Some random pics i found on the net. The canadian falls and some garden.
Dunno why i suddenly post so many pictures. And i have a lot more INTERESTING photos to show. Someday maybe... Haha.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Random Pics
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1:13 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007
Posting from class com now. And i suck at bubble trouble man! I still can't get past level 3. Maybe its cuz i rarely have the chance to play com games, so thats why i suck so much at com games.
Yesterday was so fun!!! =D We were playing soccer and captain's ball in the wu guan.We played in class at first but then we (I mean someone) were too destructive.*Cough Cough* Yi ting. Then we went wu guan to play. In case you don't know, we = sarah,yi ting, ching yee, alyssa, hui ran and me. We played 3 against 3 and it was so tiring. Me, sarah and ching yee won 2 - 0. Haha... I scored both goals, one with a silly hui ran lying in front of the the goal WATCHING the ball go in! Muhahahahaha...
Then we tried playing volleyball with a netball. But that failed terribly so... we played captain's ball. After some time, we go damn tired so we went to the canteen to eat and i stole sarah's coffee. Haha. When we went up, grace and susi finished their audition, so we played captain's ball again. It was funner cuz there were more people. That sarah quek is trying to throw my cushions at the fan AGAIN!!! And its NOT funny. Anyway, when some people left, me and sarah started passing the soccer ball and hui ran was there desperatly trying to get the ball into her paper bag. Sarah says: Done lah, done lah! aiyo. Done, done,done, done. So erm i think i'll end this post.
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2:53 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
There was cross country today and i did so badly lah. And janice you don't have to remind me you had mc. Not fair lor. Bet you weren't sick at all lah. Haha. The best part was the isotonic drinks lah. And jean wong very wang en fu yi. I let her drink my h two o after she finished the fun run. Then she gave me back the empty can! Jean....
213 was the champion class, so congrats seniors! =D Then there was this LUCKY draw. me and grace were saying that we never won any lucky draw prizes in our life. Then sarah said 'I don't mind going up if its the sec 1s. If it's the sec 2s, i don't mind either. BUT if its the sec 3s and 4s....' Haha... She should have continued. And then she said 'If they call index number 12, venus can go up and take for me. If they call index number 13, you will still go.' Guess what happened next... One thirteen.... index number...... 12! You should be happy that you were so lucky, not like its a bad thing... but from your point of view(abnormal) Hehe.
And i went back to henry park =D When i reached there, there was like no one. And then i went to the staff room, talked to hls and mr yip. I heard from hls that ks just left so called him. So heng lah. He just left the school then came back. Or else one person less for soccer. Then we waited like xiao lah and ks mistook some person for wh!! He shouted her name lah whathe hell. Ty came in his ncc uniform and ummm if i remember correctly, wh, tk, daniel, kenneth, noel, azura, joshua came too.Joshua Chee is still as retarded lah. When we were playing soccer halfway, bennett came in halfway and we were like bennett??! He shaved his hair and he looks so damn WEIRD o_O
Then ms lee asked us help her set up practical for the p5s. But i think they will fail their practical lah. We totally messed up all the stuff XP Then something happened... Whathe hell lah ANG TAN YANG! Did he have to do that? Wa lao eh. U embarassed like 4 people. And its not something that doesn't matter. THat was really so....... GAH. I better forget bout that man! Then i went to wh house and we talked a lot of crap there. Bout how people changed, how different life is and a lot of wu liao stuff.
I just saw the wushu blog. Bad news to all the sec ones: We are getting our wushu jackets NEXT YEAR!!!
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11:44 PM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Yeah! Finally get to post. And of all stuff to post about, it has to be about something that makes me so damn sad and angry. I seriously feel like killing someone (poor jean will feel like killing someone even more cuz of the hard work she put in) How can you delete our class blog? What right do you have man? Who do you think you are? He eh blog si le lao bei eh leh. Wa si le lao bei leh. An zor delete wa eh blog? Bo shuang si bo? Ga wa lang gong lah. Wa lao eh. Ke si lah! Delete our class blog shuang liao lor? It doesn't mean a thing to you but it means a lot to us okay.
Don't say i never tell you. Here right now, i demand that you tell us who you are and give us a valid explanation. No need to go and make up some story about 'accidentally' deleting the blog. If you did, you should have told us a LONG time ago. You are so gonna die.
Posted by
12:49 AM