Hello people!
I just read jean's (see i so nice never call u a pair of trousers) posr which i found amusing =X Well ermm i think im not supposed to feel amused but like feel scared or something.
Anyway, chinese exam is tomorrow. Actually, we cant really study for chinese which makes the whole thing even worse! I think u all have already seen my sms which is a reminder for u guys to bring your dictonary. But just in case there are some people who do not check their phones or cannot hear smses coming in o_O im reminding u all again. I think like the only thing we can do to practice is to try writing compo and si han in 2 hours cuz like we never tried that before D=
So i think thats all. GOOD LUCK PEOPLE!! =) And jia you for EOYS!! =D Oh wait. Remember to check if your dictionary is approved cuz like i dun think u want to bring your dictionary there and then realise that you cannot use it right? =S Although i dun think the invigilator will be so free to go around checking what dictionary yours is, but just in case...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Posted by
4:01 PM
Friday, September 28, 2007
Okay people... I am gonna update liao after a long time XD Erm.. lets see. today was quite a slack day lah. Ms chooi used pccg for maths and she was going through the factorization worksheet. There was this question about combining 2 fractions into 1 which was so damn easy lah and the answer wasnt given so ms chooi worked it out and she actually missed out one of the terms! And then when she went around looking at our working, she was asking sarah why she had one extra term in the equation.. Please lor it was like so freaking easy! Then there was this other question that she was going through halfway and then she didnt know how to continue. So she was like staring at the question thinking of how to do it, but then i bet cuz she couldnt think of a solution she said something like "Okay, we do not need to go through this question because this will not be tested in your exam." Its so obvious that she didnt know how to solve it lah, then come up with some crap excuuse to 'xia tai'.
After math we went for pe but then ms chue told us that there wasnt pe so we went back to class. I wanted to have pe lah. And then ms chue told us that we had do revision in class so yah no choice lah. I was revising malay and like there was a lot of stuff in the textbook and note book, so i didnt really know what to revise. During recess, a whole bunch of us were sitting on the swing and we were teliing the ppl to stop pushing us cuz the swing would start shifting away from its position and stuff.
I think we had lang arts after that and we were marking our unseen prose, the marian and laura one. Geog was just spent stoning cuz i didnt bring my paper. Oh and the photograph a from question 1 b was taken like very near my house, could even see the carpark. Then i was playing with sarah's blu tack like eraser throughout the whole lesson. We played basket ball during lunch and i went to meet nicole, sophia and bao xian at the canteen to study for malay.
Thank you! To all the one thirteeners who wished me good luck =D which was almost the whole class. Haha.. maybe yr good luck worked. The test was easier than i thought it would be!!! First paper was the compo thingy and i did the picture compo. It was bout this guy waking up, getting ready for school, eating breakfast, going to school and then reaching school. Actually there wasnt much to write bout the picture. So i wrote a lot of crap lah. Then we had the listening compre. Cikgu said they would speak slowly but they were like speaking so fast and their voices were all muffled! There was this question where they said somehting bout 'jendela'. I had no idea what it was lah and we had to choose the correct picture. the first picture was a window, the third picture was a door and i cant remember what the second one is. What we learnt was that window = tingkap and door = pintu. So i chose the second pic. When the test was over, me nicole and baoxian were asking sophia what the jendela was then she was like "window" We were like "WINDOW?! I thought window meant tingkap!" Sheesh. That cikgu never even teach us lah.
The main paper was quite okay lah. i think it was the easiest of all the papars! And i thought that it would be the hardest. Gah. Never mind. Now that its over i feel so much better =P
Oh and before its too late...
Congrats on turning 13!
Posted by
10:31 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Today was just average. Maths was TOTALLY BORING! Like ms chooi just droned on and on and on and on about MS3. She like didnt even teach us how to do it lah. Just scribbled all the workings on the board and when reached question 7 or something, she was like: i do not know how to solve this question yet because we do not know the length of the different rolls of tape. Then Sim Hwee said that they could solve it by doing dunno what but ms chooi was like: But you are not finding blah blah blah. After a long long time, she finally xing wu and said: Oh yes. You can find the answer this way.
During science, we got BRP back. Sheesh. Dun wanna talked bout it. Damn pissed off. And after Mrs Tan went through the papers, she told us to do our physics. But when we told her got cheng yu ting xie, she was like ting xie more important, learn that first. AND SHE GAVE US TING XIE!!! It was damn funny cuz like she didnt know 1 or 2 words in each cheng yu and like i was reminded of her definition of gu zhang nan ming when she was testing us. Damn funny lah.
Oh and sarah said during luch that she would add clarisse if i added her to MSN. But when i said i would add her, she was like no no no! She refused to add clarisse at first. Then i told her i added her. She didnt believe it at first lah. But she already agreed so she had no choice. Then she ADDED CLARISSE!!
Haha.. thats bout all. And thanks jean for helping me with MS2, my careless mistakes XD
Posted by
10:00 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
today was quite boring. or maybe just slack. we had to do the summary for the atomic bomb passage while ms teng marked our work! And she said that she expected us to finish it in 20 minutes because it was quite easy. easy? i think thats one of the hardest passages we've had u know. i went for pe even though wasnt feeling totally well. we played captains ball and selected ppl for the teams to represent the class. actually for us, quite easy to choose lah, with so few ppl. But still be dragged... and dragged...and dragged...and dragged...and dragged...and dragged... THEN FINALLY tessa decided for us!
there wasnt bell during recess, so we all chionged up at like 10.20. But i think cuz no bell teachers also dunno must go and ms goh was later than us. I think these 2 chem lessons are somehow better than the previous ones, cuz i got like so much in from these two lessons compared to the start of the year. Surprisingly?! then i cant remember what lesson it was after that. dunno why lah. really cant remember
and during lunch, A LOT lo stuff happened. So damn funny lah, the convo. me, jean, amanda, sarah and tze hui were sitting together. when i bought my food and went back, they were trying to make tze hui say 我是一个蘑菇。And of course she gave in to peer pressure. they kept saying cheeeeena mushroom! XD i think it sounds quite nice. anyway, we were talking bout actors and tv shows.but all the time, tze hui was engrossed in her wu xia xiao shuo. i doubt she took in anything we said.
there was this actor that jean was trying to remember his name. this is the part of the convo i can rmb.
jean: you know he always wear the very office kind of clothes
all of us: huh
jean: you know like the 陈汉伟(dunno correct word or not) kind of actor
me: give some mre details! like what show he acted in
jean: he not acting in the 9 o clock show. also not acting in the 7 o clock show
amanda: jean! thats not of any use?!
jean: his hair a bit curly one
me: curly?
amanda: wavy right?
jean: yah. and he smile very cute one!
me: can you remember any part of his name?
jean: guo
me: 郭之玮?
jean, amanda, me *bursts out in laughter*
sarah(just came back from snack stall, blur blur): Huh. What?
jean, amanda, me *bursts out in laughter again*
me: oh i know! 郭亮!
jean, amanda, me *laugh like mad people*
sarah *blur, dunno whats going on*
jean: oh. i remember! its 曹国辉!
amanda, me:ohhhhh... *enlightened*
jean: now you think about it, fit my description right? curly hair
me: *nods*
jean: and i told you he smile very cute one! got dimples leh!
haha... excellent convo. amanda kept asking jean to go up to class with her and after that jean "酒后吐真眼" but i shall be nice and just quote part of it.
"I dont want go up! I want to stay here ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____! See i so nice. the blanks dun even match XD
Posted by
11:25 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Haha... Im gonna do that quiz.
1. (the person who tagged you is)sarah. Bet she didnt know i would update so soon
2. (your relationship with him/her is)friends =D
3. (5 impressions you have of him/her)
#1 Haha... You should know sarah! XD
#2 Writes compos well =)
#3 Forever in denial
#4 Shy, too obvious XP
#5 erm.. does evil stuff?
4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you) erm... i dunno leh. Sorry ah but really cant think. Heh. lending me your exam grade eraser??
5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you)Haha... "Your chinese is so pro lah venus"
6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will) NO WAY! You should know i hate these ridiculous questions.
7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be)i told you these are ridiculous questions
8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will) Give her loadz and loadz of .... turtles!! XP
9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be)Sarah has the answer right?
10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is)11. (your overall impression of him/her is)someone who is friendly if you get to know her!
12. (how do you think people around you will feel about you)How would i know? People are different u know.
13. (the characteristic you love about yourself is) Hmm... I love soccer?? No ides.
14. (on the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is) If you know me then u should know.
15. (the most ideal person you want to be is)ehh... actually no one.
16. (for people that care and like you, say something to them)well... thanks!! =D Sarah, Wen Hui, Sharmaine! Yeah!
17. (pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you)
1. Josephine (Haha... wonder why i put that, wh) =D
2. sarah? (Even though she did it. But dun need to do again lah :)
3. sharmaine =)
4. tze hui!! (Pitter Patter haha...)
5. grace (If she wants to blog..) :)
6. tessa =)
7. jean! (haha... kana tagged so many times liao) :)
8. Sim hweee =)
9. joyan =)
10. yi ting (You can do it u know where) =D
who is no.6 having a relationship with? [tessa]Heh. Maybe some duck!
is no.9 a male or female? [joyan]female of course!
if no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? [jean and yi ting]they dun know each other, but maybe soon
what is no.2 studying about? [sarah]err. what i study lor! This question is stupid
when was the last time you had a chat with no. 3? [sharmaine]hmm... our last convo was bout wh birthday party, bout 3 months ago?
what kind of music does no.8 like? [sim hwee]that i dunno.
does no.1 have any siblings?[josephine]two brothers, xian an, xian yang. And i know them.
will you woo no.3? [sharmaine]I already said these questions are ridiculous!
How about no.7? [jean]these questions are irritating!
is no. 4 single? [tze hui]yes of course, i mean she doesn't really know any guys right?
what's the surname of no.5? [grace]koh :)
what's the name of no.10? [yi ting]okay... another stupid question
what's the hobby of no.4? [tze hui]patting of course!
do no.5 and 9 get along well? [grace and joyan]they dun know each other.
Where is no.2 studying at? [sarah]Same sch as me! =D
say something casual about no.1 [josephine]... great horse rider and u luvvv horses =D =D
have you tried developing feelings for no.8? [sim hwee]i think i've had enough of these type of qustions.
where does 9 live? [joyan]cck, near me! =)
what colour does no.4 like? [tze hui]i dunnoo... red?
are no.5 and 1 best friends? [josephine and grace]they dun know each other
does no.7 like no.2? [jean and sarah]like in the sense of friends
did you get to know no.2? [sarah]of course! table mate, same class, same cca! What do u expect??
does no.1 have any pets? [josephine]jer cute dog! Opps! I forgot his name. Do horses count?
is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? [jean]does she even want to be?
Its like 11.28 pm and i still have 理解问答, half a LA compo, outline of 2 LA compos, MS1! Sooo DEAD!
Today, jean banged into me when i was attemting to wave to joanna and i dropped my dong gua cha packet. Then it slid and she kicked it away! Sarah helped me pick it up and i was like"JEAN WONG!!!" She didnt even know what was happening! I barely drank a few sips lah! Anyway, jean was nice and sponsored me one packet of dong gua cha =)
Posted by
10:38 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
I loved an ipod because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Okay, I'm really too lazy to post bout the bbq. When i can get myself to do it, maybe.
Anyway, some really random stuff. Juz for wuliao ppl like yours truly.
Pick the month you were born:
January —– I kicked
February —– I loved
March —– I smoked
April —– I dry humped
May —– I choked on
June —– I murdered
July —– I did the Macarena with
August —– I had lunch with
September —– I danced with
October —– I sang to
November —– I yelled at
December —– I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1 ——- a birdbath
2 ——- a monster
3 ——- a phone
4 ——- a fork
5 ——- a Mexican
6 ——- a gangster
7 ——- my cell phone
8 ——- my dog
9 ——- my best friend's boyfriend
10 —— my neighbour
11 ——- my science teacher
12 ——- a banana
13 ——- a fireman
14 ——- a stuffed animal
15 ——- a goat
16 ——- a pickle
17 ——- your mom
18 ——- a spoon
19 ——- myself
20 ——- a baseball bat
21 ——- a ninja
22 —– a model
23 ——- a noodle
24 ——- a squirrel
25 ——- a football player
26 ——- my sister
27 ——- my brother
28 ——- an ipod
29 —— a permanent marker
30 ——- a llama
31 ——- a homeless guy
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White —— because I'm cool like that.
Black ——- because that's how I roll.
Pink ——– because I'm NOT a homosexual
Red ——– because the voices told me to do so
Blue ——– because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green —– because I hate myself.
Purple —– because I'm cool.
Gray ——- because I was drunk.
Yellow —– because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars.
Orange —- because I hate my family.
Brown —– because I was high.
Other —— because I'm a ninja.
None ——- because I can't control myself.
Title says it all.
Posted by
12:49 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Yesterday was fun! I went back to hpps and then we decided to go somewhere. Haha... went to jelita and wen hui stole bum soo's atm card! So shiok! Then we chilng down and all of us stoned at the bus stop, not knowing where to go. Finally we decided to go to J8. And some stuff happened there, but im too lazy to talk bout it, so yah. Oh and i got some really INTERESTING photos. I think i might post them some day... XD
Oh yes, now for the progress report =S
ms khoo: Venus has shown improvement in her work this term. With continued [erseverence and effort, she should be able to do even better.
Heh. There's a typo. I think ms khoo's comments are quite true lah. I did mprove quite a bit, i guess.
mrs kwan: No comments??!
ms chooi: Venus is easily distracted in class. She can put in more care in doing her homework, and learn to present solution in a neat and logical manner.
Oh wow. Always give me such comments.Please lah. i never present neatly and logically meh? Sheesh. Im forever distracted right? Somehow, i got 4 for interest in subject!
mr shone: No comments again? I thought he gave jean comments! Never mind. He's really nice, gae me 4 for submitting work punctually! XP
hls: 好学勤问,积极进取。学习态度认真,语文基础不错,表达能力强。望扩大阅读面,丰富自己的课外知识,争取更大进步。
I seriously think she gave that for sarah as well! Her comments always seem to be the same for everyone! What's the point of giving comments then?
ms teng: Venus is generally well-engaged during class activities. She readily shares her ideas, mostly when prompted. To prepare for well for term 4's oral assessment, she must try to share her ideas on her own.
Generally well engaged? Haha... that's a first. And yah, confirm is mostly when prompted. Yes, i have to share ideas on my own. Or rather try, cuz the 'noisy' ones will snatch the chance from the 'quiet' ones.
Well, the progress report is a bit better than term 1, but still, i need to buck up A LOT. Definetely. And you people who have good results dun go around saying that your results are very poor and a whole lot of crap okay. Do you all know that you guys excel in at least one subject or at least are average for most of the subjects? Even if you are poor in one or two subjects, its still better than people who are poor in everything. And you go around saying that you will do very badly but in the end it either turns out that you do okay or extremely well. Learn how to take other people's feelings into consideration. Stop wallowing in self pity cuz there are others who deserve more pity than you.
Posted by
10:01 PM