Oh my god! I am so freaking happy! =D I can't believe my parents bought me a pair of sport shoes!! They actually bought me sport shoes! :) For like how long the only shoes I had were that black boots I wore to graduation and my school shoes. Haha.. I'm thinking of wearing it to wen hui's birthday party. Anyway since I couldn't wish u happy birthday on my blog, happy belated birthday party.
I have to rush out holiday homework the next few days!!! I haven't finished FPSP. Well, I started, but I dunno how to end it. There's the mats sia I have no idea when its due and our job is made a lot harder when charlotte does absolutely nothing at all. I really feel like not including her name in the report. But what can I do about it when ms chooi insists on not naming the person who didn't do this and that and wants me to write about 'having forgetful team mates who need to be reminded'. I think i should say 'I have a team mate who does not want to do anything and does not even do anything after being reminded'. Anyway I won't spoil my mood over such stuff anymore. Or at least I hope not.
So thats all for now. And the time this thing says i post is totally wrong man! I can only post late at night and way early in the morning as in 1 am plus unless a miracle happens and my parents decide to buy a pc that works with broadband.
Oh ya, almost forgot. I bought the sport shoes at Turf City. Guess it was a clearance sale or something, quite cheap leh $15.90. I guess that was why my parents got it.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Posted by
12:33 AM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
So long no post already. As I already said, I won't be updating often but I'll try my best!
I went to escape theme park on wednesday. Well, we live in bukit panjang and my dad couldn't fetch us that day so we had took 7 LRT stops and 26 MRT stops to reach there plus I think 2 bus stops. What a long distance man! I almost died on the trip. So sian. My brothers were fighting as usual and my mum was like scolding them all the way. Not exactly lah. She would be too tired. We went all the way there and just before we could buy our tickes, my mum said she lost her ez-link card! So we walked all the way back to the bus stop but we stil couldnt find it. And it had$20 in it! Thats like one week of my pocket money!
Actually, Im not very daring so i didn't sit on the viking and inverter. But i went to this yakult thing. Damn shuang lah! U just go round and round and its very cooling. Their haunted house is NOT SCARY AT ALL leh! Damn stupid lah! Should have someone jump out of somewhere or something. Dunno why my brother was like so scared.
Oh yah we went to the go kart and I wanted to drive myself but then they say must be past the age and height limit then can drive. I was past the height limit (1.47m) but then they say must 18 and above then can. Then some of the people who drive look like 13, 14 leh! Confirm below 18 . So all I could do was let my mum drive me. She was quite slow but then after that she sped up after much persuasion. When we were driving up the slope, got two go carts in front of us, one go cart couldnt go up bet he didn't step fully on the gas pedal. Then the workers had to push him up. And so we were there waiting, waiting, waiting. Then the other go cart in front of us also got stuck then we were waiting, waiting, waiting...
I wanted to go that water one. U know the one in a boat then u move around and go down some roller coaster thingy. I queued so long and was in the middle of the queue when suddenly the boat couldnt move. Then the people like dunno what to do just stone at the boat, and then finally they decided to call the technician check the boat. The two technicians check here check there also dunno whats wrong, and by then all of the boats came back and there was a boat jam? In the end, those clever people told us the ride is temporarily closed.
Then I went to the water boats and it was damn fun lah. It was wet but a lot more dry compared to wushu camp lah with all those buckets of water and the evil seniors who planned the water games. That was about all lah then we took the MRT to West mall, bukit batok there. On the train I was so tired lah slept for like 20 stops? Not sure. After dinner, we went to catch pirates of the carribean! Its damn nice lah. Right from the trailers, I was telling my bro ' Don't eat so much popcorn. Later before movie start half gone liao.' End up guess who ate the most? Me! :) Haha... Who ask them let me hold the popcorn?
Posted by
10:51 PM
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Hey! Who would think I would get my 2nd posts so soon? Anyway, it was damn troublesome linking ppl and setting up all the stuff. At this time only 2 people know about my blog so I guess I'll go advertise it later.
Argh! I just edited the maths SIA and its so irritating because there is someone that someone who refuses to do anything. Ms Chooi doesn't even want me and sarah to write that she did not contribute in our reflections. I don't see why man. I can write something like ' After this SIA I have learnt to choose my group members wisely and not work with irresponsible people who do NOT contribute' Actually, I don't even see why she deserves to be mentioned. She can just consider it her honour.
Today, Brandon had his silver swimming test at Tampines sports complex. No one thought he could pass coz his timing was so off during practice but oh well. he passed!!! So congratulations :) Then we had lunch in this restaurant peperoni pizzaria along greenwood ave near linden drive. The food was quite nice and there was paper spread all over the table. For what? Well, the kids can draw stuff on the paper and the like stick them on the walls. Despite my natural flair for drawing, I decided not to show off my work. My brothers drew a lot of stuff : army tanks, pirate ships, pizzarias, people, etc. The toilets were damn interesting. There were like jokes and papers all over the toilet, and I MEAN ALL OVER. I took a photo leh! Haha.. Weird right? Taking a photo of a toilet? o_O
Posted by
10:21 PM
Hello! I have abosolutely no idea why I created this blog but so be it. Here it is. Well, I dunno what to post about and well umm the time isn't quite right.
Right now, I'm trying to find a new blogskin but i can't do this kinda stuff. I tell u I am so not IT. I'm still wondering how to get a cbox.
Now I shall just like warn u guys or something. Well, I don't have a computer at home. Actually, I do have one but its as good as nothing cuz it can't even turn on for that matter. Some sucky Acer com. And even if it can start, the internet sucks or rather there is no internet connection man! There was a dial-up connection like how many million years ago but then it kept getting spoilt time and again and now its officially down. Anyway, dial up sucks so dun ever get it. I dun even understand why my parents got it in the first place. Well I'm using my mum's labtop some company thing so can't download this and that. But I wouldn't wanna save important stuff on the pc cuz my mum will get to see like all my stuff. so my pots might be like once in a month! Okay not that bad but just not often
Since this is my 1st post, I shall stop complaining. Going off get a blogskin!!!
See Ya!
Posted by
2:35 AM