Heh.I'm finally posting.Anyway, friday was totally crappy man. PCCG was by far one of the most disgusting. Ms Chooi asked us to ___. Sheesh. Like you should have seen that smile on her face. We were released like 10 minutes late from pccg then we went to take our height and weight. Muhahaha... I grew 4 cm. So i'm 158 now =D And sim hwee better not come tagging sayin' that she's so much taller than me hor. Jking lah. But you're seriously a lot taller than me leh. 171 cm!!!
During recess i became the biscuit woman lah. Like bought that orange biscuit thingy for sarah, shi ting, jean and myself. I think we are all addicted to it =D It was like so weird lah. The uncle gave me that weird look when i took 4 packets of it. Then ms teng didn't come for lang arts so we were chionging g=for geog when we were supposed to do our book jacket. And sarah i told u your design was nice. Geog test was umm... a bit hard for me that is. Cuz i studied the questions that came out but couldn't remember some of them. Nvm. Anyway, its over :) For art we were printing the design on our bag and the design was done by Eunice =D And those whose printing had white paint could iron the cloth and make it pop up.
We went to play silversphere with Shi ting =D We are addicted to that too! And shi ting is pro leh. I can't go past 22 leh. Anyway, shi ting and sim hwee went to rooftop hall for napfa retest. And like me and sarah went to find them after she finally got me on the class com. Then in the wu guan, we saw Mr Chia abusing the jian leh. I'm not quite sure who's it is but he ABUSED the jian. Then when we left, we saw alyssa and walked with her to the bus stop. Then something VERY VERY FUNNY happened. I saw Ethel and then waved to her. I was like "Eh, tat's ethel." Sarah turned around and was like"Where got? I dun see her." Then she turned back again and saw ethel so she waved and then.... Sarah banged into the dustbin! Luckily before the dustbin fell down, she caught it and put it where it was before. It was like so damn funny lah. Me and alyssa were laughing like mad. Then sarah started laughing too and said that it was very pain. And ethel i know you're reading this and i bet you have something to say. Sarah, you said you would post bout this but you never :( Haha... Anyway, since i posted it doesn't matter...
Yesterday, the sec threes were doing nan zhong quan in the quadrangle. Their bu zi were like.... But nvm lah cuz no one would do it properly if they were in that kind of situation. My sabbaticles are horrid lah. You know like almost everyone in short play were people who wanted to go to chinese folk art but couldn't get in! Gah. Still ask us to think of ideas for a play. I really dunno what ideas to come up with lah. And like he wants us to share it today.Gah. I can believe it but i'm so relieved and happy there's wushu today. My sabbaticles are boring me out...
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Posted by
6:05 AM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Haha... Just realised my previous post was my 13th post =D Since i came into ny, 13 has been such a significant number dun u think? Haha. Lucky thirteen :) Cuz i ain't unlucky.
Anyway, i read like 4 chapters of animal farm and the ws we were supposed to complete is on chapters 5-7 XD How dead am i man. And there is chinese test todayyyy! Nooooo..... We have to stay back during lunch to finish the wen hua part of the test. Gah. Bet you anything i will FALL ASLEEP during the paper.
The lessons yesterday were quite okay lah. We missed math!!! Cuz ms chooi swopped periods with mr shone. But there is home econs today. I hate home econs. Okay maybe not hate but like i dun see the point of that stupid bag. They make it compulsory to buy that bag and we must pay $6.50 for something i might never use in my whole life... Sheesh
I dunno when she told us but it was only yesterdy that i realised there's a malay test on wednesday!!! Gah. Everyones gonna flunk it except for pro people like sophia, bao xian, zhi yun etc. Haha... yesterday we did something illegal. Not illegal but like something we dun want anyone to know about until we all decide to do so... And sophia's mum sent me home yesterday. At first she wanted to drop me at phoenix LRT but then she suddenly u-turn and said "Where do you stay? I can drop you there." So nice right? Gebera was also on the car and grace (Not you the person who calls me mr softee) was angry cuz we pang suay her for the second time liao.
Sarah dun u find what yr cousin gave you really cute??? XD
Posted by
6:02 AM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
FPS is over! And surprisingly, i think we did quite well. Our underlying problem focused on only one problem and like we took only about 30 minutes or so to finish our problems as compared to the 1 hour we took during the practice!!! =D
We took a long time for the solutions but still, i feel so proud of our action plan. It was so detailed. Not rushed out in the last few minutes like last time where we wrote crap
The class was so big and so clean and had air con. Seriously, i doubt they use that classroom cuz like its not dirty at all! The seating arrangement was very nice so we thought about implementing that is our class. That would be so nice lah. Easier to talk and stuff. Haha.
I took the stupid test and like i'm 20% stupid so umm is that good or bad?
Just sent the e-learning homework to cikgu. Gah. I spet so long on it. Almost 3 hours!!! My malay must suck man. There were so many words that i didn't know how to write in malay and cikgu said she would help us buy dictionaries. Look what happenned in the end? Think i better go buy one myself or i'll waste tons of time trying to translate english to malay. I still dunno why i couldn't see the link on the website but aiya dun care liao lah since its over.
Thats all i think. Oh and i haven't read animal farm yet XP Haha. And sarah has to do the think.com assignment cuz its in her account. But i doubt she did it lah XD Maybe she did but its quite hard to do since she read the book how long ago and never did go to buy the book. Btw sarah, i told you right? There's no way you can deny it XD Hehe.
Posted by
9:46 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Muhahahaha!!!! I snatched the class com from sarah :)
The announcement today took like 37 minutes and it was so darn freaking boring. Maths was stupid. We were going through corrections and like i just realised i still haven't re-submitted that stupid angles worksheet XD
For chinese, we went to LT1 and did li jie wen da. Crap lah. Go such a nice air con room. I thought it was like some presentation similar to the han zi yan bian one but then... i killed my brain cells lah (NOT COPYRIGHTED) I came up with crap during up art and i totally didn't vandalize sarah's drawing block. Sarah is trying to type for me cuz she says i type too slow but not my prob right? I dun have as much exp as her which i am very proud of.
Sarah is trying to be irritating but is UNSUCCESSFUL :) In fact, i am irritating her by typing soooooooo slowly. And deborah said that her class wanted to walk past our class during pccg and go 'den den den den....' but their teacher didn't let them. So sad.
And tk how did u find my blog? Oh and i better relink you.
And i feel very honoured cuz vong shi ting says that my tagboard is the best to spam=D Haha... Shi ting has earned spamming privileges :)
Posted by
3:25 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Haha... ms chooi's wedding photos were urm... different, a lot different from how she looks. Its like so different so shocking. And today we had chinese, then maths test... I left like umm 4 or 5 blanks! Crap lah. I thought there was still 15 minutes left then in like a moment ms chooi was like times up. That was like whathe heck. I still got like how many questions left, so DEAD
During recess i ate twisties and i dun understand why jean and sarah were like so shocked 'twisties again?' I only ate one packet yesterday and that was my first packet in the whole term! Just the 2nd time i eat it must have such extreme reactions o_O
Lang Arts was okay. We were talking about revolutions and like i am not quite sure what a revolution is all about, but never mind cuz i can ask my bro =D Haha... the history expert so a word like revolution should be very familiar to him. Then during cme, we were talking about singapore and that we dun pick up litter. Then we started 'debating/arguing' with huang lao shi about whether adults or children litter more. Sort of lah actually digress a lot. Chinese speech training was fun. Haha... my cheng yu gu shi was jing gong zhi niao. And he talked a lot about shou zhu dai tu. we ate food in class =D I think some dried cherries that were raisin shaped or something.
And during training, DSA people came and xue was so fake lah. You should have seen the way he welcomed the people and stuff. The we do xuan feng li(is it called that?) like crap he say zuo de bu cuo. And he made us do cartwheels. The moment all of them left, he was like talking crap. Then keep calling jian people out lah. Last last week like that, last week like that, this week like that, next week will also be like that one lor.
Today we stayed back after wushu again and talked a lot of crap and umm went to criticise people's works. We were very SOFT, never talk loudly at all lor. And so qiao lah. Yi ting was from radin mas and so happen she knows kai seng, zhe yuan and lexus.
Posted by
9:38 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Oh Yah. History files are due tomorrow right? I mean today. And all those people who didn't hand in their cme malay assignment better hand it in by tomorrow or else...
And we are staying back today... Wonder how long we are gonna take. And where are we gonna keep the food? And its great that its e-learning week so i dun need to take like one and a half hours to reach home.
Posted by
1:24 AM
The last training session was totally horrible! That stupid idiot! I mean like what was his problem, expect us to be perfect or something? So stupid. At first don't let us learn ji ben gong, then now ask clarisse teach us ji ben gong. The way he said it was like 'CHONG XIN jiao ta men zhong yi de ji ben gong'. I'm not saying that learning ji ben gong is bad. In fact i find it very good, but the way he said it was like we already knew ji ben gong and that we were still so lousy. I mean like his attitude just stinks and its not as if he is good at jian lah. For all u know, his standard might be as lousy as ours.
Dun worry yi ting. U dun need to care about someone like him. Just know that u tried your best so its okay! :)
Enough about that idiot. I can't do my FPSP leh. I want this robot to be destroyed because of global warming but i dunno how to let it die!!! I am like so gonna fail that. Sarah said passing is 60% right? And i got like 20 something... over 50.
Everyone's life has like been taken over by FPS already! FPS, FPSP, Chinese FPS. Gah. Our practice time trial was like totally screwed. We took like an hour to finish the problems and rushed out the action plan within the last few minutes again! We must jia you! =D
Posted by
12:35 AM
Monday, July 9, 2007
So long never update liao. And shiting stop calling me benus! Open house was quite boring at the start but after that it was better lah. I reached at about 8.45 when it was raining damn heavily then ching yee and sarah were almost done with the poster liao. After a long time, we finally decided what to put in the bottom left hand corner. We were all stoning when the seniors gave us this container full of sweets to go around giving out will publicising. Some people were like totally not interested and some of them were like digging for sweets, then we were like taring at each other thinking how horrible these people were...
When we brought this girl up to the wu guan, ethel was like pointing to the umbrella and we were all like huh?! Ethel was like 'ching yee, take the umbrella!' Only then we were like oh... After that spent a lot of time publicising. Met yi ting's sister in the wu guan. She said clarisse and sandra were short and cute! Then had lunch and sarah had to go off cuz of electone lessons.
Dunno why after that a lot of people came and some parents were very ma fan. Not ask about wushu, ask about school stuff and talk about crap. I saw my pei hwa junior!!! =D Same house as me some more. Then there was this girl going for DSA called qian yi. Wu lao shi was like 'qian yi guo lai.' I was wondering how she knew my name until that girl responded and i was like she's also called qian yi???
If im not wrong, there are gonna be 5 people going through wushu by DSA. So how??? When jiao lian was crazy and stupid enough to pick 5 people for jian, the competition was very stiff liao. If these people come in, next year all the jian people in sec 1 will not be going for comps. We will so die lah!!! And like 3 of these people know jian!! Sure die one lah!!! Save me... Good luck all sec ones.
Posted by
12:53 AM
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Argh! Sorry I haven't been updating for so long. But there's like so much crappy homework ovver the 'long weekend'.
1) RR1
2) RR2
3) Class Discussion ws 13.1
4) Good ship tree compre
5) Good ship tree summary
6) Monty summary
7) Ting xie
8) Geog File
Gah! I only did like RR1 and im starting on RR2! Ahh! So dead! XD
I am like getting so pissed of now. That person. Who does she think she is man!
For the class outing, I dun think i can make it. But like how many ppl are actually going?
Sheesh... I just realised that geog files are due on wednesday(somewhere around there right?) ! I hope those who dunno are reading this or else they are dead...
Posted by
7:41 PM