 8, we started practicing jitidao but i think it was really crappy. we're not coordinated, chan tous arent good, bu xing not accurate, etc. Okay that makes us sound like crap but some people can do chan tous a lot better than me. actually i can do lah just that when we have to do it fast, mine becomes totally distorted. Oh yeah, grace's hand still isnt okay. Actually my orr cae and yi ting's knee too. haha. bunch of injured ppl.
me and yiting we on messenger last night and i was saying how the ce shi for jian would look like. 1 DSA (qian yi, same name as me! =)), 3 injured ppl (Ching Yee, Yiting, Me) and 1 person who cant even rmb half of her tao lu (DUH!) so its like qian yi will surely do one, so its like one place for 4 ppl, actually 3 for that matter cuz if she gets selected, i'll so quit wushu. then our standard will be like super low and damn lousy.. =(
anyway, we had science and ms goh was talking bout acids and alkali. then she was writing out the steps to test for hydrogen gas and like she got totally confused and kept changing the numbering, confusing everyone else too! We were like huh! huh! huh! huh! okay thats dumb. then we had lang arts and we came up with all sorts of dumb addresses. and we had to do functional writing. better than doing compo actually.
then it was cme. xian. music was xian too! then during lunch, we went to practice jitidao again for bout 15 mins, and carol was so shocked to see us there. like we got so slack meh? haha actually maybe a bit lah but we're still hardworking okay XD then went for basketball. today was upper sec versus lower sec + mr lim. i think i played quite well today leh, like more active in the game i suppose. then jean said michelle said something bout me, like "She has potential because she can defend, but she needs to work on her attack." something like that. gotta ask jean for the more accurate one. haha got potential. hmmm. i wonder. but i have to admit that my shooting sucks. actually my defence also mei she mo. i also guard the person for a long time then the ball dun go to the person then i xian diao walk away, then the next second someone pass the ball to that person. or like i keep trying to guard the person but she just keeps running off. ><
chinese was mo xie which was still okay just that she didnt tell us the format she wanted and freaked us out for a while. luckily never minus marks for nothing. me and sarah wrote 再 instead of 在. stupid gu wen. that idiot who wrote it is praising himself in the gu wen =.= whats the point in memorising that?!
then went for malay. today was confusing. and test is next week! OMG! DIE. tell u the schedule.
week 6 wed: cny
week 7 mon: test
week 7 wed: lesson
week 8: e-learning
week 9: lesson
week 10: test
oh wow! so much time to prepare for tests -.-'''
anyway a few pics of the near impossible scenario on the train.
okay, this is a really long post. bye
Posted by
5:56 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
CSP finally started
yay. im posting again. okay so whats there to post bout? today i wanted to wake up at 8.30 but got woke up cuz my mum was scolding my bro for something. always happens in the morning and she goes on and on talking bout how we must go early for classes and stuff and not always be late. gotta admit that sometimes is my fault but like she always stays in the room for damn long doing dunno what while we get fed up outside and then she come out start scolding us =.= but xi guan liao so i developed strategies to sometimes make my bro the ti si gui XD
Okay enough bout that lah. Saturday leh! Must wake up so early. usually i just sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep. until 11.30 then wake up =P haha anyway, ate breakfast then lied on my bed and stone and stone... 9.35 i saw my clock i was like. still got time. 940 look at my clock should go liao but a bit late nvm. 950 shit! gonna be late! so i chionged out! alicia was there liao then we tried calling wen xian and she didnt on her phone. turns out she was sick. when we were there the library was open but not officially yet so they used an umbrella to latch the door o.O i shouhted through the slit that we were voluteers so she let us in. and so we went and talked to the librarian and we finally started csp. what an achievement!
we did straightening before the library opened. it was super xian. all u do is pull the books out and arrange them such that it looks nice and neat. then there was this weird announcement 10 minutes before the library opened. something bout getting ready to put on yr best smiles to serve the readers that will be coming in or something. then at 11 sharp a few ppl dashed in and i was like wow! did they wait outside juz for the library to open?! then we went in and the person said one of us either straightened the books in business section or help with stacking books being returned. luckily alicia did the straightening. there were 3 shelves! thanks alicia! haha. so i stacked the books being returned. and the books will all drop into this big container and the i had to bend down and pick the books and put it by the side where it will be arranged again. kept going up down up down. back ached a little. not surprising if librarians have backaches.
went to find alicia after i finished and got super thirsty so went to ntuc to buy mineral water. the queue was mad lah! super long!and its like i have this lame receipt for the mineral water that only cost 40 cents. we chionged up cuz we took very long then scared kana scolded by librarian. end up nothing happen. we were shelving books for the rest of the time and i find that the trolley for putting books hard to control.okay.that's all. im getting bored.
Posted by
11:53 PM